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vrijdag 25 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #AFGHANISTAN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) alas barricadas: The current situation in Afghanistan under the rule of the Talibanby Federation of Anarchism Era (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 1. What is the current situation under the Taliban? ---- The situation in

Afghanistan during the previous Republic was also oppressive, but with the riseof the Taliban, it has become worse and unbearable. ---- Assessing the situationfrom an economic point of view, it is miserable because there is no economicinfrastructure and the state relied on massive global aid in the presence ofinternational coalition forces for 20 years. With their withdrawal and cut orreduction of this economic support, the labor market and the economic turnaroundcollapsed. The Taliban offered wheat in exchange for the people's work which isreally ridiculous. It is impossible for humans to make a living with grain inexchange for work in today's urban life. From a security perspective, the situation in Afghanistan during the currentTaliban era relies on the suppression and dissemination of fear among Afghancitizens.The lack of a comprehensive political system has suffocated Afghans' hope for thefuture.Unfortunately, with the arrival of the Taliban and their occupation of thecountry, little space for education and learning we had is taken away. Becausepeople do not have psychological and physical security, they cannot go toeducational centers for fear of the Taliban. Unfortunately, when people in asociety do not have physical and psychological safety, no creativity occursthere. Because every activity requires the physical and mental wellness of humanbeings, no one grows in such a society, and we will see a paralyzed community.2. I am very curious about their process of establishing bureaucratic authoritythrough government and the military.The bureaucratic political system that has developed over the last 20 years hasbeen highly costly; I do not think the Taliban can afford all those expenses inthe long run.At the time of the Republic, the Americans paid $3-4 billion a year for the USArmy, but the army did not succeed in advancing the war.With this disintegrated economy and relying on domestic revenues, the Taliban cannot build such a structure and army in Afghanistan and are forced to build asimple, low intensity, traditional bureaucratic system. For several reasons, muchof American equipment that has fallen into the hands of the Taliban do not lastlong. Helicopters left by the Americans to the Taliban cannot be repaired inneighboring countries or seemingly allied nations to the Taliban. These types ofequipment must be repaired in NATO countries because the technology and therepair apparatus exist there, and the Americans will not allow the Taliban to dootherwise. Therefore, using these helicopters and equipment for the Taliban willbe very costly and challenging, so they can not use them. With the support andcooperation of Russia, China, Pakistan, or Iran, they may be able to form atleast one bureaucratic system with financial assistance and equipment theyreceive through these channels.3- Do they rule all the societies of Afghanistan or is there still someself-governance?The Taliban are more successful inside Afghanistan than the previous governmentbecause Afghanistan's political and military developments always begin from therural areas and neighborhoods and then cities. Taliban has powerful influence andabsolute sovereignty in Afghanistan's rural districts and communities.Taliban are currently facing a series of threats in the north of the country andsome other cities.Although the Taliban has more influence among the people than ever before, thereare groups that operate openly or covertly against the Taliban regime, such aswomen's street movements and activities on social media. The Resistance Front isalso present in several provinces and practically fights the Taliban in amilitary war. Similarly, some newly formed groups are announcing their oppositionto the Taliban. According to the self-government, this is quite natural becauseAfghanistan has a diverse culture, and the Taliban's extremist laws are notacceptable to the people, and self-government arises spontaneously.4. Do you think it is right to call the Taliban government the government of thetheocratic fascists?The Taliban can be considered primarily a religious group rather than an ethnic one.The composition of the Taliban government is mainly Pashtun, but in some of theirranks, there are also prominent Uzbek and Tajik commanders.And, of course, the Taliban is a kind of fascist regime, oppressing all ethnicgroups and oppressing them in the same way. The activists get murdered by theTaliban, whether they are from the north or the south of the country. Also, themilitary members of the former government killed by Taliban were from across allAfghanistan and all ethnicities.Federation of Anarchism Era Social Media Pageshttps://asranarshism.com/1400/12/26/current-situation-afghanistan-en/  https://alasbarricadas.org/noticias/node/47950_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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