Today's Topics:
1. - APO: [Turkey] Announcement of state
repression on May Day [machine translation]
repression on May Day [machine translation]
2. France, UCL AL #315 = Libertarian communist orientation, The
Zapatista rebellion, historical and current (ca, de, it, fr,
pt)[machine translation] (
Zapatista rebellion, historical and current (ca, de, it, fr,
pt)[machine translation] (
3. France, UCL - Red and black summer days, Program of
the 2021
edition (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
edition (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
All Prisons!
[machine translation] (
[machine translation] (
5. UK, nottinghamshire black arrow: May Day 2021 -
Greetings on
International Workers Day! (
International Workers Day! (
6. Anticapitalist mayday 2021: No old normal,
no new normal! by guillermo (
no new normal! by guillermo (
7. SIGA-FOB, SIGA-SC: Save coast workers (pt) [machine
translation] (
translation] (
8. ACAT-AIT: COLOMBIA! Military police organize manhunts
Por Manuel VILLAR
9. Sindicato Único de Trabajadores Solidaridad Obrera: In
Colombia, they are killing the working class - We cannot allow
it! Class Solidarity! (ca, pt) [machine translation]
Colombia, they are killing the working class - We cannot allow
it! Class Solidarity! (ca, pt) [machine translation]
10. Workers Solidarity Alliance IAF: The state murdered Bayram
Message: 1
Message: 1
The Turkish state under the pretext of the pandemic banned any gathering or event
of remembrance and struggle on the day of May Day, resulting in more than 200
arrests in various parts of the country. We express our full solidarity with our
comrades who are fighting against state and capitalist barbarism. Following is
the announcement of the comrades of the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation . ----
May Day is a day of struggle, it can not be forbidden! ---- This May Day, 2021,
as the Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, we marched on Kizilay Square in Ankara
and Taksim Square in Istanbul. A total of 19 of our comrades were arrested in
Istanbul and Ankara. On May Day, when the state tried to ban it and disperse the
rallies under the pretext of the coronavirus crisis, we broke the ban with our
May Day is our race day. Today we are growing up in this struggle, which began in
1886, with the same courage. As those who resist on the streets despite the bans
and obstacles of the mechanisms of power, we have shown once again that May Day
cannot be banned. As a Revolutionary Anarchist Federation, we organize anarchism
and continue this struggle which was bequeathed to us by our comrades in 1886.
Long live May Day! Long live Anarchism!
May Day is a Race Day, it can not be forbidden!
Message: 2
For more than twenty-five years, the neo-Zapatist movement in southern Mexico has
been fighting against neoliberalism and for humanity. He did it by arms. It does
so above all with a strategy of "dual power" bypassing the state in liberated
territories, by building an alternative society. The libertarian communists
reaffirm their support for this counter-model, which calls for international
support. ---- The Zapatista uprising of 1 stJanuary 1994 has highlighted social
issues and policies related to the indigenous peoples of Mexico as elsewhere.
Land use, political representation, loss of cultures, racial discrimination,
these themes have come to the fore in Mexico and internationally, and the
uprising has provoked or reinforced many other indigenous movements. It also
sparked a wave of international solidarity.
The relations developed with Mexican and international civil society, as well as
the intense political preparation of the Zapatistas during the ten years
preceding the uprising, resulted in a movement with strong organizational
capacity, broad popular support and an inspiring speech for many struggles. .
Feminist, anti-capitalist discourse, horizontal practices and demands for
autonomy have participated, among other things, in popularizing this movement in
libertarian circles around the world.
build a counter-society
From the end of the fighting in 1994, the EZLN forged links with Mexican civil
society and anti-globalization movements through the marches from Chiapas to
Mexico City, or international meetings on their territory. At the same time, the
Zapatistas organized their autonomy in the "territories recovered" during the
insurrection. After two years of intense work with Mexican and international
civil society (around the 6 th Declaration of the Selva Lacandona) in 2006-2007,
and they are concentrated · they are about developing their productive
capacities, political, social .
