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vrijdag 27 december 2019

#Worldwide #Information #Blogger #LucSchrijvers: #Update: #anarchist #news and #information all over the world - 26.12.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  Czech, AFED: Klimakemp 2019 [machine translation]

2.  End of 2019 update from the Kate Sharpley Library

 3.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - Open letter after
      disclosure of internal documents relating to a rape case (fr, it,
      pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  anarkismo.net: South America on fire by Melbourne Anarchist
      Communist Group (MACG) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  ait russia: BOYCOT OF CHILEAN GOODS! Against repression in
      Chile [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  Britain, AFED, organise magazine - White Fragility | Review

7.  Greece, Thessaloniki Libertarian Initiative: The repression
      of the state does not terrify us. Fighting them from below will
      win. [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Short winter days annoy you, then we have three summer memories for you to warm up. The first one is this year's Klimakemp. ---- At the
beginning of July, the third annual Klimakemp camp was held, which is a meeting place for climate justice fighters from the Czech Republic
and abroad, a place full of joint work, lectures, discussions, workshops, entertainment and direct action. ---- This time the camp was
situated on the outskirts of Veltrub in the Kolín region near the Chvaletice coal power plant. In addition to the general requirement for
the end of coal mining and combustion in the Czech Republic, Klimakemp also focused on the effort of the plant owner, billionaire Pavel
Tykac, to obtain an exemption from European pollution limits. However, the regional authority of the Pardubice Region granted an exception
from the Klimakemp region.

On Friday, July 5th, hundreds of camp participants gathered to launch a demonstration convened by Limity We and the local association Stop
the Chvaletice Power Station with the support of local residents and civic associations. At the power plant itself, at the end of the march,
the area in front of the main gate and one side entrance were occupied through affinity groups divided into so-called fingers. There were
speeches on climate protection and banners such as "Exceptions = state failure", "Coal or life!", "Capitalism is an ecocide" or "Capitalism
will not save the climate". The atmosphere of the whole event was illustrated by the drumming of the samba band.

Part of the demonstrators, at least 120 people, spent the night outside the gate, joined by an action finger that blocked the second
driveway. The same was repeated the following day. In addition, on Saturday several activists posted banners at the Regional Office in
Pardubice with the inscription "Office Against People, Mercury for Children - Profit Tykacov" or "Climate Justice". In addition, on the
night of Saturday to Sunday, various signs were projected onto the cooling towers of the plant, such as "End of coal now" "Under the power
station is the darkest", "#NOFILTER", "Enough coal", "Stop coal" substances that the plant emits into the air. On Sunday the blockade was
terminated after the symbolic spontaneous occupation of the side entrance and after the final speeches. Throughout the time the police
monitored the event, but in comparison with previous years, they avoided unauthorized perlications and violence.

But the fight for climate justice does not end with Klimakemp. Still, he showed his potential to connect people with a common interest
without having to worry about the causes, which undoubtedly include capitalism with its emphasis on profit. Moreover, the camp strictly
retains its anti-authoritarian form. Not surprisingly, it is a meeting also popular with anarchists.



Message: 2

Some thanks, links and requests (and sorry the Bulletin's not ready) ---- The latest Kate Sharpley Library bulletin is up on our website
---- View this email in your browser ---- Thank you from the Kate Sharpley Library ---- We'd like to thank you, our friends, subscribers,
readers and supporters of the Kate Sharpley Library for your support in 2019. Particular thanks have to go the comrade who sent us historic
copies of War Commentary and Freedom. We've put a handful of articles from these issues up for you to read: ---- Spain - Commemoration of
the 19th July[London, 1941] ---- ‘Although five years have passed since the outbreak of the Civil War in Spain, very few people, even now,
appreciate the issues which were at stake in the Spanish struggle.'  https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/s7h5w0
Books: The Russian Terror (Herbert Read reviews The Guillotine at Work)
‘There are heroes in all sections of the revolutionary struggle, but in Russia, as more recently in Spain, the martyrdom of our comrades is
an undying inspiration to all those who still work for a true socialism based on freedom, equality and brotherhood.'

