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zondag 28 november 2021

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL - For equal work, equal pay! Support for temporary workers at Bonna Sabla! by Adrien_GPS (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

 Since November 02, dozens of temporary workers from several agencies supported by

the CGT Interim and working for the company Bonna Sabla have gone on strike. Theydenounce the false promises of the management of the factory, which had made themdangle a hiring in CDI and a bonus of end of site of 4000 euros. Instead,Consolis, the parent company of Bonna Sabla, decides to close the site on thepretext that the company has not won the last calls for tenders. ---- However,this site, where parts are manufactured for the construction of tunnels for thenew transport lines planned in Greater Paris, is profitable. Orders for thelatest constructions have brought in millions. However, to please theshareholders, the Bonna Sabla group is gradually being dismantled: the closure ofthe Conflans Saint Honorine site will be the third Employment Protection Plan in15 years, these plans having already caused more than 2,000 layoffs! Inside thefactory, exploitation reigns supreme: the majority of workers are temporaryworkers, some and some for several years. The factory premises are dilapidated,not maintained.This emblematic situation of this capitalist society is of course revolting.While the works of Greater Paris lead in their wake to the expulsion anddestruction of the environment of the working classes (as in the Jardinsd'Aubervilliers not long ago), the companies which benefit from these worksfinanced by public money are exploiting without the same popular classes feelremorse in their factories. When maximum profit is reached, factories aredismantled, workers kicked out, with the complacency of institutions and power,whether right or left.For the UCL, in our neighborhoods or our businesses, capitalism crushes ourlives, and from one end of the chain to the other, the work ofmetropolitanization of Greater Paris is one more maneuver. Faced with theecological and social emergency, it is vital to get rid of this system. In orderfor us to be able to do this, we must start by fighting here and now in the faceof the bosses' lies and the exploitation they impose. It is with this objectivethat it is important to join the existing checks and balances such as unions,which are the main tools of mobilization in the workplace.We give all our support to the temporary workers of Bonna Sabla in struggle andall our wishes for success in their struggle. The proliferation of strikes duringthis period is proof that despite the identity and racist media hype, the timehas come for a social struggle for a growing number of workers.To support the strike of Bonna Sabla's temporary workers: Sign the petition:https://chng.it/B8MBRXLz92 Donate to the strike fund:https://www.cotizup.com/greve-interimaires-bonna-sablahttps://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?A-travail-egal-salaire-egal-Soutien-aux-interimaires-de-Bonna-Sabla_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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