Zapatista activists from Chiapas, in solidarity with the popular uprisings in
Oaxaca and San Salvador Atenco, in 2006.
The "power" of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) has been transferred
to civilian bodies, the juntas de buen gobierno, and many education, health,
agriculture and communication projects have been implemented. up or reinforced.
The living conditions of the Zapatista communities have improved, despite the
constant repression of the movement by the local and federal governments. The
media and many political movements hostile to the Zapatistas took advantage of
this moment of reduced visibility to declare the movement's disappearance. But
new phases of mobilization, since December 2012, proved them wrong.
On 21 December 2012, approximately 40,000 bases de apoyo (support bases)
Zapatistas marched silently in the five cities that the EZLN had taken by force
on 1 stJanuary 1994. The press release issued that day only said "You have you
heard ? It's the sound of your world falling apart. It is that of ours that
resurfaces. The day when there was day, it was night. And it will be the night
the day it will be the day."
return to the political scene
The EZLN has started issuing press releases at a steady pace, explaining the
relative silence of previous years and the desire to resume national and
international communication work, the appointment of a new sub-commander, and the
entry into a new phase. of their movement: "The time of the yes". That is to say,
a phase of active construction of another society and no longer of simple
opposition or resistance to the existing society. The moment of entry into this
new phase of mobilization responds to a particular context. On the one hand,
violence has become widespread.
Mexico has become in these years one of the most violent countries in the world,
with the outbreak of the "war against drug trafficking" under the mandate of
President Calderon (2006-2012) of the National Action Party (PAN, right Catholic
conservative), and the presidency of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI,
liberal nationalist).
This war left more than 100,000 dead, many of them "collateral damage". This
violence has been added to the corruption and authoritarianism of the Mexican
political class, further destroying the social fabric of the country, and masking
the repression (assassinations, disappearances, imprisonments) from which the
social and indigenous movements suffer.
Finally, the North American ruling classes have updated their neoliberal agenda:
trade integration benefiting multinationals, savage extraction of natural
resources, plundering of biological resources, privatizations (education, energy,
etc.) with disastrous socio-economic consequences for the majority of the
population, and in particular for the indigenous peoples dispossessed of their
territories and cultures.
In 2017, the EZLN proposed to the National Indigenous Council the presentation of
an independent indigenous candidacy for the presidential election. If this
proposal allowed a strong mobilization of the indigenous communities and the
support of the Zapatistas, the Mexican electoral system prevented the success of
this candidacy.
Colonization by megaprojects
The election in 2018 of the candidate of the "left" Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador
did not improve the situation of indigenous communities, quite the contrary.
Attacks by paramilitary groups, which government authorities disguise as
intra-community clashes, have resumed. And megaprojects like the "Mayan train"
threaten the very existence of indigenous communities under the guise of local
The policy of colonization through infrastructure is progressing in Chiapas.
Electric megaprojects, for example, are being developed with Western
multinationals, which can be an invitation to act, in Europe, against these
multinationals, in solidarity with the Zapatistas. Faced with these threats, the
Zapatistas responded by reorganizing their territories, by increasing the number
of caracoles (regional groupings of communities), by improving their functioning
in the health and education sectors.
Since October 2020, the EZLN has published a series of press releases with a
proposal: to meet social movements from around the world to listen, exchange,
dialogue, compare the struggles waged on the five continents. This proposal has
been adopted by many organizations around the world will begin Zapatista in
Europe between July and October 2021. UCL is committed to support the Zapatista
delegation in France, co-signing the communiqué of 1 stJanuary 2021.
UCL support
The experience of the Zapatistas, their national and international mobilization
power and their reaffirmed desire to work with other movements - the Kurdish left
in Rojava, among others - make them today essential actors and actresses in
international revolutionary dynamics.
