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zaterdag 19 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Czech, AFED: Winter is over, spring is coming: Russian protests against Putin and the war (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Russians and Russians are protesting against the imperialist campaign in Ukraine

and are facing harsh repression. ---- Russia, dragged by Vladimir Putin's regimeinto a war of conquest against Ukraine, is experiencing massive peaceful protestsin the second week. In many cities, anarchists are taking part in anti-waractivities: last Sunday, they took to the streets through a decisive challenge,the translation of which we present at the end of the article. The state isreacting more and more brutally, thousands of people have been arrested.There are also protests in other countries under Putin's sphere of influence.Both Kazakhstan, where the government with the support of the Kremlin recentlysuppressed a popular uprising, and Belarus, where the bullies of dictatorAlexander Lukashenko have been harshly pursuing every protest for years.In Russia, the protests have been protesting almost constantly since thebeginning of the war - sometimes only individually or in small groups, othertimes, as on the last Sunday, en masse. Peaceful demonstrations affected at leastsixty cities, and in many places really large crowds were seen on footage fromsocial networks. The Russian Interior Ministry claimed that 5,200 demonstratorsgathered, which is clearly underestimated. However, due to censorship, it ispractically impossible to communicate real numbers.Demonstrations are accompanied by harsh repression. Russia's OVD repressionmonitoring platform says police detained about 5,300 people in 74 cities in March6 alone. However, the overall balance has been much higher since the beginning ofthe attack on Ukraine, after Sunday it probably exceeded thirteen thousand inalmost 150 cities. Hundreds of protesters were detained for a number of days in arow, for example, 2,855 newly persecuted were registered on the previous Sunday,February 27.Dozens of people face criminal charges, including "vandalism" or alleged policeattacks. There are also popular paragraphs against "extremism" or a novelty, thespread of "false information" - in practice, the possibility of prosecutinganyone who publicly tells the facts about the war in Ukraine. Some cases are evensurreal: as a person fined for an inscription in the snow or children detainedfor an anti-war picket.During the arrests and on the offices, the bastards committed the beatings andvarious abuse of the protesters. OVD registers dozens of cases, in reality,violence will be much more frequent. Beatings, digging, dragging hair, sprayingdisinfectants on the face, being forced to stand for hours and illegal actionssuch as pressure on detainees to reveal the numbers of people who also disagreewith the war are described.Putin is not RussiaIn Czech discussions on social networks, it has become customary to call on theRussians to finally overthrow Putin, or to wonder why they have not done so yet.But it is either a manifestation of ignorance, perhaps naivety. First, as we havedescribed, many Russians would like to overthrow Putin, or at least oppose thecurrent war in Ukraine. Their share will not be small, but it is difficult toestimate specific percentages from the available information.For many years, the Russian Federation has been a strongly authoritarian state,gaining even totalitarian elements with the war. Russians and Russians faceconstant propaganda. Independent media were suppressed - practically one hundredpercent after the last week - foreign social networks were blocked. Access toalternative information thus requires activity and technical skills orapplications (Telegram), which many people do not have.The opportunity to speak out in public is minimal and dangerous: taking to thestreets - not only for a demonstration, but also with a picket - means exposingyourself to a high risk of arrest, fierce police violence and potentiallycrescent prisons. The secret services sometimes "warm up" the monstrous trialsagainst anti-fascists, when innocent people are forced by torture to "confess"and crack down on friends, and they leave the courts with many years ofpunishment for nothing.It is arrogant to argue that the people have not overthrown Putin in such anenvironment. Many Russians and Russians do everything in their power and deserverecognition and support, not instruction. We therefore call for the respect andsupport of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Moscow, which seeks to help thosepersecuted.You can contribute to the coffers in several related companies - with the totalamount collected divided evenly between the Moscow ABC and the Ukrainiananti-fascists - or try to send the contribution directly to Russia. Details canbe found HERE .Please note that ABC Moscow expects to use PayPal, which both takes a percentagefor the money transfer and recently