The Internationale by Tom Brown[1942]
On the abuse of the working class anthem of revolt during the Second World War. https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/2rbq46

Death of a good comrade[Daniel Mullen]>From the First World War to the Spanish Revolution (via the fight for Irish independence)
We haven't managed to get a bulletin out before the new year. That's really because we have too much stuff rather than not enough. You can
get a sense of what that does to you in ‘Looking back at the back issues' https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/k98v2t
As always we have been thinking about books (not all of them new). Here are a handful of recent reviews from our website:
Half A Million Tramps (by Bill Gape) https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/stqmjv
Something should be done (by Peter Good) https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/4f4s1s
Our Masters Are Helpless: The Essays of George Barrett edited by Iain McKay https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/893395
Albert Meltzer and Stuart, thanks to Stuart Christie https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/6m91h3
Bill Gape card above, collection of the Kate Sharpley Library https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/stqmjv
Finally, two requests: In 2020 it will be 100 years since the birth of Albert Meltzer (British anarchist and major influence on the
construction of the Kate Sharpley Library). If any of you have letters/ postcards/ pictures from or about Albert we would love to hear from you.

Then, if the new year sees you dissatisfied with how many solid gold reindeer are cluttering your mantlepiece, there is a page on our
website for how to send donations to help the work of the KSL: https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/doc/donations

We wish you all the best for 2020
Kate Sharpley Library collective
Kate Sharpley Library on Facebook
Kate Sharpley Library Website
Copyright © 2019 Kate Sharpley Library, All rights reserved.
We're sending you this because you asked to receive updates from the Kate Sharpley Library

Our mailing address is:
Kate Sharpley Library
BM Hurricane
London, WC1N 3XX
United Kingdom


Message: 3

On November 25, an ex-CNT activist published on a Facebook group an extract from the file concerning the exclusion of Alternative Libertaire
from Fouad, then activist CNT and AL, for rape, in 2017. ---- This document contains concrete details on what the victim suffered should not
go beyond the framework of the CNT and LA because it was the wish of the comrade. ---- We strongly disapprove of such disclosure practices,
and cannot leave this publication unanswered. All the more so after the person, after being contacted by several UCL activists, refused to
remove these documents from Facebook. He was only removed because the person who disclosed had received numerous protests from other
comrades in recent weeks.
Disclosing this document was inconsistent, on the one hand because its editors, members of the non-mixed commission which had followed the
affair, are not anonymized there. On the other hand because this type of practice can call into question the confidence necessary for the
victims to express themselves and to combat gender-based and sexual violence within our struggles. We would like to reaffirm the choice of
UCL to always favor the voice of women in cases of patriarchal violence and to accompany them as much as possible.

Libertarian Communist Union, December 21, 2019



Message: 4

Finally, it is necessary to recognise there is no conflict between these two tasks. Indeed, the first is a precondition of the second.
Anarchists organised on the basis of Especifismo need to be propagandising ceaselessly, in Chile and wherever else is is practical, for
workers to form mass organs of workers' democracy and to turn away from Parliamentary roads that can only lead to defeat or from political
parties which seek power only for themselves, not the workers. Only the revolutionary abolition of capitalism can solve South America's
pressing crisis and only Anarchist Communism, Especifismo, can light the way to that revolution. ---- Across South America, the class
struggle is raging at an intensity that Australia has rarely seen. Both Right and Left are on the offensive in different countries and it is
the political centre which is falling away.

Bolivia has just experienced a military coup with clear participation of Fascists and with at least a degree of orchestration from within
the United States. The coup regime has issued an arrest warrant for former President Evo Morales, under the pretext of terrorism and
sedition, but transparently for the real reason of being Evo Morales. In Brazil, the Fascist Jair Bolsonaro was elected by technically
democratic means, but is engaged in murderous repression and is attacking the institutions of capitalist democracy from within. He is not
getting it all his own way, though, and there has been sporadic large scale struggle against him.

In Argentina, the Right has just been ejected from office by the Centre-Left, but inflation is high and mass struggles continue. In
Colombia, a recent general strike suffered widespread repression which has nevertheless failed to squash the movement. This should surprise
no-one, because ever since the peace deal disarming the guerillas of FARC, the oligarchy has been able to engage in murderous repression of
the social movement, unconstrained by prospects of reprisal.

The Right is also on the offensive in Venezuela and has been for some years. President Nicolas Maduro, successor to Hugo Chavez, is a
bumbling authoritarian who has no idea how to defeat the militant Right, which is financed and in large measure directed by the United
States. He narrows the Chavista base by counter-productive measures and an inability to dodge the crippling US sanctions. Opposition to him
from the Left is needed, but an opposition which is also aimed clearly against the Right. Meanwhile, in Ecuador, the ironically named Lenin
Moreno has switched sides, allied with the United States and largely adopted the policies of the Right. A massive campaign of strikes and
demonstrations in October caused him to abandon a set of drastic austerity measures.