For this reason, it is essential to develop relations between the UCL and the
Zapatista movement, in accordance with our desire to develop contacts and
initiatives at the international level.
UCL activists are, or have become, engaged in this solidarity, through trade
unions or in support groups. But the UCL as such must support Zapatism as a
revolutionary movement of resistance to oppression and construction of another
society. She will
by co-organizing solidarity activities;
by relaying their struggle;
by putting their movement in perspective in relation to other self-management
experiences and other social projects, such as the libertarian communist project.
by connecting and coordinating with groups or organizations having a
long-standing activity in supporting the Zapatista struggle.
A process of synthesis During their unification congress in June 2019,
Alternative libertaire and the Coordination of anarchist groups decided not to
make a clean sweep of their past orientations and developments, but to synthesize
them and gradually update them. This text was adopted at the federal coordination
of the UCL on February 13-14, 2021.
Message: 3
From 25 July to 1 st August 2021, participate in a week of discussion, debate,
training and also relaxing. ---- The setting is magnificent: it is the hamlet of
Bécours , in Aveyron. ---- The program is scalable. It is still possible for
participants to offer workshops on site in consultation with the organizing
committee. If the subject is relevant, the committee will submit the finalized
proposal to the general assembly. ---- Sunday July 25 ---- Gradual arrival of
participants, assembly of barnums, various installations. ---- 6 p.m. AGM
opening, details on the operation of the Summer Days. ---- Free evening ----
Monday July 26 ---- Morning: ---- presentation-debate, by Adeline de Lépinay, of
her book Organisons-nous, manuel critique (Out of reach, 2020)
A hundred years ago: 1921, revolutionary syndicalism at a crossroads (opposition
to the war, support for the Russian Revolution, scission of the CGT, foundation
of the CGTU, "anarcho-syndicalists" and "Muslims" ... ), by Kaou (UCL Rennes) and
Guillaume (UCL Montreuil)
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Workshop: thanks to the pandemic, the revival of rurality ?, led by UCL Aveyron
Kanaky: in view of the 2022 referendum, what are the prospects ? with Daniel
Guerrier (Collective Solidarité Kanaky)
What practice of municipalism ?, by activists from Toulouse
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: Nuclear, how to get by ? with Marie-Christine
Gamberini ( Stop nuclear collective )
6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., daily general meeting ; prevention time on sexual
violence, consent, non-consent.
9 pm: Screening of the Meaning of Effort by Benoit Maestre (69 m n ), a film
immersed in the demonstrations of yellow vests in Toulouse from December 2018 to
June 2019. Then debate with the director. Photo exhibition by Eric Pixel (UCL
Toulouse), activist photographer involved in yellow vests.
Tuesday July 27
10 a.m. to 12 p.m .: State of the libertarian movement in the world, with the
International Commission of UCL
Self-defense workshop (premises, demonstration, monitoring and information
sharing) in collaboration with the SO and librism commissions of UCL
Self-defense workshop for children, prevention of sexual violence, with an
activist from the Felis association .
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Kurdistan, where is the situation ? with Édouard (Alpes-Provence) and Guillaume
Algeria, from independence to contemporary popular mobilizations, bureaucracy and
self-organization, with Nedjib Sidi Moussa, author of Algeria, another history of
independence (PUF, 2019)
Build, implement and animate the union tool, with the UCL Labor Commission
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: The unification of struggle unionism, a
perspective ? with the Labor committee, and, as a guest, sociologist Sophie
Béroud and unionists from UCL
6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., daily general meeting
Game night " The soundtrack of the revolution ".
