Today's Topics:
1. France, UCL AL #312 - Special file Paris 1871, Gustave
Lefrançais (1826-1901), between communalism
Lefrançais (1826-1901), between communalism
and anarchism (ca,
de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation] (
de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation] (
2. cnt nº 425 - DOSIER ¿Nueva normalidad? : Mahmoud Homsy,
Secretary General of the CIT: "If you say you are a
revolutionary, they wonder what planet you live on"
Secretary General of the CIT: "If you say you are a
revolutionary, they wonder what planet you live on"
Suso Garcia
(ca) [machine translation] (
Message: 1
Among the memorialists of the Commune, Gustave Lefrançais (1826-1901) was among
those who drew from the event a revolutionary lesson going in a federalist and
self-management direction. ---- When the Paris Commune began, this Angevin
teacher, who had become an opposition journalist, already had solid experience as
a revolutionary and an outlaw. At 22, inhabited by the legend of 1793, he took
part in the revolution of February 1848. The betrayal of the working class II
eRepublic and massacres in June have sickened and switches in a more radical
camp: that of socialism. A socialism founded on the workers' association, but not
exactly Proudhonian, because open to feminism: he collaborated, notably with
Jeanne Deroin and Pauline Roland, in an innovative educational program which,
published in 1849, earned him revocation.
Exiled for two years in London after Bonaparte's coup, he then returned to
France, where he lived from various trades. The authorization of public meetings,
in 1868, revealed him to be a speaker - soon to be one of the most listened to on
the Parisian market, professing social ideas quite similar to those of Bakunin:
collectivization of the means of production, suppression of inheritance,
rejection. marriage, free union ...
After the fall of the Empire, he was one of the leaders of the Republican Central
Committee of the twenty arrondissements, driven by the AIT, advocating the
People's War and denouncing the pusillanimity of the provisional government. A
stakeholder in the insurrectionary attempt of October 31, 1870, he once again
experienced prison.
Bakuninian tendency
So it is a well-known character, March 28, 1871, was elected to the Commune by
the 4 tharrondissement. In his Memories of a Revolutionary (1886), he will tell
of having very quickly sensed the inevitable crushing of the Commune, isolated
and destitute. However, he is fully committed.
Member of the Labor and Trade Commission, then of the Finance Commission, he
unsuccessfully advocates the takeover of the Banque de France, then ranks in the
"anti-authoritarian minority" which, in May, opposed the establishment of a
committee of public safety. Bloody Week sees him on the barricades of the
Bastille, then he manages to take refuge in Switzerland. There, he worked on the
railroad, and joined the International Association of Workers (AIT), in the
Bakuninian tendency. He will also chair the congress of Saint-Imier, founder of
the anti-authoritarian AIT.
His solid Study on the Communalist Movement in Paris in 1871 made a strong
impression on Kropotkin, who saw it as a major book. He regretted, for example,
that the Commune had insufficiently given "to the citizens themselves, by means
of their district assemblies, the care of regulating their collective and local
interests". For him, "the central administration should only be the coordinator"
and not "the sole judge and director of the interests of all".
Exiled in Switzerland, Lefrançais militated within the anti-authoritarian AIT.
Lefrançais will subsequently be a "traveling companion" of anarchism, without
claiming the label. Calling himself a "communalist", he criticized in effect, in
his essay Where are the anarchists going ? (1887), the "modern" (anti-patriot,
communist) conceptions of anarchism, but also the anti-organizational and
illegalist fashion which flourished in the 1880s.
He died on May 16, 1901, at the very thirtieth anniversary of the Commune.
Thousands of people will accompany his coffin to the cremation at Père-Lachaise.
Eugène Pottier dedicated his famous revolutionary hymn, L'Internationale, to him.
Dominique (UCL Angers)
Message: 2
During the Inaugural Congress of the ILC in 2018, held in Parma (Italy), the
sections agreed that the General Secretariat of the ILC would have a duration of
two years. At the same congress, it was decided that the German anarosindical FAU
would become the next section, after the CNT, to take the baton from the General
Secretariat. ---- ? The new secretary of the CIT, Mahmoud Homsy, is a member of
FAU Berlin. He has been active in FAU's international work area for years and was
part of the founding of the new international confederation ---- First of all,
Mahmoud, thank you for taking your time for the readers of our confederal newspaper.
