We cannot leave the recent comment pieces in Freedom uncommented on. The first
piece, "Fuck Leftist Westplaining" by Freedom editor, Zosia Brom (4th March),contained much that we politically and intellectually, disagreed with. While wehave every sympathy for where it was coming from emotionally, unfortunately, anypoint that needed to be addressed was drowned out because it had been so heavilyframed in identity politics. ---- However, when this was compounded by the actualnationalism and xenophobia of the piece, A Thousand Red Flags by Darya Rustamova(7th March), a polite veil could no longer be drawn over the matter.We have long warned that the danger of identity politics was that it was leadingthe unwary into right wing territory. And now we have evidence in the commentsection of Freedom.The ACG has condemned Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. We have done so from aclass perspective. Freedom, on the other hand, has published the sentiment "it istruly understandable that many people hate Russia and Russians and anything to dowith Russia, and more power to them". Let us repeat that: more power to peoplewho hate Russians. It is unthinkable that Freedom should publish that sentiment.The article proclaims that, "It also isn't anti-left to be Russophobic". We don'tknow if it's anti-left, but it is xenophobic and it is non-anarchist. As isarguing that "nationalism or patriotism (or however we feel most comfortabledefining it in English) can be empowering and important for people who are underthreat of imperialist invasion".We cannot agree that nationalism is "important" in these or any circumstances.Nationalism is neither necessary nor desirable in order to condemn the invasion,to oppose the invasion, nor to support those suffering because of the invasion.It is not a desirable part of solidarity towards those in Ukraine, nor is it adesirable condition for their self-defence.It has always been the position of anarchists in these circumstances toemphasise, boost and support the self-liberation of the working-class. ForFreedom to now be actively promoting nationalism, xenophobia and hatred of anationality because of the actions of their government is unbelievable,unacceptable and hopefully a passing aberration in a moment of stress.https://www.anarchistcommunism.org/2022/03/07/identity-nationalism-and-xenophobia-at-freedom/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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