Wednesday July 28
10 a.m. to 12 p.m .: debate around the Paris Commune with Josef Ulla, author of
Paris 1871, Histoire en Marche (Libertarian Editions, 2019) and Ludivine
Bantigny, author of La Commune au present (La Découverte, 2020)
A reflection workshop with the SO commission of UCL, on the issue of political
violence and the offensive
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Reflection on revolutionary unionism within the CGT, with libertarian cégétistes
Reflection on revolutionary unionism within Solidaires, with libertarian southerners
Communist libertarian support for free Palestine , by Daniel (UCL Aveyron), and
news of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, comrades of the French Jewish
Union for Peace (UJFP)
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: Against Islamophobia, how to act and with whom,
with the UCL anti-racism commission
6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., daily general meeting
Festive evening
9 p.m., direction the dancefloor (there is one) with barrier gestures !
Thursday July 29
Morning: relaxation
Possibility of fun activities with the Envie Enjeux association
Sporting activities, moving collectively in demo, dodging LBDs, etc. with the SO
commission of UCL
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Jewish identity, anti-Semitism and racism, by an activist from the Jewish and
Revolutionary Jews (JJR) group
Introduction to the history of unionism, by Théo (UCL Orléans)
Presentation-debate, by Guillaume Davranche of his book Ten questions on
anarchism (Libertalia, 2020).
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: Climate: collapse or revolution ? with Pierre
Madelin, author of Après le capitalisme (Écosociété, 2018) and Should we put an
end to civilization? Primitivism and collapse (Ecosociety, 2020)
6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., daily general meeting
9 p.m .: Screening of the film Le Char et l'Olivier (2019), 100 minutes, on
colonialism in Palestine.
Friday July 30, feminist day
10 a.m. to 12 p.m .: History of feminism and libertarian feminism (national and
international dimension), by Nanou (UCL Montpellier) and Louise (UCL Saint-Denis)
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Materialist feminism and intersectionality: tools for analysis, by Nanou (UCL
Montpellier) and Sarah (UCL Bordeaux)
LGBTIphobias, by Faustine (UCL Metz)
Screening of Paye (pas) ton gynéco (2018) on gynecological violence by Nina Faure
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: Review of the feminist campaign of the UCL and
perspectives, with the anti-patriarchy commission of the UCL
6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., daily GA
9 p.m., conference: Presentation of the re-edition of the book Notre corps, nous
soi (Hors-d'oeinte, 2020) with Nina Faure.
Saturday July 31
10 a.m. to 12 p.m .: discussion group with Nina Faure in selected non-mixed
gender (without cisgender men)
Meeting of the different fronts of feminist / anti-patriarchal struggles in
chosen single-sex
2 p.m. to 4 p.m., workshops:
Anti-electoralism, a current libertarian perspective, by Gil (UCL Montpellier)
Public speaking training (10 registrants max), with Adèle (UCL Pantin)
Unionization of women, by Louise (UCL Saint-Denis)
4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., plenary: Health crisis, social and anti-capitalist response
6:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m .: closing general meeting, assessment and desires for the
following year
Cronstadt 21 evening with Étienne Lesourd, author of Cronstadt 21. Chronicle in
several voices of the sailors' revolt and its repression (Les Nuits Rouges, 1921)
Sunday 1 st August
Morning: Collective storage of the site
Afternoon: Departures
Go back to the registration procedures .
Message: 4
Solidarity demo report at AZC Echt ---- April 24, we and a group of friends held
a demonstration in front of AZC Echt to show our solidarity with the refugees who
are struggling in inhuman conditions. ---- Since then, demonstrators started
walking from Echt Station. Police started coming to stop and threaten us with
arrests. First, they say: "You broke the health protocol regarding COVID-19",
then: and after that: "This demonstration is illegal. If you go there, you will
be caught ". On the way to the evacuation village, one person was arrested for
"unclear reasons". Despite the fact that we maintained a distance of 1.5 meters
from other people, the police still stopped us for no reason and demanded to show
ID because of "violation of health protocols".
