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woensdag 2 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Anarchico Libertario - Livorno [Italy]: We support student struggles (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 In Livorno, as in the whole country, the student movement born in high schools is

bringing a new protagonism of the younger generations to the squares in recentweeks. Opposition to school-work alternation, cuts in education, the new stateexam, as well as the issue of school construction that has exploded in these twoyears of pandemic, are some of the issues at the center of the struggles of thesedays. ---- Batons to those who demonstrate, bans for marches, complaints, violentevictions of occupied schools, threats and blackmail. The authorities -principals or quaestors as the case may be - have tried to use a hard fistagainst the protests. In Livorno, too, there was no lack of violent repressiveattempts by the institutions, to delegitimize, ridicule and intimidate those whoare carrying on this struggle.This is why we express solidarity with the struggling Livorno students who weredenied the freedom to demonstrate in the square, and had to suffer threats fromprincipals and police chiefs during the occupations of these weeks. The apex ofthis repressive climate was seen at the Enriques high school where on Friday 11the trucks from the mobile department of Florence showed up to evacuate theoccupied school.The prefecture, the police headquarters, the province and the superintendency,together with the school leaders are the architects of this attempt to repressthe student movement. They are the only ones responsible for a climate of tensionin schools that has never been seen in this city in recent decades, at least insuch a generalized way.The struggling students have already given a lesson to these gentlemen, notletting themselves be intimidated and continuing the protest initiatives.The death of Lorenzo Parrella and Giuseppe Lenoci in the many job trainingcourses that chain the younger generations to precariousness and exploitationalready before the age of 18, is the result of the enslavement of the school tothe interests of companies with the reforms of the last 30 years , supported byall the parties that now sit in parliament. It is time to say enough of theschool of exploitation and authoritarianism.The student struggles of these weeks give indications that are valid foreveryone: let's take back the times and spaces of freedom to confront and createsolidarity ties, block production, overturn the prohibitions, organize ourselvesto fight and change society from below.Libertarian Anarchist CollectiveLeghorn Anarchist Federationhttps://collettivoanarchico.noblogs.org/post/2022/02/18/sosteniamo-le-lotte-studentesche/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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