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woensdag 2 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #COLOMBIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) anarkismo.net - ViaLibre: [Colombia] National Day of Peasant Struggle - Today like yesterday, the fight is for land, dignity and freedom. (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 On February 21, 1971, the peasant class, promoted by the National Association of

Peasant Users (ANUC), developed a massive day of invasions and planting of landthroughout most of the country, in order to press for the advancement of agrarianreform. in Colombia, blocked at that time by the government of Misael Pastrana ofthe National Front. This massive protest, which totaled between 350 and 600occupations of properties carried out by some 15,000 families, with greater forcein departments such as Córdoba, Tolima and Sucre, lasted throughout the secondpart of February, and was answered with multiple evictions by security forces.police and para-state at the service of the landowners.February 21 was the result of an important process of growth, strengthening andpolitical radicalization of the national peasant movement organized in the ANUCafter its First National Congress, the adoption of the Peasant Mandate and thedevelopment of proposals for cooperative and community land management. and itsproducts. The date was a milestone in the collective action of the peasantsectors in the modern history of the country, which led to its establishment bythe rural workers' organizations in the mid-1970s, as the national day of peasantstruggle. In 1971, coordinated land invasions also took place in January andOctober, and the year became the year with the greatest record of socialstruggles throughout the entire National Front, struggles that sought tocoordinate in the partial national strike on March 8 of that year. suppressed bythe government.In a country characterized by large capitalist estates, and after the failure ofthe timid rural reforms of governmental origin in 1936, 1944, 1961 and 1968, theonly successful expressions of agrarian reform were those carried out by thepeasant population itself, from below and with popular direct action, first in1930 and then more extensively since 1970. A few decades later, an important partof the objectives of the paramilitary forces focused precisely on developing aviolent counter-rural reform, supported by the agrarian capitalists, who I seekto liquidate the peasant organization, and I facilitate its consolidation in themidst of rural misery, of cattle ranching, industrial monocultures such as palmand mining concessions.Today Colombia is a country with enormous inequality in land ownership and one ofthe regions most at risk of acute food insecurity due to lack of sovereign foodcrops, according to the World Food Fund. In the country, the peasant populationfights from multiple organizational expressions, learning and sharing withindigenous and black peoples, seeking to return to the path of the 2013 AgrarianStrike, for the redistribution of land, government support policies for smallproducers, social investment in rural areas, respect for human rights, autonomyof collective territories such as peasant reserve zones or peasant agri-foodterritories, defense of the agricultural vocation of the territory, defense ofthe environment, government compliance with the points of rural reform of theHavana agreements of 2016, as well as justice and reparation for thedispossession of the conflict.Today like yesterday, the fight is for land, dignity and freedom.Up those who fight!Freeway Libertarian GroupRelated Link:https://grupovialibre.org/2022/02/22/dia-nacional-de-la-lucha-campesina/https://www.anarkismo.net/article/32544_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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