In front of the camp, migrants as well as in solidarity shouted, holding banners:
"Legal documents for all migrants", "Break borders. IND pembunub! ". People from
different parts of the Netherlands stand in solidarity with asylum seekers from
AZC Echt. The police came in very large numbers and surrounded the peaceful
demonstration and made the arrests of our friend simply because of the fact that
our friend knows his right to free speech and is not afraid of threats from the
police for their illegal acts. Next, they arrested an anarchist named Abtin
Parsa, brutally took him and threw him into a car. While trying to help Abtin,
another colleague was arrested. Their feet were injured and when the police
stepped on them, our companion could not walk, so the police dragged him to the
police car. When other people also tried to help, they were threatened with two
dogs and baton, but the police continued to beat them with the baton. After the
arrests, more policemen came. Towards the end of the demonstration there were no
less than 10 police cars just to secure 20-30 demonstrators. Obviously, Echt,
with a population of only 7700 people doesn't need a lot of police. It doesn't
seem like enough for the police, they call the police helicopter! After the
arrest, people continued to shout slogans, while the police continued to threaten
with aggressive dogs, and camp guards tried to push people away from the fence.
About 25 minutes later, the demo slowly started to finish. At the same time, the
police began to form a line facing the center of Echt. Lines of police running
behind the people who let nobody return to the camps. People kept chanting
slogans and carrying signs: "Open borders. Refugee life is important "," IND
killer ","Vrijheid voor iedereen "," Tegen staats-terrorism "," Legal documents
for all "," Close all AZC detention centers ", etc. After some time, the police
raided the demonstrators in such a way that people could not maintain a safe
distance, and escorted them to Station Echt. Where they demanded people to leave
the city. Some comrades parked bikes and car ov-fiets in AZC, but the police
didn't let them go. They waited until the people got on the train and then left.
Three of the four people arrested were released at the time of writing. The
police released one of the detainees just 10 minutes before the curfew ended,
knowing the fact that this person lived in a different city and had no phone, no
money, no credit card, nothing. Thanks to local solidarity, they are safe and
have a safe place to live. Our comrade Abtin Parsa remains arrested. Lawyers are
still working on his release.
This is a report from a demo and not a political statement. We will publish our
statement on this situation later.
Public announcement of Abtin Parsa
The notion of Social Democracy fears that immigrants will organize themselves in
direct cooperation with local residents. The notion of a deadly Social Democracy
oppressed the AZC echt liberation movement, when it saw democratic autonomous
management as a threat to its existence. The self-organizing of immigrants at AZC
Echt has been successful in running all parts of the camp; Direct democracy based
on mutual solidarity has generally been able to eliminate the role of state
management (COA) in AZC Echt. The regime lost control of the camps, when the
self-governing community could meet its needs without intervention from the
authoritarian COA. Azc Echt proved that self-management based on direct democracy
can seriously meet the needs of society better than social democracy. This is
also a materialist response to those who consider libertarian socialism
(anarchism) unattainable. No Azc Echt people are anarchists, but we have seen how
(stateless) socialism can create anti-authoritarian societies based on autonomous
self-management and direct (assembly) democracy. Despite the struggle of the AZC
Echt community. self-organization had prepared itself not long ago but the regime
quickly began to attack it, but I believe that the capitalist regime cannot
destroy the idea that society based on class consciousness has made it happen. As
a tool to free himself. At AZC Echt, with me or without me, the idea of
liberation cannot be removed from the minds of immigrants. People took their
lives in their hands,
The idea of Social Democracy has alienated me from AZC Echt to another AZC, they
are criminalizing political struggles trying to drop demands for a failed
liberation, we must not allow the regime to do such an act. They were even afraid
of my presence near AZC Echt. , they threatened to take legal action against me
by criminalizing my presence in AZCecht; In doing so, the regime wants to buy
more time to carefully dismantle the self-help organization of immigrants at AZC
Echt. To leave such a thing to the regime is to be an observer when the
self-organized community of immigrant struggle (proletariat) comes under attack
by the regime.