announced that it is leaving Russia. We willfind out the details and we will inform them as soon as possible. In any case,you won't spoil anything by contributing to the money boxes.Winter is over, spring is coming: Russia's Autonomous Action call for protestsThe Russian army invaded Ukraine. Putin has gone mad and his army is now bombingcities, shooting at peaceful populations, killing children. More than a millionpeople have fled Ukraine to save themselves from Putin's "liberators."We refuse to submit to Russian war censorship and say openly and clearly: this iswar. Conquest war led by the army of the Russian Federation. The Ukrainians aresuccessfully defending themselves against the occupiers, and we, who are now inRussia, cannot just stand idly by. We must show ourselves and the world that weare against the war, that only Putin and his gang need this war. Being againstthe war is now the real anti-fascism.The joint day of anti-war actions in Russia will be the next Sunday, March 6. Goout to the main square of your cities. Decide on time and organize eventsindependently, especially in the streets.The Russian government is now panicking. They have already realized that they arelosing the war. That is why they hysterically threaten participants in anti-waractions - expulsion from school, dismissal from work, immediate recruitment intothe army, imprisonment. Don't be afraid of them. Ukrainians are protestingagainst the occupiers in their cities with their bare hands. Against armedsoldiers. Against tanks. After all this, can we really be afraid of the Russianpolice machinery?We demand an immediate end to the war. We demand the immediate and unconditionaldeparture of Russian troops from Ukraine. It is the main condition of anythingelse - the aggression of the Russian Federation must end. We must stop peopledying. Putin didn't ask us when he was making plans for an invasion, but wedidn't stop him in time. At least we have to do it now.Our main goal is to stop the war in Ukraine. But we must also fight for Russia'sfuture. The crazy dictator doesn't have much time left: a small victorious war isnot going according to plan, and now its overthrow is only a matter of time andconcrete means. But what's next, after Putin?The countries that have joined the "Russian Federation" are now at a historiccrossroads. The collapse of the Putin regime can trigger liberation processes. Ofcourse, they will not immediately lead to an anarchist ideal, but at least Russiawill no longer be at war with the whole world and its own population. The wave ofchange may bring a chance for a real change in the political system towards greatdecentralization, such as the abolition of the presidency and the transition to aparliamentary republic.However, there is another variant of "what will happen after Putin": an evengreater squeak of the regime, the airtight closure of all borders and theseverance of international contacts. The current blocking of half of the Internetin Russia is only the first swallow. There will be no force for conquest wars,but it will not make life easier for people: they will find themselves in a statesimilar to North Korea. There is no anarchist movement.We all have a unique opportunity in the coming days and weeks. Putin'sauthoritarian regime has made a fatal mistake and is losing its balance. If theKremlin psychopath doesn't push the nuclear button, he won't be here for a longtime. Everything now depends on us, the people of Russia. When we remain silent,the challenges are quickly taken up by the isolationists and conservatives, ofwhom there are most among the power elites. But if we are active, we will win.All you have to do is push the rusted leviathan - and it will fall to dust.Take to the streets on March 6. If you can't just this day, go another time. Ifyou can't at all, protest the war in other ways: spread leaflets, put upstickers, write "No wars" on the veils, hang posters from the balconies. Talk topeople. It's more important now than school, work, than everything else. Now thefate of Ukraine, but also of Russia, is being decided. It is about our future -and only we will be responsible for what it will be like.Winter is over. The spring is coming.Source: https://avtonom.org/news/nastupaet-vesna-vyhodite-na-ulicy-protiv-voynyhttps://ovd.news/news/2022/03/02/russian-protests-against-war- _ukraine-chronicle-eventshttps://ovd.news/news/2022/03/06/spiski-zaderzhannyh-v-svyazi-s-akciyami-protiv-voyny-s-ukrainoy-6-marta-2022-godahttps: //www.voxpot.cz/dopis-z-moskvy-odsud-to-nemuzeme-zastavit/https://a2larm.cz/2022/03/proc-v-rusku-nejsou-statisicove-demonstrace-proti-valce- explains-sociologist-grigorij-judin/https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/more-than-64-people-detained-anti-war-protests-russia-protest-monitor-2022-03-06/https://www.afed.cz/text/7604/zima-konci-prichazi-jaro-ruske-protesty-proti-putinovi-a-valce_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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