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zondag 29 december 2019
#Worldwide #Information #Blogger #LucSchrijvers #Update #anarchist #news and #information all over the #world - 29.12.2019
Today's Topics:
1. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #300 - railway, Basta
of the "Christmas truce", meeting on December 28 (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #300 - Canteens:
Plates of children seasoned with productivism (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - International,
Truth, justice and revolution, January 11 in Paris with the
Kurdish left (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. dorset iww - Urgent: Protect Kevan Thakrar from racist
violence (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. awsm.nz: Governments always overestimate what people will
tolerate (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. [Chile] Video | Santiago: Dancing with the anarchists at the
barricades... By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
7. Czech, AFED: The colors of life will not stop the fascist
gray -- The second memory of this summer and the Pilsen Pride
march (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. [Greece] Anarchists take responsibility for burning
Christmas tree in Exarchia square By ANA (pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
While the Unsa-Rail has fallen into the trap of the "pause", on the contrary, the pressure must not be allowed to drop. The call of the
CGT-Cheminots and SUD-Rail for a day of interprofessional action on December 28 is therefore welcome. In rail, the movement is holding up,
but we must dispel the unpleasant impression of a "proxy strike". ---- After the failure of the "intermittent strike" of 2018, several
spontaneous conflicts, throughout the year, had testified to a social climate still electric in the rail. It did not fail: the December
movement will be a milestone. To strengthen its interprofessional dimension, let's not miss the date of December 28 ! ---- At SNCF as
elsewhere, the kick-off on December 5 was eagerly awaited ! Two months that we were preparing weapons. It all started on September 13, with
the massive RATP strike to defend its special pension plan. Building on the success recorded (85% of strikers), several management unions
(Unsa, FO, Solidaires) called for a renewable strike from December 5. The date soon became a rallying point for all opposition to the
pension reform.
CFDT trapped by its own call to strike
A few days later, the federal congress of SUD-Rail[1]indeed voted for a call to strike on the same date. Unsa-Rail and FO also joined it.
The CGT, it, both RATP and SNCF, dragged its feet. Then ended up lining up in turn ... even if, during the preparatory phase, the management
of the CGT-Cheminots will remain rather focused on the negotiation of the future collective agreement in the rail sector. As for the CFDT,
it was negotiating solo so that the counter-reform - which it approved - only applied to future hires. It was pushed by its base among the
driving agents (the ex-Fgaac) that it finally called for a renewable strike... but by speaking more to the government than to the railway
workers, on the air of " hold me where I make a mistake !Matignon did not even deign to answer him, she had to resign herself to keeping her
notice. However, it will be almost absent from GA and demonstrations.
In Paris, December 17.
cc Patrice Leclerc / Photo library of the social movement
All the unions giving an appointment on the 5th, it remained to convince that only a lasting strike would allow a real confrontation. Very
active, the SUD-Rail federation, imposed the idea of a renewable strike, which it could not obtain in 2018[2], when the strategy of
"leapfrog " strikeshad led to a bitter failure[3]. The CGT accepted the principle of renewable. And Unsa for its part, although its culture
is very far from struggle unionism, has sensitized the management, which is its business and which weighs more and more heavily on the SNCF.
A series of skirmishes before the explosion
In the field, before December 5, there was nothing gained. After several failures during the conflicts of 2003, 2007, 2016 and 2018, the
pugnacity of the most offensive corporations of the SNCF - the driving agents in particular - took a blow. And the establishment of social
and economic committees has reduced by 80% the number of elected officials, weakening the union network on the ground.
There were, however, good signs of latent conflict: the massive exercise of the right of withdrawal after the accident in Champagne-Ardennes
in mid-October[4], wildcat strikes in TGV maintenance centers, or even the mobilization against the closing of ticket offices or the
abolition of wharf officers. The price of incessant restructuring, aggressive management, lack of staff and the deterioration of working
Wrestling gymnastics
All these fights contributed to an auspicious combative climate ... but they also affected employees struggling with the wallet: in some
regions, the wheelchair workers suffered excessive wage deductions - up to 5 days ! - following their right of withdrawal. Wasn't this going
to hinder a great overall movement ? December 5 proved the opposite.
