For two years we have been living in a context of increased death and illness
among workers. We have seen up close, in the places where we operate, aninexorable social crisis devastate life and radiate misery among those below;from the fields to the slums, from schools to universities, from the factory tothe home office, history marks the present as being a woman is to be the victimof a social symptom. Double, triple, quadruple, fivefold working day, because themain service we owe to society is precisely the social and political positionthat this genre occupies. Like the work of Sisyphus, destined to the lastfrontier of Capital and State to exhaustion of carrying the same burden,infinitely, to attest to the place we occupy in this pyramid.That's why it happens that we receive news from comrades who, shaken by thisstructure, move away or become disillusioned with the struggle, swallowed up bythe social daily life, they miss political movements and organizations. In thisscenario, we ask ourselves: what does it mean to take to the streets on March 8thin 2022?While we watch individualism embody itself from below the concrete, companiesabstractly absorb "women's causes" and the election assault political debates,the immediate feeling is that the current conjuncture, favoring those at the top,has made the struggle of women succumb to the limits that capitalism proposes,transforming the essential step taken by Russian strikers into a moment ofcelebration for bourgeois women. The impression is that we have lost the maincomponent that gives reason to the 8th of March: that of the class struggle as adiagnosis that delimits the objectives of the resistance of Louise Michel, LucyParsons, Marina Ginesta and Elvira Boni against the objectives of Harriet Taylor,Suzanne La Follette and Eleanor Roosevelt, because what defines our liberation isthe suppression of political and social domination, of a rupture for theconstruction of an emancipated society.Let's go back to the principles of the struggle of Russian, Spanish andZapatistas and let's make the movement of Kurdish women and Brazilian indigenouswomen for the self-determination of peoples a mirror for our actions. Let'screate fronts and committees that guide feminist issues in order to convert theminto universal issues for the popular strata. For fellow libertarians, this date,in this moment in which we live, must be the awakening of collectiveconsciousness, that class independence and self-organization of rural anddowntown communities, unions and schools are the only alternative to defend thelife and dignity that we have. For the offensive front that will makerevolutionary barricades possible is built in reaction to the conciliation ofclasses and to the phenomenon of the particular, of the bourgeois attempt todestroy our universal struggle as a proletarian class, which becomes eloquent andaims to fragment our demands and struggles. Let's make March 8 an uprisingagainst hunger, a demonstration in flames against the deaths that in these lasttwo years have devastated the hope of so many women.ARRIBA LAS QUE LUCHAN!Libertarian Socialism Anarchist Organization - OASL - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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