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woensdag 16 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) cnt-ait: 8M: NEITHER LOVERS NOR SLAVES: ANARCOFEMINISTS ALWAYS (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Like every March 8, from the National Confederation of Labor we stand

unconditionally with the anarcho-feminist struggles, which fight for theemancipation of women and all bodies, and for the abolition of all forms of powerand authority. Like every March 8, we claim this date as the International Day ofWorking Women. ---- In the same way that happens with May Day, a historicinternational date for the working classes and institutionally recognized as"Labor Day", March 8 was conveniently declared "International Women's Day" by theUN in 1975. Dispossession of a whole memory of struggle by the institution isbeing completely successful and even on both dates the strike has beentrivialized and emptied of meaning. Just as May Day has been turned into afestive and spring day, March 8 is also on the way to becoming a date ofcelebration and recognition of the institutional and hierarchical logics that werepudiate. And that is nothing more than palpable evidence of how state power andinstitutions absorb revolutionary struggles to use them at their convenience anddismantle them. Accomplices in this are organizations that call themselves workerand trade unionists, as well as feminists, but they are nothing more thansubsidized organizations that respond to the interests of the capitalist andpatriarchal state.We, from the CNT-AIT, are frontally opposed to those feminisms whose inter-classclaims go through recognizing the hierarchies imposed on us by the states,capital and patriarchy. We oppose organizations that, far from destroying all thepower structures that oppress human beings, fight so that women and dissidentscan be as powerful as men have always been.Women are a diverse and complex group and we see ourselves traversed not only byclass hierarchies, but also by racial and colonial ones, as well as by otherstructural differences of power, violence that position us even further on themargins of this system. A dehumanizing system that makes us precarious, makes usinvisible, that penalizes our life experiences, that always marks and positionsus in otherness. A system for which we are always conquerable, raw material,objects of study, worship and research. We are overwhelmed, but we are subjectsof our history, of our demands, of our rights. We are strong and brave, we haveinherited thousands of oppressions, our skin is resistant, our character proud,our voice angry and powerful. We have become resilient.We must talk about anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-capitist feminism toinclude all the renegades. The flowers that grow in the cement of the eternalstigma. In addition and simultaneously, we must speak of transfeminisms, beingaware that synergies are necessary to include all affected bodies within anautonomous and anti-capitalist feminist struggle. Here we are all againstpatriarchy, against the binary exclusion of any dichotomy. Against allhierarchies. However, we want to remember that ideas should not be mere utopia:first we must deconstruct ourselves in the face of patriarchal education, unlearnbinarist programming, abilityism, saneness, the attitude, both infantilized andinfantilizing, condescending and paternalistic to which any of us have beensubjected. Good intentions are not enough for us, we want to be self-critical, wewant to plant doubt. Without superfluous assumptions, recreating the world withhorizontal and egalitarian relationships, free from authoritarianism, based onmutual support and solidarity. The global economic system marks us more thegreater the number of oppressions that we live and share. We want to question therights "per se" of everything established, we want to question and stopharassment, media harassment, police harassment. We believe that it is fromknowledge and a coherent, anti-authoritarian, anarcho-communist ethic, whichbreaks with individualism, from where changes must necessarily be generated.recreating the world with horizontal and egalitarian relationships, free fromauthoritarianism, based on mutual support and solidarity. The global economicsystem marks us more the greater the number of oppressions that we live andshare. We want to question the rights "per se" of everything established, we wantto question and stop harassment, media harassment, police harassment. We believethat it is from knowledge and a coherent, anti-authoritarian, anarcho-communistethic, which breaks with individualism, from where changes must necessarily begenerated. recreating the world with horizontal and egalitarian relationships,free from authoritarianism, based on mutual support and solidarity. The globaleconomic system marks us more the greater the number of oppressions that we liveand share. We want to question the rights "per se" of everything established, wewant to question and stop harassment, media harassment, police harassment. Webelieve that it is from knowledge and a coherent, anti-authoritarian,anarcho-communist ethic, which breaks with individualism, from where changes mustnecessarily be generated. we want to question and stop harassment, mediaharassment, police harassment. We believe that it is from knowledge and acoherent, anti-authoritarian, anarcho-communist ethic, which breaks withindividualism, from where changes must necessarily be generated. we want toquestion and stop harassment, media harassment, police harassment. We believethat it is from knowledge and a coherent, anti-authoritarian, anarcho-communistethic, which breaks with individualism, from where changes must necessarily begenerated.This March 8, 2022 is also crossed by a convulsive international situation: thewar that is being unleashed in Ukraine. A war born of the expansionist desires ofthe capitalist and patriarchal States and Nations that yearn for nothing morethan accumulation, at the cost of the dispossession and devastation of entireterritories and communities. For this reason, we take advantage of this space toposition ourselves, from anarcho-feminism, against war and the militaristic andviolent logics that are born within the States and their patriotic discourses.The patriarchal nature of wars and armed conflicts is well known, both because ofthe roles to which women are subjected, and because of the instrumentalization,objectification and transformation of their bodies into tools to devastate theenemy. Numerous discourses raised from institutional feminisms today fantasizeabout a different reality in which there would be no wars if it were women whowere at the head of governments and in decision-making bodies. It appeals to asupposed naturally conciliatory, peaceful and supportive character of women and,from there, it is claimed that we have the same possibility as men to reachpositions of power. That we have the same access to the management of statecompanies and institutions, that there are more and more women among the policeand military. It appeals to a supposed naturally conciliatory, peaceful andsupportive character of women and, from there, it is claimed that we have thesame possibility as men to reach positions of power. That we have the same accessto the management of state companies and institutions, that there are more andmore women among the police and military. It appeals to a supposed naturallyconciliatory, peaceful and supportive character of women and, from there, it isclaimed that we have the same possibility as men to reach positions of power.That we have the same access to the management of state companies andinstitutions, that there are more and more women among the police and military.We anarchist feminists reject that. We do not consider ourselves to be good andconciliatory by nature. We do not believe that our access to parliaments,companies, armies and police forces will blow up power structures. In fact, wewill only reinforce it, as was the case with the incorporation of women intosuffrage and paid work. We reject and position ourselves head-on against feministdiscourses that fantasize about power fetishes. Wars, dispossession, devastation,misery, exploitation, inequalities, prisons and hierarchies will continue toexist, even if it is women or any oppressed subject who are in power. Because theproblem is that: power. And from it we expect nothing more than its abolition.For us, March 8 is not a date of celebration. It is not a date to give usflowers, to celebrate and congratulate ourselves for the simple fact of beingwomen. It is a date of struggle, of memory, of reflection, of tightening theropes, of undermining rotten structures, of reaffirming our anti-authoritarianprinciples. And not just on this appointed day, but throughout our lifetimes.We do not seek to reinvent or improve the old and rusty hierarchical structure onwhich our society is historically based. We do not want to soften the chains thatsubjugate us, we want to destroy those chains. And on its ashes, we want to builda world free of power, hierarchies, misery. A world that is habitable for us andfor all the beings that inhabit the planet. In this arduous task we organizeourselves. As the anarchist María Galindo says: "with one hand we supportemergencies, with the other we hold utopias".March 8: International Working Women's Day.Against the State, against capital and against patriarchy. Against misery andhierarchy. Against the armies, against the police. Against the militaristic logicof homelands and nations.Ni amas ni esclavas: Anarcofeministas siempre, por la emancipación de todos loscuerpos.https://www.cnt-ait.org/8m-ni-amas-ni-esclavas/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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