Finally, after two months of preparation, December 5 has arrived. And We were not disappointed, with a massive walkout: 60% of strikers, 85%
of the driving officers. Rates that were found on December 17, with an exceptional mobilization of executives. Between the two, the rate was
lower, especially in coaching, but remained in the majority among wheelchair users. Thousands of railway workers, gathered in their general
assemblies, renewed the strike everywhere, almost unanimously. And the debates in GA clearly showed that they did not fall into the
corporatist trap of defending their only special regime but were well anchored in an overall, interprofessional struggle.
As of December 5, thousands of railway workers in their GA (here in Nantes station) continued the movement.
cc Martial / UCL Angers
GAs to decide, not just to applaud
Moreover, almost everywhere, the GA of the SNCF - where the Unsa had only a timid presence, and that the CFDT fled - were the meeting place
of all the sectors in struggle ( teachers, yellow vests, students, various private boxes, etc.). In return, the railroaders and others were
able to reinforce pickets, blocking actions, and were able to participate in other business or inter-struggle GAs. On some sites, strike
committees, either specifically railway workers or interpreters, organized the action with real utility ... as long as they reflected the
strikers' decisions.
On the side of the self-organization of the struggle, it is however necessary to point out a weakness that is too often observed: in several
places, the GA of railway workers may have looked more like union meetings or forums for the others sectors only in places where the
strikers really express themselves and lead their movement. Our strength is the roots of the strike, the decision-making GAs, the support of
the population and an inter-professional dynamic.
In Paris, December 17.
cc Patrice Leclerc / Photo library of the social movement
However, all this vigor, all this determination, did not prevent the railroaders to note that apart from the RATP, the extension of the
strike in the other companies was very limited. And that we fell back into the classic scheme of "highlights", with a de facto Christmas
truce, when the national inter-union announced on December 19 that for the next highlight we would have to wait for... January 9 ! The
Unsa-rail approved this "break".
In order not to relieve the pressure, the CGT and SUD-Rail federations suddenly called themselves for a day of interpro action on Saturday,
December 28. The best way to find many on the street, and to stem the feeling of "strike by proxy" that could, again, feel the employees of
UCL railway workers
[1] "Rail: SUD-Rail in battle order" , Alternative libertarian, October 2019.
[2] "SNCF: Is that the response ?" On the blog Rail unleashed, 1 stMarch 2018.
[3] "SNCF: the intermittent strike, a losing machine" , Alternative libertaire, July-August 2018.
[4] "SNCF: Workers' solidarity also requires the right of withdrawal" , Alternative libertaire, November 2019.
Message: 2
In Montreuil, a local struggle for better school meals becomes political experimentation and a space for politicization. Vigilance is
required to face the risk of institutionalization and misappropriation of the project. ---- A year ago, the UCL FCPE (Union of local
councils of the parents' association FCPE) of Montreuil (93) was betting on using the coincidence between municipal elections and the end of
the contract as a lever. between the city and Sogeres, property of Sodexo, world number 1 in collective catering and sure value of the
CAC40. Montreuil was then one of the rare cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants who entrusted children's plates to the good care of a
private group. The initiative makes it possible to aggregate a handful of elected parents into local councils and then, quickly, parents who
are neither necessarily elected nor members of the FCPE, but sensitive to the food question. The result is a deliberately informal, large
and open collective: Cantine nouvelle (CN).
This produces demands for a quality school canteen. The question of food security has become a fashionable subject in the media: it is also
a social question as the meal in the canteen is, for many poor children in Seine-Saint-Denis, the only real meal of the day. CN claims a
radical increase in the share of organic, but also a real short circuit (elimination of intermediaries between farmers and the kitchen),
seasonal products, and a decrease in the share of meat meals (as well as a vegetarian alternative ). Less salt, sugar and no palm oil ; or
even the end of plastic containers. It is also a matter of limiting waste by recycling or redistributing. But the demands go beyond the sole
content of the base: the meridian break is claimed as educational time, the need for an adequate number of well-trained and dignified
animators is pointed out. Ways open up regarding the realization, through contacts with integration associations and groups of farmers in
organic production in Île-de-France.