Recall March 21, 2020, when special forces entered the Corridalus Prison and Pola
Rupa political prisoners (EA members) who were exiled to another prison. The
reason for the exile of the political prisoner Pola Rupa (member of EA) to the
Thebes women's prison was the mobilization he made in detention. The grecce
regime is terrified when it sees the oppressed unite against the real enemy. With
the exile of Pula Rupa (member of EA), the prisoner mobilization calmed down
after a while and was gradually suppressed by the state. This is an old regime
tactic to suppress popular mobilization, something we saw recently in AZC Echt.
Since I do not wish to provide the regime with unnecessary information, I do not
intend to address all issues in this public statement. I prefer to wait for the
court hearing and raise more matters after the court's decision if necessary. I
feel it is necessary to maintain the political identity of the azc Echt
liberation movement, which is why this statement is published. Friends should
know that the reason for the regime's oppression on Saturday, April 24, 2021 is
not only fear of demonstrations, but also their fear of self-regulation and
self-management created in AZC Echt.
Abtin Parsa
29 April 2021
Latest News: Abtin Parsa
Via ig: asranarshism
"Abtin Parsa is currently free (temporarily), he was released after going on a
hunger strike and an action of international / local solidarity which put heavy
pressure on the Netherlands."
"The police are seeking trial and because the charges against him are serious,
Abtin Parsan can be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison."
Solidarity for Abtin Parsa
Abtin was arrested during a protest for an inhuman refugee camp (asylum center)
in the Netherlands. This camp is no better than a prison. He / they are free, but
as someone who was not directly involved in the protests at Echt, I would like to
contribute to the struggle in various ways. I have a lot of respect for Abtin
because he is someone who is actively risking his own freedom for the freedom of
others. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to carry out a mutiny
with Abtin?
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«Indonesian Black Cross (WA) statement regarding repressive international
counter-information attacks
Message: 5
Please check out a May Day message from the IFA Secretariat (who are currently
the FAI in Italy - this role rotates amongst the federations making up the
membership of IFA ). ---- The Bristol group of the Anarchist Federation
previously published a nice read about the anarchist origins of Mayday including
the Haymarket Affair in Chicago mentioned in the above message. Also, our 25th
anniversary issue of Organise!magazine 77 from a decade ago has articles we have
previously published about the Paris Commune which was especially influential on
the development of anarchist communism.
Earlier in the year we celebrated and remembered the bravery of the Kronstadt
rebellion of 1921.
Message: 6
The Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) denounces the violent
repression of its demonstration again this year. Indeed, the SPVM proceeded, as
usual, to unjustified and brutal arrests. The police used truncheons and tear gas
to silence the people who are tired of being exploited every day to enrich the
nauseating bourgeoisie and their companies that profit from COVID-19. Several
people were injured and the police even destroyed the cell phone of one
participant. ---- More than 750 people gathered to denounce the exacerbation of
social injustice and precariousness during the current pandemic. Capitalism and
neo-liberalism have laid the foundations for this disaster and it is certainly
not through this economic system that we will get out of the crisis. The
organizers would like to thank the participants of the demonstration who took to
the streets this year, despite the health crisis, with masks and distancing measures.
As part of the International Workers' Day, CLAC organized today the annual May
Day anti-capitalist demonstration, which started at 4PM in Jarry Park. Last year,
due to the health situation, there was no rally, but we did call for a day of
visibility actions, which was a great success.
This year, we went to protest in the Mile-Ex to denounce the artificial
intelligence companies that are shamelessly taking advantage of the crisis,
converting public subsidies into tools for the private sector. The companies
located there are a major force in the gentrification and displacement of the
residents of Parc-Extension in addition of participating in the technological
surveillance proliferation.
Stacy Langlois, a protester, said: "As always, it is the workers, the poor, the
migrants, the people in predominantly female jobs, who are killing themselves -
literally - to support the rich. We're the ones who cook and deliver their food
so they don't have to go line up at the grocery store like the rest of us." She
continues: "Their recovery plan is to keep us in misery."
