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vrijdag 27 december 2019
#Worldwide #Information #Blogger #LucSchrijvers: #Update: #anarchist #news and #information from all over the world - Part 2 - 27.12.2019
Today's Topics:
1. Czech, AFED: The colors of life will not stop the fascist
gray - The second memory of this summer and the Pilsen Pride
march [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: Corbynism after
Corbyn: Bankruptcy of Electoralism (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. avtonom: The program of the international festival Santa
Claus vs Putin 2020 has been published! [machine translation]
Message: 1
Although we live in the twenty-first century, it cannot be denied that there are still medieval backward efforts to curb the freedoms that
we have hardly achieved over the centuries of fierce fighting. Marches for the rights of LGBT community have a long tradition, spice among
other things in protests and riots in the US Stonewall. They took place at the end of June 1969. However, even today, in many places, you
will at best understand misunderstanding, worse at hatred, resistance and violence. The same was true for this year's Pilsen Pride, which
fell on Saturday 24 August. Lots of curious people, people of solidarity, but also confused or directly hateful. The route of the parade was
lined with various reactions.
Pilsen Pride started in the so-called Pilsen Stroller, in a park near Pražská Street. After the DJ set and several speeches of related
personalities, the procession went along the ditch towards Drevnická Street. The first complications were not long in coming. Due to the
impatience and aggressiveness of the participating individuals on the blocking counterparty, we have experienced problems in Wooden. It was
blocked by members of several decent-Czech organizations, political parties and strange groupings. In the first ranks were side by side
people from Czech Pilsen and Nazi ultras of Pilsen Viktorka headed by Pitralon, of course, was also a former member of the National
Resistance and creature candidate for the Workers' Party (now DSSS), on every proper hajlovackce appearing Romana Friesel. Shouts, threats,
classics. Embarrassing banners about "deviants and deviants".
Given that the Pride procession had been properly reported and authorized, police rioters had to inadvertently do their duty and break
through the local Nazis. The greatest interest in physical confrontation, of course, was manifested in football nazi-hooligans. After a few
oral calls, the police proceeded to a lighter push (no need to use the correct term "use of coercive means" or "restriction on personal
liberty") and some pepper spray was needed. "Rescuers from soda and gomorrah" and advocates of "traditional values and family" have at least
created something that should have been the "aisle of shame". However, in their endeavors, chanting and tongue-out, they were mainly poor
and embarrassing. Fortunately, the colorful procession did nothing of the pitfalls - we laughed at them. What else can you do - you don't
know whether to laugh or cry.
The square was quiet, around Bartolomej walked along Riegrova Street to the Sets of the Thirty-five, Smetana and Kopecky Sets around Beseda,
Martinska Street (strangely no provocations from the Wagon Pub - known for meeting places of Nazi, fascist and other haters). and the Ressl
direction of Mouse Hole. The whole journey from Drevní Street was without hate speech and the procession enjoyed the attention of people,
great mood and recorded music, a solitary manifestation of limitedness and poorness appeared after passing Radobycická and across
Štefánikovo Square. As the procession crossed Doudlevecka Street and the police stopped the traffic, a well indignant taxi driver got out of
the car and started to pride Pride with many raised fists and mediators, spitting and chanting. Too bad he couldn't hear him - he probably
hated a few minutes in business. Plus, it looked like
The final route across the footbridge to Papírny was a sunny walk, there was a relaxed atmosphere on the spot and the participants could
finally relax, refresh themselves and discuss in peace. Generally, I enjoyed the low age average during the march - although people of all
ages came, the youth was prevalent. It can be seen that there are still young people who are not indifferent to the situation around them,
are not afraid to express their views and are able to join the free-thinking part of society. Evening parties and meetings continued in the
streets and several businesses. Fears that some local Nazis would take to the streets after dark to seek out conflicts were not confirmed.
Apparently, they crawled into their books, put tablecloths on the windows, hailed and went to bed with bedtime stories.
Message: 2
You would have thought that the major defeat for the Labour Party would be a strong signal to rethink a strategy that relies on electoralism
- getting the right party with the right programme into power. However, rather than arguing for people to throw themselves into struggle
against both capitalism and the new Johnson government, many of the Corbynistas haven't given up hope for the transformation of the Labour
Party. ---- Some will blame Corbyn himself, at one time their saviour, and call for a ‘better' leader - one that somehow will be successful
where Corbyn was not, maybe someone stronger, a woman, a northerner. They will spend their time struggling in Constituency Labour Party
branches to oust more Blairites and pushing for a more radical programme at Labour Party conferences. There were problems with the strategy
of Corbyn and his circle, such as not really building a mass movement of support that went beyond the LP itself and the leadership of some
trade unions, not creating an independent hard copy media to counter the propaganda of the right-wing press, backing down on a number of
issues such as nuclear submarines, or not dealing effectively with the right-wingers in the Labour Party. But could he have done things any
differently? What do people, many who claim to be socialists, communists, anarchists expect from the Labour Party?