Municipal turnarounds
Cantine Nouvelle takes over the spaces where the city claims to " dialogue with citizens To challenge elected officials claiming to be
from the left and ecology. The great diversity of the parents of this collective, which could have seemed a handicap, becomes an advantage:
if the representation of the city has a reservation on the technical feasibility, other parents - agronomists, activists of the peasant
confederation, chemists, lawyers - respond technically. If an elected official says that organic is a bourgeois demand, a poor relative
reacts. When, to the testimony of a parent in difficulty, the city responds to exceptional assistance, a political activist parent responds
to the principle of equality. A round speech is followed by another radical intervention. This diversity seems to be bearing fruit:
It is a formative moment, allowing you to familiarize yourself with technical aspects: uncertainty about the legal definition of short
circuit, details of labels, etc. Arrived at the end of this stage of goodwill of the city, it is now a question of publicly calling out to
it. The open meeting organized by CN was a digital success (several hundred participants) and dynamic. But, if local figures of the left
parties are present, they do not intervene, as if they struggled to understand the political dimension of the subject. And apart from
supporting the detour of a leaflet from rebellious France, these parties keep their distance. It is ultimately the mayor who takes up the issue.
The moment is crucial. CN finds itself in front of a site on a whole other scale: the creation ex nihilo of a canteen over several years,
with a budget of several tens of millions of euros. Above all, this puts CN in a much more difficult position, with a real risk of becoming
electoral tenants, having to assume a result far removed from its claims, or quite simply being unable to hold out over time. But, if she
refuses co-development, how can CN then be heard and have access to information ?
At the risk of institutionalization
After several weeks of internal debate, the collective takes the gamble to accept this proposal while committing to withdraw if the
practices differ from the project, by claiming to preserve its freedom of speech and by also investing in elements not affected by the
negotiations (meridian break, recycling, etc.). After a long technical and legal path, in the fall, it's a cold shower: only two companies
responded to the invitation to tender... And, even if their identities are still secret, they are clearly two large groups.
Whatever the outcome, however, this collective elaboration has been an exciting political tool. Many parents, who came because they were
concerned about their child's food, came to integrate important environmental elements: the need for a short circuit, organic and
small-scale farming, questioning of productivism. The observation is made of the structural harmfulness of large companies, even of
commercial objectives in general - which points to capitalist responsibility. There is an awareness of the need for self-organization, but
also of the limitation and control of mandates. It is also an opportunity to discuss the existence of other means of production.
Everyday politics
There is still a long way to go. At the beginning of December, the city will make public the service provider selected for the year 2020. In
January, it will publish specifications setting out the study project for the future canteen of Montreux. These are important steps for CN.
Because if there is no significant progress in the content of the bases, if concrete progress is not obtained, the educational virtue of
this type of struggle will remain in abeyance.
Mathieu Colloghan (New canteen)
Message: 3
On January 11, 2020, the UCL will respond to the Kurdish women's movement's call for a large demonstration in Paris, to demand that the
French government shed light on the triple assassination, in 2013, of the three revolutionary activists Fidan Dogan, Sakîne Cansiz and Leyla
Saylemez. ---- For several years, thousands of people, mainly from the Kurdish diaspora, have been converging on Paris from all over France,
Germany, Belgium, Switzerland... They are marching to obtain truth and justice on the triple assassination of 2013 They march to remind
people that a people is fighting for freedom and dignity. And that this struggle has resulted, in Syrian Kurdistan, in a revolutionary,
federalist, anti-patriarchal and democratic experience that has impressed the whole world.
For a great internationalist meeting
On the occasion of this great demonstration, the French social movement generally expresses its solidarity, but too modestly, limiting it to
a few thin union and political delegations.
We believe that we must do more and better.
The UCL calls for this annual event, alongside the Kurdish diaspora, to become an occasion for a great militant and popular meeting on
internationalist, feminist, anti-colonial and revolutionary bases.
