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maandag 21 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #324 - Politics, UCL campaign: It's not the president, it's society that needs to change! (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

 Our campaign will spread political anti-electoralism, not limited to electoral

deadlines. It is not a question of calling for abstention, but of encouragingcollective, united and concrete investments in the social field. "I don'tdelegate my power, I organize myself ". ---- During its federal coordination onDecember 4, 2021, UCL decided to focus its expression, as the presidentialelection approached, on three axes: ---- - Defend the urgency of endingcapitalism, patriarchy, racism and the state. Environment, health, inequalities,etc., this repressive and authoritarian system is leading to our loss. Andelections, by their nature and whatever the outcome, will not meet this need. Toavoid economic, ecological and social catastrophe, we must radically change oursocial functioning. However, electoral campaigns are an anthology of "adjustments " of the system. Wanting to change politicians to change society isan illusion that diverts struggles and always postpones the construction of thenecessary social revolution. To act in this direction is to go beyond theelectoral horizon.- Propagate the need to fight, to organize in counter-powers. Confidence ininstitutions is falling, as the strong trend towards high abstention ratesattests to. On the other hand, this distrust of the system does not sufficientlytranslate into a commitment to social struggles.Reclaiming the wealth producedWith the slogan "I do not delegate my power, I organize myself", we want to workto transform vain individual grudges into collective, solidary and concreteinvestments on the social ground. We need more collectives by investing incounter-powers: unions, feminist, anti-racist, environmentalist associations, butalso solidarity and mutual aid collectives and associations. Organize thenecessary social resistance and stimulate anti-capitalist and self-managementpractices.- Popularize the project of a libertarian communist society. To fight, you stillneed to know why and have a social project. Ours is the opposite of the values ofcompetition, individual success and hierarchy. It aims to get rid of economic,patriarchal and racist dominations. It is real democracy, justice, equality andsocial efficiency, in the face of the dictatorships of the market, of fascism or"of the proletariat". the summary. We will develop it through articles, publicmeetings. We are convinced that the need to reclaim the wealth produced anddecide our own distribution - without the intermediary of the State andpoliticians - constitutes, at the heart of the electoral campaign, a dissonantword that can be heard.This campaign will not be a call for abstention. The election of a far-rightcandidate cannot be ruled out. A fascist as head of state would be dramatic forthe proletariat, and within it for racialized people, women and LGBTI people.Also, it seems important to us not to oppose those who individually wish to blockthe election of a facho to those who cannot bring themselves to choose betweenthe plague and cholera.Our campaign will spread political anti-electoralism, not limited to electoraldeadlines. It aims first of all to reconnect with the spirit of the FirstInternational which affirmed that "the emancipation of the workers must be thework of the workers themselves".Material (posters, stickers) will soon be available on the UCL online store, andpublic meetings will be organized in many cities. Don't hesitate to put your handin the pot of glue !UCLhttps://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Campagne-UCL-Ce-n-est-pas-le-president-c-est-la-societe-qu-il-faut-changer_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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