In many respects, Corbyn was a very good leader, a mild-mannered career politician who worked for his constituency, came out at the right
demos, voted for the right things - the token Leftie in the Labour Party. He was honest and a ‘nice' man. He then found himself as leader of
the party - not something he had aspired to or expected. It was a fluke he got nominated and won. And then look what he managed to achieve
in terms of Left electoral politics objectives. Hundreds of thousands of people joined the LP making it the biggest social-democratic party
in western Europe. Groups like Momentum and The World Transformed brought in more and more activists. He successfully fought off numerous
challenges to his leadership from the Labour right and managed to pull off an increase in the Labour vote in the 2017 election. The
manifesto for the 2019 election was certainly the most radical the Labour Party had put out in decades, such as building millions of homes
for social rent, stopping the sale of public land, stopping funding for private education, scrapping universal credit. Blaming Corbyn and
thinking that someone else will be more successful is a delusion.
Some will also point to the circumstances in which the election took place. The campaign did try and focus on the important issues of
austerity, housing and inequality, but Brexit loomed large in most people's minds. Corbyn is being blamed for not having a clear position.
But given the divisions in his party, what position was he meant to have? A large part of the party, including many of his most Left
supporters, were in favour of Brexit and the rest were strongly in favour of Remain. It was impossible for him to have a position without
alienating one section so he ended up in many ways alienating both.But again, this is the nature of electoral politics.
Johnson got lucky by calling the bluff of the Brexit Party. Instead of facing competition, he managed to gain most of their votes, thus was
in a much stronger position than Corbyn who had the competition from the Lib Dems and couldn't count on Scotland at all. Johnson got 43% of
the popular vote - which was probably around the same number who would have voted for Brexit in a referendum. Plus, he would have got votes
from those who were just fed up with the whole thing and didn't like the idea of things dragging on with a second referendum. If the
election had taken place once the EU issue was decided, the outcome might have been quite different.
Corbyn also had to endure four years of defamation and demonising at the hands of the vast majority of the mass media. The accusations of
anti-Semitism were clearly planned in order to derail his potentially pro-Palestinian positions and it is hard to fully refute as there will
always be some anti-Semitism wherever you chose to look. The right wing of the Labour Party helped with this attack on his credibility,
undermining him at every turn for the past four years. It is surprising that he actually got any votes at all!
The conclusion to draw from this is not that we need more of the same strategy - that if there is a different leader in different
circumstances, real social change can be brought about through a government. Instead, we have to recognise that despite all the strengths of
the leader and the programme, the Labour Party lost to a dishonest, upper-class, unpredictable, right-wing bigot. And this happens again and
again. Having a ‘better' leader, a more ‘radical' programme, or more favourable circumstances will not make any difference next time. The
same sort of things will happen. The ruling class will do everything in its power to ensure that the rule of capital continues on their terms.
The only thing that would make a difference is if there was an autonomous mass movement for social change - one that was already active in
the communities and in the workplace. This movement would not be focused on electing a particular party but on the class struggle itself,
both material issues and the battle of ideas, like anti-racism and anti-nationalism. The election of a ‘progressive' party would be on the
back of this. The ruling class may even prefer such a government as a way of quelling unrest. However, if you spend all your time actually
neglecting class struggle, focusing on debates in the LP itself, then it will be difficult to build such a mass movement.
In case this point seems to give hope to those who think having a progressive party as the result of a mass movement is going to usher in
major social change, this is not the intention! We did not get the chance to see what would have happened if Corbyn had won. Even if you do
manage to get someone in who sincerely wants to introduce a programme of social transformation, they will not be able to do it because of
the nature of the relationship between the State, capitalism and the government. If the mass movement is strong, certain reforms will be put
in place, especially if they make it easier for capitalism to continue to function. But this will be as far as it goes. It has nothing to do
with how sincere or well-meaning the leaders are. People make the mistake of thinking that these politicians are lacking in some kind of
moral qualities. Though many are, it doesn't matter in any case. The system will force even the most radical politician to back track and
even reverse the initial programme that they were elected on. Look at Syriza in Greece. They were soon introducing new austerity measures
under pressure from the EU and their capitalist backers.
The behaviour of past left Labour governments also gives an indication of what happens. Between 1945 and 1951 the Labour government showed
itself to be clearly on the side of the bosses. Striking dockers, miners and lorry drivers were denounced, spied upon and prosecuted. The
government used strike breakers, often with the support of the unions. Troops were sent on 18 occasions to cross picket lines and take over
the jobs of strikers. Why would a Corbyn government, desperate to protect their credibility with capital, be any different?
Unfortunately, there are now many ex-Corbynistas who are advocating this strategy - building the social movements and organising in the
community as part of a long-term plan to elect a progressive Labour Party. A recent meeting of the new group Labour Transformed highlighted
the failure of LP activists to successfully build a mass movement in support of Corbyn, arguing that there was too much focus on canvassing
and internal party activities. While we welcome people getting involved in struggles and community organisation and resistance, the reasons
for this are highly suspect.