We therefore call on the French and Belgian organizations traditionally present to show more voluntarism to mobilize in solidarity with the
Kurdish left.
This is what UCL will do which, for its part, will endeavor to constitute a strong red and black contingent in the event.
Seven years of impunity
Let us recall the facts: Wednesday January 9, 2013, the Kurdish activists Fidan Dogan, Sakîne Cansiz and Leyla Saylemez were coldly executed
in the head, in the premises of the Kurdistan Information Center, rue La Fayette, in Paris. The investigation revealed that the assassin,
Ömer Güney, a far-right activist, was connected to the Turkish secret services. The investigations did not go further. Reason of state
prevailed: Paris did not want to get angry with Ankara. What is the life of three Kurdish revolutionaries worth ? Despite an investigation
completed in May 2015, the trial start date was postponed until seriously ill Ömer Güney died in prison in late 2016 .
Since then, the French government, no doubt in search of contracts and a strengthening of NATO, has given new pledges of friendship to the
Turkish state, by repressing the Kurdish left in exile on its territory . In June 2019, she was targeted by searches, and the assets of two
of her officials were frozen by the French authorities under the pretext of " anti-terrorism ". The same day, the French Minister of
Foreign Affairs, on a visit to Ankara, was publicly thanked by his Turkish counterpart.
Against imperialist hypocrisy, whether French,
Message: 4
This evening prisoner Kevan Thakrar called to inform IWOC that a known racist attempted to take his life this afternoon. ---- Kevin McCarthy
stabbed Kevan more than four times while Kevan was at the food servery. He used a wooden shank and shouted "die, die, die!" whilst stabbing
Kevan. Kevan has four puncture wounds on his back and bruises and scratches after also being hit on the head. Kevin walked past two prison
officers neither of whom intervened to prevent or stop the attack until Kevan turned round to defend himself. Even then, no officers put
their hands on Kevin or restrained him. No alarms were pressed/no shouting for help. Kevin McCarthy actually walked back into his own cell
and locked himself in. The prison failed to take him to hospital but he was treated by two nurses on the wing.
This is the second attack Kevan has experienced in HMP Full Sutton in recent months. Kevan's solicitor had raised a complaint about Kevin
McCarthy prior to Kevan being moved onto the CSC because Kevin has perpetrated racist attacks against other prisoners before. Kevan is
shaken and in need of support to demand the prison move him to a safer location and take action to stop further racist attacks on his life.
Feel free to use your own words as well as the sample scripts below.
Call script:
Hello, I am calling on behalf of Kevan Thakrar who is currently in the CSC at HMP Full Sutton. Kevan was stabbed four times yesterday by a
known racist prisoner. Two prison officers were present and did not act to prevent or stop the attack until Kevan turned around to protect
himself. This is the second attack Kevan has experienced in HMP Full Sutton in recent months and yet he is still held in the CSC.
I am really concerned about Kevan's safety in the CSC and I am calling to demand that he is moved out of the CSC and to a safer location
Letter template:
I am writing as a concerned community member on hearing of a physical attack against Kevan Thakrar (A4907AE) that occurred yesterday, 23rd
December at the Close Supervision Centre, HMP Full Sutton.
As I understand it, two prison officers were present and did not act to prevent or stop the attack until Kevan turned around to protect
himself, the officers did not restrain the person attacking Kevan and no alarms were raised.
This is the second attack Kevan has experienced in HMP Full Sutton in recent months. Kevan has made complaints about threats of violence
from known racist prisoners but no action has been taken. The person who stabbed Kevan is known to have racist views, and shouted ‘die, die
die' while stabbing Kevan. Kevan's solicitor had raised a complaint about the person who stabbed Kevan before Kevan was moved onto the unit,
as this person has made racist attacks on others.
In addition I believe that Kevan has not been seen by a Doctor and the person who stabbed Kevan remains on the same unit as him.
I am extremely concerned about Kevan's safety and wellbeing in the CSC. Kevan has PTSD and these acts of violence add further traumas and I
imagine he must be fearful for his life.