In addition, the tightening of borders and the abuse of immigration authorities
are on a mission to preserve these inequalities. Migrants who were "lucky" enough
to come here are dying in our hospitals and warehouses. The streets of the
poorest neighborhoods are empty, as the police are always looking for their next
victims. The First Peoples are being humiliated, assaulted and killed by the
governmental bodies driven by the extractivist companies. And in all this chaos,
we are forced to obey, to remain silent, to be blind to everything that is
happening around us. It is absurd and revolting!
In a fiery opening speech, Steven Lafortune-Sansregret cried out: "What we must
revive is not the economy, but the struggles for the end of capitalist
exploitation! "Together, ready to fight, we are much stronger and much more
numerous than those who oppress us with impunity. Let's refuse this "uberized"
future and build a world of mutual aid and equity. To achieve this, we will use
all necessary means.
We don't want the world they are trying to sell us! No old normal, no new normal!
Let's abolish capitalism!
Message: 7
we are from the Autonomous General Union of Santa Catarina , SIGA-SC, and today
on the 1st of May, workers' day, we invite the community of Costeira and region
to build a General Strike against Bolsonaro's murderous military government. ----
May 1st is a historic date that marks one of the first mobilizations of workers
in the search for better living conditions. ----But unfortunately today we have
no reason to celebrate, Brazil has recently reached the milestone of 400 thousand
people killed by the pandemic, without considering the cases that are not
reported. ---- Our country is currently the world center of the pandemic, our
people are being pushed to their death every day through crowded buses, poorly
paid jobs and without the proper security measures against Covid-19, more than 21
million Brazilians today are unemployed and 19 million Brazilians are starving.
Those responsible for this situation of public calamity are those who do not feel
the impacts of the pandemic, on top of their sand castles, who have the resources
to pay for the best treatments that money can buy. While the people gather in the
morgue queues, in the SUS queues and in the search for jobs, the president spends
more than R $ 2 million in 15 days of vacation, the military spends more than R $
4 million in dinners, wines and cocktails, and Brazil during the pandemic gains
20 more entrepreneurs in the list of BILLIONAIRES worldwide.
The government's incompetence in dealing with the pandemic is no accident, it is
part of a grand plan for mass murder of the poorest and increased control over
the population. They want to make us swallow the new normal, accept lower and
lower wages with less labor rights, they want us to send our children to schools
in person when we know that advertisements for back to school classes are a lie,
which are lacking in public schools until the end of the year. toilet paper, let
alone having gel alcohol, face shields and constant distance. They continue to
enter our communities with their murderous police, shooting at our youth and
saying that they are criminals, destroying the dreams and homes of the humble people.
We at SIGA-SC are members of FOB, a national association of associations and
collectives that believe that we should not depend on elections to fight for our
lives, until then how many more of our fathers, mothers, brothers, grandparents,
sons and daughters will die? Between starving or being contaminated by COVID-19,
between unemployment and the police bullet, we chose to go to fight, for our
lives and against the murder of thousands of Brazilians.
We are not mistaken with the false messiahs and prophets dressed in red or yellow
green. We will not wait until 2022 to act against all the injustices that have
been done against the people. Governors are puppets, puppets, popular faces,
servants of those who really rule in a world run by money, the great
billionaires, the big corporations and the world's mega bankers. As long as the
pandemic, as long as our deaths are profitable for this small elite group, the
situation will not change, whether with President B or President L.
Message: 8
In Colombia, the police organize manhunts against demonstrators who have been
protesting for several days against the proposed tax reform that will penalize
the working classes.President Ivan DUQUE has initiated a new tax reform,
unanimously rejected by the Colombian population, academics, associations or
unions. Even the ruling party and its allies have criticized the reform
project!!! ---- «It's incredible, we are in the middle of the COVID crisis» and
the government decides «to carry out a tax reform (which) further impoverishes
the people«, lamented to AFP Julian Naranjo, an environmental official, during
the demonstration in Bogota.