"As a potential solution, community organising models have been a big part of the discussion at Labour Transformed and elsewhere. This could
see Labour members more involved in existing community projects helping to soothe the immediate issues many working class and marginalised
communities face. Activists can then help build organic leaders and develop them into advocates (or candidates) for a Labour government in
the long term." (Link)
There are no short-cuts to revolutionary social change, no substitute for building up an effective revolutionary movement. Our tasks have
not changed with the defeat of Corbyn and the victory of Johnson. Though the possibility of change may appear dismal, it is important to
remember that no matter who's in power, it is the strength of the movement that counts.
Electoralism is a bankrupt and debilitating strategy for the working class. Governments have little autonomy from the ruling class and the
electoral farce is just a way to make us think we have some kind of power, distracting us from the real struggle. It is capitalism which
determines how things pan out in the political sphere. Getting a progressive party into power can never achieve more than very minor
reforms. And, given the situation for both the planet and the working class, it is imperative that change is fundamental and revolutionary;
this means destroying capitalism and creating new economic, political and social structures.
Message: 3
"Santa Claus Against" is a cultural and political festival aimed at the practice of critical thinking, reflection and the development of new
activism strategies. Held in Helsinki (Finland) January 3-5, 2020 and organized by local activists, as well as participants from Russia and
the former Soviet Union. ---- The goals of the festival: rewriting the social and political fields, through the exchange of experience of
successful projects, strategic planning, the search for new contacts, like-minded people, the involvement of new guests, participants in the
agenda of the festival, the development of a new language to indicate current and current issues. ---- The festival is held with the
participation of various grass-roots, horizontal initiatives, libertarian, left-wing and anarchist communities. Active participants are
representatives of trans / queer / LGBT communities, feminist initiatives / intersectional feminism, cyberfem, leftfem, decolonial fem /,
anarcho communities, postanarchism, ecoanarchism /, independent media, human rights organizations and representatives of NGOs. Also -
ecologists, philosophers, practitioners and theorists of contemporary art, developing participatory (involving) projects, political
activists and representatives of alternative self-organized associations.
The festival is planned at several venues at the same time and will be a synthesis of various forms of participation: music program,
reports, lectures, performances, workshops, discussions, presentations, video projects, performative practices.
The program of the festival is published .
Information on all festival events will be in the public domain.
Lunch and dinner for foreign guests are free. We can only offer a vegan menu to make our cuisine available to all participants.
Overnight will be provided only to the first 50-60 participants who register for the festival. The rest will have to book hotels on their
own, in connection with the tourist season it is better to do this in advance.
Presentations during the festival in Russian or English. If necessary, they will be translated into Finnish, English, and Russian.
The festival will be held in three places - the Museum of Impossible Forms, Oranssi and Ulrika.
The address of the Museum of Impossible Forms is Keinulaudankuja 4 E. The easiest way to get there is following the signs from Kontula
Metro, and the first carriage leaves the center. The program begins on Friday, January 3. Place on google maps .
Oranssi is located in Suvilahti, Kaasutehtaankatu 1, Building 11. The easiest way to get there is from Sörnäinen or Kalasatama metro. This
is the location of the festival on January 4 and 5. Place on google maps .
After 18:00 on Saturday (January 4) a concert will be held in support of the festival. Address: Ulrika, Leppäsuonkatu 11. Ulrika is located
in the basement of the third student house "Domus Gaudium". The easiest way to get there on foot from the Kamppi metro station. On January 6
(Sunday) the festival will also be held in this room. Place on google maps .
All 3 rooms for the festival are barrier-free.
Please fill in the form for everyone who wants to participate in the festival . The questionnaire is required only for those who need help
with an overnight stay. The last day for sending the questionnaire is January 2, 2020.
Event in VK
Event in the FB
Additional Information
Instructions for obtaining a visa to Finland
A visa is required to arrive in Finland. You can make it if you have a passport (about 2 weeks are made).
The set of documents that must be provided:
international passport
A completed application - you can fill out the visa center portal using the link instructions and tips here
Photo 35x45 mm, made specifically for the Schengen (ask at any photo salon)
A health insurance policy valid throughout the Schengen area and valid for the entire period of stay.
Copy of Russian passport
Confirmation of the route:
- Copies of tickets
- Confirmation of the hotel reservation for the duration of the stay
- Or the travel plan - a written description of the applicant's travel route, can be used instead of tickets and reservation.
- Or an invitation - an invitation from a resident of Finland or from an organization, eliminates the need to provide tickets and a
description of the route.
Confirmation of solvency:
- A certificate of employment on a letterhead where it will be indicated by whom, where and how much you work with the seal and signature of
the head + account statement for at least one month (the balance and amount are not important, the main fact is the movement of funds).
- Or an extract from the account / card / credit card for the last three months (as stated in visa centers, the balance is also not
important, the main movement of funds, there are no clear requirements for the volume of this movement)
- Or documents confirming ownership (for example, an apartment )
The visa consular fee is 35 euros, if you apply at the visa center, then their services will be added to it (about the same).
Festival organizers can help participants by sending an invitation. In this case, you will not need to provide tickets and hotel
reservations. To receive an invitation you need to send a copy of your passport and the duration of your stay to our mail: dedmoroz@riseup.net
Alternative Culture , Anarchist Movement
Helsinki , Finland , Russia
Santa Claus vs. Putin
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