The environment created in the Close Supervision Centre makes it more likely for these acts of extreme violence to occur, and Kevan is at
risk of further attacks there.
As per the Adult Safeguarding in Prison policy (National Offender Management Service 2016) Point 1.5 states that ‘All adult prisoners are
protected from abuse and neglect, and prisons effectively discharge their duty of care towards them. Reported incidents of abuse and neglect
are managed appropriately'.
I am urging you to move Kevan out of the CSC and to a safer location immediately in order that HMP Full Sutton adhere to their policy
Write to Governor Gareth Sands at HMP Full Sutton (gareth.sands@hmps.gsi.gov.uk) or phone the prison on 01759 475100.
Email the Executive Director for High Security & Long Term Estate for HM Prison and Probation Service, Richard Vince demanding Kevan be
moved from the CSC to a safer location: Richard.Vince02@hmps.gsi.gov.uk
Email Sir Greg Knight, MP for East Riding: sothcottt@parliament.uk
Keep Kevan updated with all your actions by email through emailaprisoner.com or letter to:
Kevan Thakrar, A4907AE
HMP Full Sutton
YO41 1PS
Message: 5
From Chile to Hong Kong, through Catalonia to France - it has been kicking off everywhere. It all just needs a spark. What these events
have in common is that they were all sparked by a government decision, of lesser or greater significance, but in all cases the States which
did so thought they could get away with it, as they have done for decades until now. ---- These decisions have been inflicted on populations
already massively oppressed by their living conditions, the politics of neoliberalism, and governments assumed that yet another form of
oppression would go unnoticed because people already have a myriad of other daily life struggles to deal with and would just put up with yet
another obstacle. That given a choice between striving for social change and their individual lives they would always chose the latter over
taking care of their wider communities.
These assumptions were wrong, and now they are scrambling to contain mass, long-term protest movements which apparently took them by
surprise. They deal with it, more often than not, with severe state repression. In Chile, for instance, the State quickly resorted to
bringing the army to the streets in order to contain a protest movement which started due to its decision to raise ticket fares.
The question remains - who will be the ultimate beneficiary of this recent wave of protests across the World? Will it be the United States
that, after a mix of repressions, divide and rule politics and token giveaways, somehow manages to contain it? Will it be the far-right with
their populist policies? Or will these upheavals lead to long-lasting, positive and revolutionary changes to the world we all live in, the
sort of changes we will be happy to support?
In the UK one may, perhaps optimistically, assume that with almost a decade of the Tory rule behind us that spark will eventually light.
Right now, as always, it is impossible to predict what might cause it. One thing is however (almost) certain - it will happen, and once it
does, the previous assumption that it was impossible will be laughable. Likely, as in many other places, it will be something seemingly
minor, something the government will not think about too much of implementing, but will still create a critical mass of problems which
people are not ready to put up with.
While it is impossible to say what it will be, we, the anarchists, need to do all we can to get ready. There are basically two ways to go
about this. We can remain in the echo-chamber of our equal parts beautiful and niche political ideas and then join the wider struggle,
hoping that somehow our niche becomes a mainstream. Or we may go out there, right now, talk to people, share our ideas in an accessible
form, maybe be ready for some compromises and potential criticisms. Get ready for working with people who may not necessarily share the
entirety of our position, but still have some common denominator with us. Start building structures based on the principle of mutual aid:
show how this can work in practice. Share our knowledge of what the State is, and what its main principles are. Join in with local
struggles. Show that anarchism, while it maintains a solid reputation of utopianism, can be and is the answer to the world-wide problems we
are all facing. Do everything we can to make sure when the spark comes it is not taken over by the far-right, whose only interest, really,
is to maintain the status quo of racist, oppressive states, poorly disguised as new politics and new hope, and blaming the most vulnerable
people for the wrongs of this world.
This is, of course, a difficult mission to undertake. It is however the one we ought to carry on, that is, if we are serious about our own
politics, and truly believe they can be introduced into wider society, and not only in our own spaces.
