Dear collaborators. ---- I read your declaration " FACB Position on the War in
Ukraine " as well as your Appeal to the People of the World. I am sending you thearticle I wrote with a proposal to publish it in the newspaper. ---- Dearfriends, this is my personal opinion and the responsibility is mine alone. ----How can we put the attacker and the one who is attacked on the same level? Howcan we talk about two imperialisms that are at war with each other? What to dowhen a foreign army is at your door? What is the outcome?It is good that during the Second World War, people did not ask themselves suchquestions. Then the only enemy was Hitler, should we have been against this war?We can, of course, regret that in Germany the working masses did not rise upagainst Hitler, but sometimes the class struggle is not accepted.Did you know that without illusions about the chiefs, during World War II theSpanish Republicans, the majority of whom were anarchists, fought under theleadership of the second armored division of French General Leclerc? The name ofthe team is NUEVE, in Spanish: NUEVE. This detachment was the first to reach theHotel de Ville in French: the Hotel de Ville, the main town hall of Paris, toliberate the capital. Today, in front of the garden gates near the Hotel deVille, a memorial plaque is placed in honor of this detachment, whose commanderwas the anarchist Raymond Drone.Today, when the Ukrainian people are fighting heroically for the right toorganize according to their will, for the right to self-government, to choose forthemselves, like any other European country, with whom to cooperate, is it rightto urge these people to shoot against their own your army, which consists ofvolunteers, brothers, fathers and, more recently, women? Ukrainians are fightingfor their houses, homes, for their homeland, this is a patriotic war. The wholenation is united in the fight against the barbarism of Putin, who, as a worthyson of the Bolsheviks, offers only one choice: obedience or death. A call fordesertion can only be made to the invader, the tyrant. This was done yesterday byRussian protesters in Paris, who joined the demonstration in support of Ukraine.If it's not legible, here's what they wrote: "Russian soldiers do not shoot! Thisis not your war. "President Zelenski is on the side of his people, as in the past President Dubcekand General Svoboda in Czechoslovakia, and President Nagy in Hungary. Blessed arethe nations that have such presidents, brave, worthy!I know, maybe for an anarchist, I shouldn't praise presidents, but there are goodpeople among them.Death to Putin!Glory to the Ukrainian people!Glory to the Russian protesters against Putin in Russia!Elena Trendafilova Marulevska.This is the unchanged text of a letter we received on the occasion of thepublished "FACB Position on the War in Ukraine". The theses in this letter andits position are in fact quite widespread and shared by many people in theanarchist and leftist circles in general. Also, within the anarchist movementitself, we see the division of more or less two conflicting camps. (Of course,there are many nuances in the opinions and arguments). Let's try to generalizethe positions:Against the war. Calling on all soldiers, both Ukrainian and Russian, to lay downtheir arms to refuse to fight. For a class war against the capitalist class,whether they are authoritarian capitalists in Russia or liberal capitalists inUkraine and around the world.Against the war of Putin's Russia and full solidarity with the suffering andstruggle of the Ukrainian people. United in common efforts to repel the Russiandictator!You ask us how we can put the attacker and the attacker on the same level...But let's go back in history first! The author of the letter does just that,offering us a parallel with World War II. Good parallel, but convenientlyincomplete. The author apparently sided with the allies against dictator Hitlerand chose the lesser evil in their face. However, this gives a moraljustification for the actions of his opponents. He justifies dictator Stalin andhis friends Churchill and Roosevelt sharing the world . He justifies Stalin'spersecutions, purges and camps, slaughtered prisoners of war. Justifies theanti-communist hysteria of the McCarthy era on the other side of the IronBarrier. It justifies the many local wars and conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Cuba,Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iran, Iraq and many more. It justifies the apparent growthof Western Europe at the expense of the complete destruction and depletion ofresources in Africa and Asia. It justifies the fact that the world has been onthe brink of nuclear destruction several times, and yet it was this threat thatprevented another world war, bloody like the previous one. And all this becauseevil is less. In general, how much less is this evil? I do not proclaim a worldunited under the banner with the broken cross. But are we sure that theatrocities of the last century are less? How did we recognize the lesser evil?And one more step back in history. Kropotkin supported the lesser evil of theFirst World War in his Manifesto of the Sixteen. This then puts him in conflictwith the general anarchist public. How did it happen? Was the evil less? TheRussian Empire and the army are literally falling apart, and, of course, theprice is paid by the ordinary soldier and inhabitant of the empire, Russian orother nationality, not the nobles and landowners.And so let's go back again this time to the Franco-Prussian War and Bakunin'sposition. Which, here I will quote it translated into today's language:On both sides of the front lines, brothers from the "lower" classes are fightingand dying for the interests of their "own" rulers and oligarchs. The real enemyis them, inside each of the warring states. In this bloodshed and destruction, weare for revolutionary defeat and for turning the war into a civil one and the warinto a social revolution.This can only be the true principled position of the anarchists.Before determining who is the attacker and who is the attacker, remember thatborders do not divide nations and do not serve them. They divide the states andserve their masters to turn the country's territory into a giant prison for itspopulation. And before they counter me with the apparent freedom of the so-calledEuropean Union, just to remind you that only the rich are free to travel there,the poor simply cannot afford it. Life in pro-Western Ukraine has gotten worsewith each passing year under the rule of pro-Western liberals, backed by theinstitutionalized violence of neo-fascist groups openly marching through thestreets and beating down any opposition. What kind of freedom ofself-determination in Ukraine are you talking about?One third of the country's population identifies as Russians. Some of themsupport Russia's intervention. What part, I will not argue, depends on whosepropaganda we are listening to. But this one-third of the population lost theirright to self-determination and mother tongue with the coming to power of thecurrent junta, and with them all the other minorities in the country.And before it becomes too pro-Russian, not Russia is no less evil. The Russianarmy is not there to save the Russian minority from nationalist atrocities. TheRussian army is there to seize resources. Strategic Crimea and the coal andgas-rich regions of Donbass are important to Russia's oligarchs. And the rest ofthe population, Russian, Ukrainian or otherwise, dogs ate it.And in conclusion, we support the demonstrations in Russia against the war!But we are also opposed to NATO's disgusting policies, particularly in Britainand the United States, which are laying down arms in the conflict and closing theborders to refugees to cause a massacre.Down with Putin!Down with NATO!Down with the Fascist Queen of England and her lackeys!Down with national borders and nationalism!Freedom and equality for the people!Fedman Casadhttps://www.anarchy.bg_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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