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woensdag 16 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spain, CNT Aranjuez FAL: ALTAJO nº38 March 2022 (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 PDF FORMAT https://www.cnt-aranjuez.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/AlTajo-38.pdf

---- Presentation ---- We are at the gates of a new March 8. For this reason, wewanted to open this issue of AL TAJO with a statement issued by the PermanentSecretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CNT with a very eloquent title:Working women are overwhelmed. And we are fed up. ---- In the following text, OnSushi: the menu of the workers' struggle, the protagonist is a worker and comradefired unjustifiably by this hotel company in the middle of last October.Below we publish the first part of the entitled "American Dream", Spanish siesta.The cultural war against public pensions, by Roberto Pradas, in which its authorexamines the evolution of the public pension system since the end of the 19thcentury and the dangers that lie in wait for it in recent decades.Josep Maria Roselló, a collaborator of our magazine, recently passed away, and inthis issue we pay him a modest recognition through a text entitled In memory ofJosep Maria Roselló.Taking foot in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, we collect an article by CarlosTaibo entitled NATO, Russia and Ukraine: an impertinent gloss, in which theauthor, in seven steps, exposes his observations on that warlike conflict.In Élisée Reclus: social and human geography and anarchism, Fernando Barberobrings us closer to the life, work and legacy of this eminent anarchist geographer.Already in the pages dedicated to culture, we include comments on three recentlypublished books.As well as a review of Lobalópez about the play Silencio, directed by Juan Mayorga.And later, a text entitled Jesús Lizano, a poet of various names, by JorgeCastellanos, in which the particular way the poet had of signing his works isdescribed. We complete the number, as is customary, with two poems: Offers anddemands, by Gonzalo Yolanda; and Psychosomatic Poeftry, by Caterina Gogu,translated and commented by Yanis Merinakis.https://www.cnt-aranjuez.org/altajo-no38-marzo-de-2022/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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