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woensdag 16 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spain, Solidaridad Obrera: NOTICE 22/2022 METRO MADRID - March 8 LONG LIVE THE CONTINUOUS STRUGGLE OF WORKING WOMEN!! (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 March 8, International Women's Day, is celebrated in tribute to the 146 women

workers who decided to fight for a fairer salary equal to that of men and whodied in the fire caused by the owner of the shirt factory in New York. From thathistorical milestone we start every March 8, where we incorporate new claims inthis struggle for participation to break all patriarchal inequalities. Many morewomen were, and continue to be, overwhelmed and repressed in this fight, but herewe are, we have not left a single flag nor have we forgotten the names of eachand every one. We continue despite the sorrows, the discrimination for the simplefact of being born a woman, avoiding traps, obstacles, continued inequalities,and with the heartbreaking figures of femicide, the victims of wars, of famines,of murdered women and girls, mutilated and raped, and we continue for each andevery one of them, for each and every one of us, because that's how we builtourselves.The rebound in sexist violence translated into murders is a verifiable aberrationin today's society. Rare is the day that the media does not announce the murderof one or more women. Rare is the day that the suspicions of partners,ex-partners, friends or acquaintances who decide to end the lives of women arenot confirmed. Let's not forget that murder is the extreme expression ofmachismo, which considers itself the owner and master of "their women."There are other forms of violence, non-perceptible violence, considered invisiblebecause it occurs so daily that we barely pay attention to it: humiliating jokes,obscene compliments, undervaluing our achievements, textbooks where theparticipation of women in history does not appear, invisibility by language and along etc. These innocuous acts, which "doesn't matter", only prolong andreinforce the cruel game of patriarchy whose purpose is to reduce the presenceand essence of women to nothing, in such a way that any violent act towards themis minimized until that a murder occurs and it is fodder for the media, and thatis when we lament the lack of measures, of education, of conscience... but theyforget on the third day... or before.In an environment like this, it is not surprising that violence transcends theverbal, the psychological and the domestic, moving to the world of work whereclass and gender differences increase twice: wage gap between men and women, thegreater the worse qualified and paid is employment; ease of dismissal thatfollows the same rule of proportionality; increase in precariousness, part-timework and lack of co-responsibility in the home, which not only contributes to thefeminization of poverty but also to doubled violence: precarious women.Patriarchy generates a series of situations that, staggered over time, liveddaily, lead to forcing women and men to live together in a system that imposesunfair, unjustified and clearly violent gender roles.That is why both men and women must face it, demand social and labor policiesthat end gender differences, and above all fight daily, wherever and againstwhomever it takes, to stop imposing relationship models based on genderdifferences invented and transmitted by patriarchy in perverse collusion withcapitalism. This is our challenge.At Metro Solidaridad Obrera and the Free Trade Union, we have called two-hourstrikes for all groups at the following times on March 8: For all morning shifts,the strikes will affect the last two hours of each shift. For all afternoonshifts, stoppages will affect the first two hours of each shift. For splitshifts, stoppages will affect the first two hours of the first semi-shift, exceptfor the P11 of the group of train drivers, which will take place in the first twohours of the second semi-shift.Solidaridad Obrera calls on all workers to support the strikes and attend theconcentration that will take place in Plaza de Isabel II, Metro Ópera, from 1:00p.m. to 2:00 p.m.LET'S BREAK INEQUALITIES, LET'S END THE PATRIARCHY!!Madrid March 4, 2022For Workers' SolidarityTHE UNION BOARDhttps://www.solidaridadobrera.org/confederal/2022/03/04/aviso-22-2022-metromadrid-8-de-marzo-viva-la-lucha-continua-de-las-mujeres-trabajadoras/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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