Question .- How do you face this new responsibility on a personal level?
Answer .- Knowing the long history of the International, I cannot be more than
honored that I have been entrusted with this position, but I am truly
overwhelmed. I already have many commitments not directly related to this
secretariat and I see the infinity of tasks that I must attend to now if I want
to carry out my commitments with the ILC as well as possible. I imagine that
these nerves are normal in the face of so much responsibility.
Right now there are about 20 people actively helping the liaison committee and
the secretariat, but this number will have to grow if we are to achieve the goals
we set for ourselves.
Q. - Although the sections have been around for many years, the CIT is very
recent. How do you find our International's health and what do you think are our
organizational priorities today?
R.- Miguel, my predecessor, from the Madrid CNT, successfully laid the
foundations for the development of the CIT. All communication channels are
already in operation (the website, social networks), as well as finances (section
fees) that are the economic base of our budgets. But there is still a lot to do
before we can actually get down to business. The obvious priority is the
implementation of the work areas adopted at the congress. Right now there are
about 20 people actively helping the liaison committee and the secretariat, but
this number will have to grow if we are to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.
Q. - Our approaches and our model are clearly different from those of official
trade unionism. Is our model valid and effective? Do you think it will be well
received by the workers?
R.- I can tell you more accurately what I see in Germany. It is very difficult
for our union model to establish itself in a western country like Germany. There
is so much privilege here. There is a lot of work because the financial markets
invest in Germany, as it is considered to have a safe and stable economy and the
social safety net is more or less intact. People think that the market and the
state will take care of things. If you say you are a revolutionary, they wonder
what planet you live on. If you complain about your poor quality work, they tell
you that you are ungrateful or that you must work harder to get a better job.
People wonder if unions in general are valid. So, in that environment, I
sometimes wonder if our basic principles of solidarity, mutual aid,
These doubts in the end only reaffirm me in our ideas. The satisfaction of
helping people speak out in conflict, the pleasure of collaborating with
like-minded people, is priceless.
I cannot say if, in general, the workers will welcome our union model. I have
experienced that we have been well received here and there by workers in the
conflicts in which we have presented ourselves. I can only hope that you will
remember all of this, believe in it, and practice it in the future.
But people are busy, their priorities change, they are frustrated by our
ineffective structures, so they are no longer active. That is why it is important
to strengthen our Organizations. Be effective.
Be that as it may, the truth is that we continue to fight and there is a clear
growth of affiliates.
We have proposed to collect documentation on the union organization and
industrial action of the sections, and use it to produce new training material,
which is relevant worldwide.
Q. - At the international level, where do you expect there to be new sections
that apply to join the CIT?
A. - The IWW in Europe will probably request to join the CIT in a short time (now
the IWW of the USA and Canada are already doing so), and this will mean that, for
example, in Germany, two different organizations may be part of the same
In Brazil, we expect FOB to be incorporated as well.
As part of our expansion strategy, which was one of the work areas adopted at the
last congress, we have formed regional working groups for Asia and the Americas,
which are reaching out and networking with different unions and union
initiatives. We will see if in this way, we awaken the interest of any
Organization to become a new member.
What I hope is that in the future more regional working groups of this type will
be formed to expand these efforts to the Regions of the world where we do not
have a presence ...
Q. - How do you think we can deepen the relationship with other alternative and
revolutionary unions as the International grows numerically and implants itself
in new countries.
R. - At the international level, I see that our principles of solidarity and
mutual aid are good tools for the ILC to be known and respected.
In recent weeks we have joined the GWTUC campaign against Dragon Sweater, putting
aside ideological differences, and we are offering our solidarity to our
colleagues from countless places in the world. These activities will attract the
attention of other unions who will see the CIT as a reference.
Another area of work that we adopted at the last congress and that will serve as
a tool for expansion is training. We have proposed to collect documentation on
the union organization and industrial action of the sections, and use it to
produce new training material, which is relevant worldwide. If we can present
this material to unions in different countries, it would be a great way to
introduce them to our ideas and build relationships. However, there is still a
lot of work to be done in this regard because let us not forget that we are a
very recent Organization.