So get out there. Speak with your peers and neighbours. Share your resources, if you are privileged enough to have some spare. Show in
practice that anarchism can work: even if it will initially only be on a smaller rather than larger scale.
And, most importantly, don't sink to despair. After all, we are in a world crisis type of situation right now, but let's all try to see it
as a chance rather than already assumed failure. That's how our enemies see it.
Not all is lost, but comrades, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
This article was written for the Winter 2019/20 issue of Freedom Journal.
Message: 6
"If I Can't Dance, It's Not My Revolution" - Emma Goldman ---- If we really crave dignity, let's talk about a world in which humiliation
and degradation do not exist, not only for the kindness of the rich, but for the eradication of exploitation and oppression. ---- Against
the state and capital! ---- Organizing the protest! ---- Articulating the organization! ---- Self management! ---- Libertarian Educational
Project - PEL
> Song: "El Vals del Obrero!" By Ska-P
>> Watch the video (03:00) here:
Related Contents:
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 7
Although we live in the twenty-first century, it cannot be denied that there are still medieval backward efforts to curb the freedoms that
we have hardly achieved over the centuries of fierce fighting. Marches for LGBT community rights have a long tradition, spice among others
in protests and riots in Stonewall, USA. They took place at the end of June 1969. However, even today, in many places, you will at best
understand misunderstanding, worse at hatred, resistance and violence. The same was true for this year's Pilsen Pride, which fell on
Saturday 24 August. Lots of curious people, people of solidarity, but also confused or directly hateful. The route of the parade was lined
with various reactions.
Pilsen Pride started in the so-called Pilsen Stroller, in a park near Pražská Street. After the DJ set and several speeches of related
personalities, the procession went along the ditch towards Drevnická Street. The first complications were not long in coming. Due to the
impatience and aggressiveness of the individuals involved on the blocking counterparty, we have experienced problems in Wooden. It was
blocked by members of several decent-Czech organizations, political parties and strange groupings. In the first ranks were side by side
people from Czech Pilsen and Nazi ultras of Pilsen Viktorka headed by Pitralon, of course, was also a former member of the National
Resistance and creature candidate for the Workers' Party (now DSSS), on every proper hajlovackce appearing Romana Friesel. Shouts, threats,
classics. Embarrassing banners about "deviants and deviants".
Given that the Pride procession had been properly reported and authorized, police rioters had to inadvertently do their duty and break
through the local Nazis. Of course, the greatest interest in physical confrontation was in the case of football nazi-hooligans. After a few
oral calls, the police proceeded to a lighter push (no need to use the correct term "use of coercive means" or "restriction on personal
liberty") and some pepper spray was needed. "Rescuers from soda and gomorrah" and advocates of "traditional values and family" have at least
created something that should have been the "aisle of shame". However, in their endeavors, chanting and tongue-out, they were mainly poor
and awkward. Fortunately, the colorful procession did nothing of the pitfalls - we laughed at them. What else can you do - you don't know
whether to laugh or cry.
The square was quiet, around Bartolomej walked along Riegrova Street to the Sets of the Thirty-five, Smetana and Kopecky Sets around Beseda,
Martinska Street (strangely no provocations from the Wagon Pub - known for meeting places of Nazi, fascist and other haters). and the Ressl
direction of Mouse Hole. The whole journey from Drevní Street was without hate speech and the procession enjoyed the attention of people,
great mood and recorded music, a solitary manifestation of limitedness and poorness appeared after passing Radobycická and across
Štefánikovo Square. As the procession crossed Doudlevecka Street and the police stopped the traffic, a well indignant taxi driver got out of
the car and started to pride Pride with many raised fists and mediators, spitting and chanting. Too bad he couldn't hear him - he probably
hated a few minutes in business. Plus, it looked like
The final route across the footbridge to Papírny was a sunny walk, there was a relaxed atmosphere on the spot and the participants could
finally relax, refresh themselves and discuss in peace. Generally, I enjoyed the low age average in the march - although people of all ages
came, but the youth was prevalent. It can be seen that there are still young people who are not indifferent to the situation around them,
are not afraid to express their views and are able to join the free-thinking part of society. Evening parties and meetings continued in the
streets and several businesses. Concerns that some local Nazis would take to the streets after dark to seek out conflicts were not
confirmed. Apparently, they crawled into their books, put tablecloths on the windows, hailed and went to bed with bedtime stories.