It is Chile, however, which is ground zero and where the struggle has advanced the furthest. The working class and student movements in
Chile have waged immense struggles frequently in recent years, concentrating mainly on immediate issues but with an undercurrent of
rejection of the political system. This undercurrent burst out into the open when the entire country rose up on 7 October and following days
against an attempt by the Right wing government to increase public transport fares. No sooner had strikes and demonstrations begun than a
slogan emerged that took the struggle to a new level: "It's not the thirty pesos, it's the thirty years." Though the students have been the
most militant, the power of the working class has been the most effective. Support for Right wing President Sebastian Pinera has totally
collapsed and not even cutting a deal with the parties of the Left (including the so-called "Communist" Party) for a Constitutional
Convention has enabled him to re-stabilise things. Militant demonstrations continue.

What needs to be done to drive the struggle onwards? How can the Right be beaten? The answer is twofold. Firstly, Anarchists in South
America should organise themselves in federations of revolutionary Anarchist Communists - a tendency which there goes by the name of
Especifismo. This is, to an extent, happening. The Federation Anarchista Santiago is active in Chile and is strongly participating in the
struggle there. In addition, Especifismo groups in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have recently announced the re-launching of CALA, the Latin
American Anarchist Co-ordination. This is an immensely positive development, showing the way for Anarchists to participate in the struggles
on that continent in a positive way. The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group calls on Anarchists across South America to flock to their
banners or to form similar groups so that the effectiveness of Anarchist organisation can grow by the orders of magnitude the struggle

The other thing that needs to happen is the formation, in Chile and other countries where the struggle has reached the necessary level, of
mass organs of workers' democracy. The old reformist organisations of the working class are simply inadequate to the current crisis. New
bodies are needed, transcending bureaucratic divisions, uniting broader layers of workers and establishing direct democracy in place of
representation. These bodies will be based in the workplace, in order to establish the possibility of cutting off the power of capital at
its source and wielding the vast power of the economy according to the will of the workers themselves.

Finally, it is necessary to recognise there is no conflict between these two tasks. Indeed, the first is a precondition of the second.
Anarchists organised on the basis of Especifismo need to be propagandising ceaselessly, in Chile and wherever else is is practical, for
workers to form mass organs of workers' democracy and to turn away from Parliamentary roads that can only lead to defeat or from political
parties which seek power only for themselves, not the workers. Only the revolutionary abolition of capitalism can solve South America's
pressing crisis and only Anarchist Communism, Especifismo, can light the way to that revolution.


*Taken from "The Anvil", newsletter of Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG), Vol 8/No 6, November-December 2019.

Related Link: https://melbacg.wordpress.com/the-anvil/



Message: 5

Comrades! ---- Since October 18, 2019, protests have been launched in the Chilean region for a more equitable distribution of wealth.
Speeches began after rising fares for the subway (subway), but later spread, putting forward demands in a wide variety of areas, such as
social security and healthcare. More than two months have passed since the beginning of social protests, which are continuously and brutally
suppressed by the police, and sometimes by the military, taken to the streets during the declared state of emergency, when a number of
constitutional rights were suspended. ---- The result of repression was the death of 24 people; 241 people lost their eyes, two completely
blinded. Cases of sexual abuse have been reported. Thousands of people are injured and arrested. The police have made many allegations of
torture, but the authorities are investigating them superficially and without much success.

The strength of the ruling class of Chile is based on the export of copper, salmon, apples, wine, fresh grapes, avocados and other products.
Therefore, we are convinced that a blow to the pocket would be very important in order to stop the repression raging in this territory.

The interprofessional union calls on the nations of the world to boycott Chilean exports. Do not buy Chilean products .


- cessation of repression against social protest;

- The dissolution of the Carabinieri Police, the main culprit for human rights violations;

- The immediate trial of President Sebastian Pinera, as responsible for the crimes committed, and his resignation;

- the removal of all government officials and parliamentarians who have approved a violation of human rights.

We make this appeal after the various political parties in the Chilean region agree on a mechanism for drafting a new political constitution
that will allow them to retain power. and then called for an end to the protests, thereby legitimizing, to a greater or lesser extent,
repressions against the people.