Q. - And some final words that you want to send to our militants ......
R. -I hope that all the comrades stay healthy for this autumn and winter! My
thoughts are with all of you.
From the cnt we wish you much success in your task for the next two years.
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(ca) [machine translation] (
Message: 1
Among the memorialists of the Commune, Gustave Lefrançais (1826-1901) was among
those who drew from the event a revolutionary lesson going in a federalist and
self-management direction. ---- When the Paris Commune began, this Angevin
teacher, who had become an opposition journalist, already had solid experience as
a revolutionary and an outlaw. At 22, inhabited by the legend of 1793, he took
part in the revolution of February 1848. The betrayal of the working class II
eRepublic and massacres in June have sickened and switches in a more radical
camp: that of socialism. A socialism founded on the workers' association, but not
exactly Proudhonian, because open to feminism: he collaborated, notably with
Jeanne Deroin and Pauline Roland, in an innovative educational program which,
published in 1849, earned him revocation.
Exiled for two years in London after Bonaparte's coup, he then returned to
France, where he lived from various trades. The authorization of public meetings,
in 1868, revealed him to be a speaker - soon to be one of the most listened to on
the Parisian market, professing social ideas quite similar to those of Bakunin:
collectivization of the means of production, suppression of inheritance,
rejection. marriage, free union ...
After the fall of the Empire, he was one of the leaders of the Republican Central
Committee of the twenty arrondissements, driven by the AIT, advocating the
People's War and denouncing the pusillanimity of the provisional government. A
stakeholder in the insurrectionary attempt of October 31, 1870, he once again
experienced prison.
Bakuninian tendency
So it is a well-known character, March 28, 1871, was elected to the Commune by
the 4 tharrondissement. In his Memories of a Revolutionary (1886), he will tell
of having very quickly sensed the inevitable crushing of the Commune, isolated
and destitute. However, he is fully committed.
Member of the Labor and Trade Commission, then of the Finance Commission, he
unsuccessfully advocates the takeover of the Banque de France, then ranks in the
"anti-authoritarian minority" which, in May, opposed the establishment of a
committee of public safety. Bloody Week sees him on the barricades of the
Bastille, then he manages to take refuge in Switzerland. There, he worked on the
railroad, and joined the International Association of Workers (AIT), in the
Bakuninian tendency. He will also chair the congress of Saint-Imier, founder of
the anti-authoritarian AIT.
His solid Study on the Communalist Movement in Paris in 1871 made a strong
impression on Kropotkin, who saw it as a major book. He regretted, for example,
that the Commune had insufficiently given "to the citizens themselves, by means
of their district assemblies, the care of regulating their collective and local
interests". For him, "the central administration should only be the coordinator"
and not "the sole judge and director of the interests of all".
Exiled in Switzerland, Lefrançais militated within the anti-authoritarian AIT.
Lefrançais will subsequently be a "traveling companion" of anarchism, without
claiming the label. Calling himself a "communalist", he criticized in effect, in
his essay Where are the anarchists going ? (1887), the "modern" (anti-patriot,
communist) conceptions of anarchism, but also the anti-organizational and
illegalist fashion which flourished in the 1880s.
He died on May 16, 1901, at the very thirtieth anniversary of the Commune.
Thousands of people will accompany his coffin to the cremation at Père-Lachaise.
Eugène Pottier dedicated his famous revolutionary hymn, L'Internationale, to him.
Dominique (UCL Angers)
Message: 2
During the Inaugural Congress of the ILC in 2018, held in Parma (Italy), the
sections agreed that the General Secretariat of the ILC would have a duration of
two years. At the same congress, it was decided that the German anarosindical FAU
would become the next section, after the CNT, to take the baton from the General
Secretariat. ---- ? The new secretary of the CIT, Mahmoud Homsy, is a member of
FAU Berlin. He has been active in FAU's international work area for years and was
part of the founding of the new international confederation ---- First of all,
Mahmoud, thank you for taking your time for the readers of our confederal newspaper.
Question .- How do you face this new responsibility on a personal level?
