Under the pretext of silencing single thought, a reactionary offensive has been
at work in the academic world for several years. Their targets: the well-meaning,the "Islamo-leftists" and recently the wokes. Theorized in the United Statesunder the term Campus Wars, this rhetoric is today taken up by ministersthemselves. ---- The attacks on the University, which remained on the far right afew years ago, have been carried out in the last two years by no less than theMinisters of the Interior, Education and Higher Education. . Frédérique Vidal(Minister of Higher Education) went so far as to declare that Islamo-leftism wasgangrening not only the University but also society as a whole.At Sciences Po Grenoble, in March 2021, a controversy also broke out around theorganization of a day on Islamophobia. It is in fact a form of adaptation of astruggle called the Campus Wars on the other side of the Atlantic. This isevidenced by the use of the term "wokism", coming from the word woke whichoriginally means "awake, aware of the existence of systems of oppression withinsociety", and which has been taken up as anathema by the American conservativeright. .In the United States, the best-known case took place in March 2017 at theUniversity of Evergreen. On campus, the atmosphere is tense due to the recentelection of Donald Trump, as well as cases of police violence. The racializedpeople of the university, who had organized since the 1970s a "day of absence"during which they left the campus in order to raise awareness of racism, decidedthat year to reverse the roles and asked white people not to not come to campus.campus d'evergreenConservative media like Fox News jumped at the chance to make the event ademonstration of the stranglehold of anti-racist activists on universities. Theshape is generally the same as the one we will see later in France. In additionto "wokism", the right also criticizes critical race theory and cultural Marxism.A neoconservative elite at workWhen it comes to conspiracy, however, the university slayers are no exception...These attacks, which they seek to pass off as legitimate popular anger in theface of a malevolent cultural elite, are carefully nurtured by certain people whoare far from belong to the working classes.The case study of critical race theory brings to light the troubling role of aman named Rick Berman (nicknamed "Dr. Evil ") and his lobbying firmBerman and co,which usually militates against trade union rights within large companies. Thiscompany has launched several campaigns in recent years against the teaching ofcritical race theory, supposedly in the name of "worried parents", and byfraudulently claiming the support of several anti-racist associations.Unable to oppose a rational argument to the denunciation of racism or patriarchy,the extreme right, here as in the United States supported by the fine flower ofcapitalism, therefore relies on its usual weapons: confusion, defamation andconspiracy. It is up to us to respond by defending an open, emancipatory andindependent University from private interests.Nicolas (UCL Grenoble)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Campus-Wars-les-elites-reacs-contre-attaquent_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSubscribe/Unsubscribe https://ainfos.ca/mailman/listinfo/a-infos-enArchive: http://ainfos.ca/enSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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