As we have already said, the people of Chile continue and will continue to speak, but without international support it will not be possible
to force those in power to stop the killing, bullying and torture against social fighters.



Interprofessional Santiago



Message: 6

White Fragility is a book written by a white woman talking about why it is so difficult for white people to talk about race, and to realise
our own compliance in maintaining the racist structures we see in place in society. As the author points out at the start - there are also
many books by people of colour about this subject that you can also read to educate yourself. ---- I will start by saying that this book is
probably best to read if you are already in agreement that we live in a white supremacist society and white privilege is something we (I'm
speaking myself as a white person) benefit from. If you do not come to this book with an open mind and willingness to learn, then to be
honest, it seems pretty pointless and you're not going to get much out of it. I think this book may also be useful for those of us who think
we are not racist, and are ‘progressive' about ideas regarding race, and those who consider themselves ‘colour blind' i.e. that we no longer
need to consider race as an issue.

I think one of the most important aspects of this book is the explanation that it isn't just ‘bad' people who are racist - we have all grew
up in a white supremacist society and we are all guilty of being racist, sometimes overtly, but often in more subtle and subconscious ways
and without realising, and we prop up and perpetuate the racist structures that are in place. It is not just those who describe themselves
as racist or are outwardly aggressive to non-white people who are - we need to look inwards at ourselves. We need to look at how we uphold
these institutions ourselves and this book outlines how we, as white people, have deeply ingrained racist attitudes that manifest in many ways.

There are great chapters in the book that deal with white fragility as a form of bullying and also white women tears as a particular form of
white fragility, and the historical context that it refers too. DiAngelo includes numerous anecdotes in her book of when this fragility has
occurred and that I found useful to consider.

I found the end of the book to be the most useful, which deals with ways to deal with feedback or criticism. As people who benefit from this
system, it is important that we are able to deal with the discomfort this can bring to us, and also learn from it. As pointed out, in this
book and many others, we have far less at stake when we do this compared to people of colour, and it is often the case that white people are
often far more receptive to other white people when discussing issues of race. We need to purposely put ourselves in interacts that
challenge the racist status quo and consider why the spaces we are in, if they are overwhelmingly white, why is this? This is definitely
something I need to work on a lot harder in my own life and the spaces I engage with.

If this book makes you uncomfortable at times, that is not a bad thing, and a reason to keep reading. It did for me at times. Despite the
book sometimes feeling somewhat repetitive at times, and it being quite basic, I think it's an important book for white people to be
reading. We need to be clear that race is important, and so is how we address the issues around it. ?

Northern Jam is an Anarchist and Feminist from reet up North. Passionate about cross stitching, reading and the downfall of the white
supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

White Fragility. Published September 20018 by Beacon Press. Written by Robin DiAngelo



Message: 7

In the last week, four occupied sites have received state repressive mania with police forces enforcing the Chrysochoid doctrine of 'law and
order', attacking areas of struggle and solidarity. Specifically, on Tuesday, December 17, the occupation of Villa Kouvelos in Maroussi is
being evacuated. Reflectively, the solidarity world is gathering close to the occupation, while on the same day it is called an afternoon
solidarity gathering at a central point in Maroussi. On the morning of Wednesday 18 December, ELAS. attacks the Koukaki squatter community
and the three houses it consists of, at Matrouzou 45 - where the squatters are mounting strong resistance by defending the house - at
Panetoliou 2, and at Arvali's home 3. An MAT squadron, OPEC and EKAM units, Deltades and bitcoins along with several cameras are involved in
the evacuation operation. They slap against the flash-hit squatters, while a companion receives a plastic ball from a very close range.
There is an armed invasion by the cops, who at the same time with the evacuation business of Matrozou 45 are beaten and tortured by
occupying neighbors, when the latter refuse to enter the cops, causing the neighbors - a father and his two sons - to be captured. at GADA .
who, at the same time with the Matrozou 45 evacuation company, are beaten and tortured by occupying neighbors, when the latter refuse entry
to the cops, resulting in the neighbors - a father and his two sons - being arrested and taken to GAD. A. . who, at the same time with the
Matrozou 45 evacuation company, are beaten and tortured by occupying neighbors, when the latter refuse entry to the cops, resulting in the
neighbors - a father and his two sons - being arrested and taken to GAD. A. .