Message: 8
On Wednesday, 12/18/19, around 11:45 pm, we, as a group of anarchists, burned the Christmas tree in Exarchia Square, which the Regime placed
in the square that same morning. ---- Our response to the Scheme is very clear: ---- 1- Resistance in Exarchia (and other areas) will never
end. ---- We, as proletariat and oppressed, will not celebrate these festivals because they are not part of our culture, our culture is
resistance and struggle for social revolution and our celebration is the social revolution that will create freedom and equality in our
lives. ---- The Regime is trying to change the historical profile of the revolutionary Exarchia, but the Regime must know that even by
massacring all of us will not be able to change a neighborhood that is fighting for its culture.
Solidarity with fellow Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis.
Strength to hunger striker Kostas Sakkas.
Source: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1602133/
Related Content:
anarchist news agency-ana
[Greece] Video | Exarchia: Population Burns Christmas Tree
By ANA on December 23, 2019
It is ironic. While the Greek government has terrorized the outskirts of Exarchia since the summer with the eviction of occupations, attacks
on people in cafes and bars, brutal beatings and arrests for no reason - especially after the protests of November 17 and December 6, where
an atypical measure was imposed in the area - a few days ago they tried to cover up riot police crimes against the population in the area by
decorating Exarchia square with lights and a Christmas tree. (Video: https://www.youtube.com/ watch? v = Pzrw6MzNVms ). ---- [You find the
video links documenting some of the police crimes in the region during the last months at the end of this text.] ---- To get an idea of what
is happening in Athens right now, a few things need to be taken into account: The Greek government has gone to war against anarchists and
anti-authoritarians, followed by the end of the 15-day ultimatum issued by the Ministry of "Public Order", targeted dozens of political and
refugee occupations across Greece (some of them over 30 years old), threatening them with violent evictions by riot police and special
forces police if they did not evacuate on time. The deadline expired late Thursday, December 5, 2019, a political decision by the Greek
state aimed at provoking and creating an "explosive atmosphere".
After the first wave of attacks and evictions, especially against refugee housing during the fall, the second wave of attacks has just
begun, this time against political occupations and social centers. Coinciding with the arrest of antifascists and the proposed acquittal of
neo-Nazi leaders at the Golden Dawn trial, the right-wing Greek government and its self-proclaimed Socialist "Public Order" Minister
proceeded with the eviction of the okupa "Kouvelou Mansion" in Marousi, Athens , on Tuesday, December 17, while three Okupas were evicted
today, December 18, in Koukaki, Athens, followed by a massive police operation that terrorized the entire neighborhood with police
brutality, attacking people in adjacent homes that were not occupations.
As an obvious result, around 10 pm on December 18, approximately 200 anarchists gave an unexpected demonstration around Ermou Street, Athens
'most commercial street, and continued to attack several shops and banks near Athens' main square on Syntagma. Around the same time, several
kilometers away, the Christmas tree in Exarchia square was set on fire. While the Greek government has proclaimed that more than 20
occupations in Athens alone will be violently evicted by the end of 2019, police attacks appear to be the match that will set fire to an
already explosive situation during the Christmas and New Year festivities.
It has to be remembered that a few days ago, on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, during the beginning of the Christmas festivities in Athens with
the tree lighting ceremony in Syntagma square in front of the Greek Parliament, over 70 anarchists managed to interrupt the mayor's speech
by shouting slogans in solidarity with the Okupas and sabotaging the side fountains of Syntagma Square with laundry soap (Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmUtiKV174c ).
[The video was uploaded by a photojournalist who was on site]
Exarchia links under police siege in recent months:
December 6, 2019
November 17, 2019
November 7, 2019
September 1, 2019
Translation> The Alchemist
anarchist news agency-ana
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