Even though the president was forced to withdraw the project under pressure from
the streets, social anger continues to be expressed, and the police continue
their massacre.
For the past week, there have been at least 30 dead, more than 1,000 injured, at
least 20 rapes committed by the security forces, more than 800 arrests.»It's not
just about withdrawing from reform, (it's) the icing on the cake. The whole
management of the pandemic and everything that happened with this government blew
up in our faces (...) we are against all the policies of this government «,
testified Maria Teresa Flores, 27, on
The police organize a real manhunt against the demonstrators. According to our
ULET-AIT compañeros who participate in the protest movement, at the assembly
points, the police remove the street lights and when it gets dark they start
shooting at people passing by. Many people were victims of police violence when
they returned home.The army and police also shot at people during the protest
with guns. There are dead, injured and women who have been raped.
In addition to this, demonstrators are taken without knowing the destination in
cars believed to be of the military forces. (in Colombia the Ministry of Defense
supervises the police). these extrajudicial actions awaken terrible memories in a
country traumatized by years of dirty war.T
he ULET-AIT companions ask that this information be disseminated as widely as
possible, so that President DUQUE cannot act with impunity at the international
To send protest messages (without insults or threats please, which could then be
used against protesters).
IN THE UNITED STATES: Consulate General of Colombia in New YorkEast 46th Street
New York, NY, 10017 Local phone: (212) 798 90 00 Fax: (212) 972 17 25
Translation: Mike HARRIS
ACAT-AIT (Asociación Continental Americana de Trabajadores - Asociación
Internacional de los Trabajadores)
Message: 9
Since last April 28, the Colombian working class and common people have not left
the streets. Shouting "They Are Killing Us!" they have come out to fight with a
general strike, pickets, pot-banging and looting, against the attack that the tax
reform promoted by the government of Duque, a puppet of US imperialism, means for
the pockets of working families. ---- The government's response was a brutal
repression with dozens killed, more than 50 disappeared and hundreds of political
prisoners who were taken to a sports arena completely illegally. ---- Despite the
Duque government's announcement of his "withdrawal" of the tax reform, the people
no longer believe him, they know that it is a trap and that is why they do not
leave the streets. The strike and self-defense continues despite the union
bureaucracy; after 7 days there is a shortage of staples in certain cities, but
the working class is organized by neighborhoods, elects its delegates, organizes
its health committees to help the injured, and supply committees to provide food
to working class families. THAT'S THE WAY!
For two days, they have brought the police and the army to the streets of Cali
and other cities to massacre. A 7-year-old boy was murdered last night and
hundreds of young people have been beaten to death, increasing the number of
dead, disappeared and detained.
That is why we want to extend all our solidarity to the heroic Colombian workers.
We are next to you, you are not alone!
We call on all militant and class consciousunions to call for a demonstration in
support of the Colombian working class and people.
Let us report in our workplaces to denounce that in Colombia "THEY ARE KILLING US".
Message: 10
Sad news of the death of a comrade in Istanbul on May 5th. More information
follows via DAF including their protest (photos & video): ---- DAF protested this
morning in front of the Azerbaijan consulate in Istanbul with the banner "The
state murdered Bayram". ---- Anarchist Bayram Mammadov has been the target of the
Azerbaijani state since the first day he opposed it. He was tortured, slandered,
imprisoned, and ultimately forced to live as a political exile. Now the Turkish
state says that Bayram committed suicide. We know they are lying. As we wrote in
our banner, the state murdered Bayram. We were protesting today in front of the
Azerbaijan consulate with our banner to spread the truth to the whole world. We
will not stop asking what happened to Bayram!
Devrimci Anarsist Federasyon
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