These evacuations are being added to a series of repressive attitudes and attacks on the competitive movement. We understand very well that
the tide of repression that has erupted at the expense of militants and agitators is the state's response to the world struggling against
the capitalist system, against the state and its methods, against the consensus and acceptance of the imposed social conditions degrading
and plundering the life and dignity of the working class and proletarian youth. The state is also on the run, and the repressive operation
of this government is following the path taken by the previous SYRIZA government, which has dumped 27 squatters, demolishing some of them
and arresting militants and militants.

However, it seems that the present government is politically and communicatively betraying the repression by considering evacuations,
arrests and beatings of protesters as a communication paper that can be played out in order to project a person of regularity against the
supposed lawlessness of the antipitist and the anarchists. But a regularity that is no other than the continued degradation of our labor
force, the venture to capital with the planned privatization of public spaces and the exorbitant debt limitation of various capitalists, the
plundering of nature and its habitat with the various parks , as well as the planned hydrocarbon mines on various plots, such as Epirus and
the Ionian Sea. Also,

The dystopian scene of state and capitalist regularity is complemented by the "refinement" of metropolitan centers, that is, their
antisocial regeneration, in order to enable them to be economically exploited in accordance with European standards. This signifies nothing
but the displacement of the poor from the metropolitan center, the high rents for AirBnB, the alternative places of consumption and
domestication of our surplus value, as well as the attempted deletion from the social consciousness of the metropolitan centers as
counterpoints in charge. In these circumstances, the organized presence and activity of the competing class movement in these neighborhoods
is a thorn in the plans of investors and the state,

At the same time, in good cooperation with the plans of the rulers are found all the media regimes, which assume the role of diffusing the
dominant bourgeois ideology in the social body. The police talk through the news bulletins. By severely limiting the range of acceptable
opinion, but allowing at the same time very intense discussions and discourses within this range, they seek to keep the passive, obedient
and obedient from the bottom of society, by sending the message that if they try face the same repression.

So this is what the capitalists impose on normality at the expense of the afflicted social majority, this is essentially the Chrysochoid's
'Law and Order' doctrine, which not only targets the anarchist movement and its structures, but also attempts to write to the collective
consciousness that those who oppose the plans of the state and capital are criminals. This ideological imposition that this current
government is trying to achieve takes advantage of the deep frustration of the world and the denial of the expectations of a wider social
part of the memorandum measures implemented by the former social democratic government of SYRIZA. . The regularity of domination is the
regularity of cruel repression, beatings, torture, transgression, of sexist attacks against anyone who raises his head against the expansion
of the state and the leveling of his life by capital. And it may be that anarchists and anarchists are nowadays experiencing this attack,
yet the repression of the anarchist movement is a preview of the way power will be dealt with by anyone who disputes it, even if at the very
least, the ability of the state to plunder his life.

Occupations, however, are not mere buildings, which the state can suppress, cement, demolish. They are, moreover, places where the desires
and needs of the proletarians who manage them find a roof, where people themselves often find a roof. It is a suggestion to the afflicted
parts of society, spaces in which people's desire for freedom and social emancipation is far from the dictates of capitalism and the power
relations that this system generates and reproduces. After all, the occupied spaces of struggle are also the relationships of people not
mediated by the existing oppressive and exploitative system, yet another field where class consciousness can be cultivated and the culture
of social debate, equality of participation, respect, dignity, mutual help and solidarity is formed. They are centers of collective
resistance, disobedience, and a struggle against the oppression of our lives by capital and the state. That's why we are defending them.
That is why, no matter what occupation the emptiness empties, it will never be able to suppress their resistance from below and the desire
for a dignified life.

In these times of cruel repression and violent class devaluation, we are called upon to organize and collectively stand up for the violence
that we receive on a daily basis. With our weapon of class solidarity and militant self-organization, we must cast off fear, fatalism,
passivity and privation in the direction of social and class emancipation. Social emancipation will come through the clear battlefield,
through their collective, mediated and self-organized struggles from below against our common forces and exploiters. Through the war against
the capitalist system of production, the bourgeoisie and the state. Through our struggle for a global social revolution and the creation of
an anarchist communist freedom society,

Finally, we welcome the comrades and comrades who made a symbolic retreat of Villa Kouvelos on the morning of Sunday, December 22, as well
as the 3 new squads that took place in the Byron area that same day. State repression does not scare us. It persuades us to massify and
sharpen our struggles.




Anarchist Federation
anarchist-federation @ riseup.net
twitter: twitter.com/anarchistfedGr
fb: facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015
Youtube: Anarchist Federation


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