Answer .- Knowing the long history of the International, I cannot be more than
honored that I have been entrusted with this position, but I am truly
overwhelmed. I already have many commitments not directly related to this
secretariat and I see the infinity of tasks that I must attend to now if I want
to carry out my commitments with the ILC as well as possible. I imagine that
these nerves are normal in the face of so much responsibility.
Right now there are about 20 people actively helping the liaison committee and
the secretariat, but this number will have to grow if we are to achieve the goals
we set for ourselves.
Q. - Although the sections have been around for many years, the CIT is very
recent. How do you find our International's health and what do you think are our
organizational priorities today?
R.- Miguel, my predecessor, from the Madrid CNT, successfully laid the
foundations for the development of the CIT. All communication channels are
already in operation (the website, social networks), as well as finances (section
fees) that are the economic base of our budgets. But there is still a lot to do
before we can actually get down to business. The obvious priority is the
implementation of the work areas adopted at the congress. Right now there are
about 20 people actively helping the liaison committee and the secretariat, but
this number will have to grow if we are to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.
Q. - Our approaches and our model are clearly different from those of official
trade unionism. Is our model valid and effective? Do you think it will be well
received by the workers?
R.- I can tell you more accurately what I see in Germany. It is very difficult
for our union model to establish itself in a western country like Germany. There
is so much privilege here. There is a lot of work because the financial markets
invest in Germany, as it is considered to have a safe and stable economy and the
social safety net is more or less intact. People think that the market and the
state will take care of things. If you say you are a revolutionary, they wonder
what planet you live on. If you complain about your poor quality work, they tell
you that you are ungrateful or that you must work harder to get a better job.
People wonder if unions in general are valid. So, in that environment, I
sometimes wonder if our basic principles of solidarity, mutual aid,
These doubts in the end only reaffirm me in our ideas. The satisfaction of
helping people speak out in conflict, the pleasure of collaborating with
like-minded people, is priceless.
I cannot say if, in general, the workers will welcome our union model. I have
experienced that we have been well received here and there by workers in the
conflicts in which we have presented ourselves. I can only hope that you will
remember all of this, believe in it, and practice it in the future.
But people are busy, their priorities change, they are frustrated by our
ineffective structures, so they are no longer active. That is why it is important
to strengthen our Organizations. Be effective.
Be that as it may, the truth is that we continue to fight and there is a clear
growth of affiliates.
We have proposed to collect documentation on the union organization and
industrial action of the sections, and use it to produce new training material,
which is relevant worldwide.
Q. - At the international level, where do you expect there to be new sections
that apply to join the CIT?
A. - The IWW in Europe will probably request to join the CIT in a short time (now
the IWW of the USA and Canada are already doing so), and this will mean that, for
example, in Germany, two different organizations may be part of the same
In Brazil, we expect FOB to be incorporated as well.
As part of our expansion strategy, which was one of the work areas adopted at the
last congress, we have formed regional working groups for Asia and the Americas,
which are reaching out and networking with different unions and union
initiatives. We will see if in this way, we awaken the interest of any
Organization to become a new member.
What I hope is that in the future more regional working groups of this type will
be formed to expand these efforts to the Regions of the world where we do not
have a presence ...
Q. - How do you think we can deepen the relationship with other alternative and
revolutionary unions as the International grows numerically and implants itself
in new countries.
R. - At the international level, I see that our principles of solidarity and
mutual aid are good tools for the ILC to be known and respected.
In recent weeks we have joined the GWTUC campaign against Dragon Sweater, putting
aside ideological differences, and we are offering our solidarity to our
colleagues from countless places in the world. These activities will attract the
attention of other unions who will see the CIT as a reference.
Another area of work that we adopted at the last congress and that will serve as
a tool for expansion is training. We have proposed to collect documentation on
the union organization and industrial action of the sections, and use it to
produce new training material, which is relevant worldwide. If we can present
this material to unions in different countries, it would be a great way to
introduce them to our ideas and build relationships. However, there is still a
lot of work to be done in this regard because let us not forget that we are a
very recent Organization.
Q. - And some final words that you want to send to our militants ......
R. -I hope that all the comrades stay healthy for this autumn and winter! My
thoughts are with all of you.
From the cnt we wish you much success in your task for the next two years.
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