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maandag 21 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Germany, LIKOS: Speech at the women's strike demo 2022 (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Demonstration for women's day of struggle by the comrades of women's strike

Osnabrück with about 300-350 people. ---- Our speech: ---- Dear comrades, dearpassers-by, on today's women's day of struggle, women in many places are unitingto strike. Even in the normal state of capitalism there are more than enoughreasons for a women's strike. The corona pandemic has been making this evenclearer for us for about a year. ---- In poorly paid and precarious jobs, womenare more often than average. Many of the typically female jobs, such as nurses,educators or shop assistants, are underestimated, which ideologically justifiesthe low wages.At the same time, it is now these professions that are considered systemicallyimportant that, according to politicians from all parties and representatives ofvarious employers' associations, really matter during the pandemic. But it's notenough for more than applause, chocolate and praise. Recognition for these jobs,which are mainly carried out by women under the now tightened conditions, is notexpressed in serious efforts to improve working conditions or even to raise wagessignificantly.A clear example of the miserable conditions in these so-called systemicallyrelevant professions can be found in the care sector. Since 1990, around a thirdof the jobs for nursing staff in the hospital have been cut. But there are moreand more cases of treatment. Professional care today is piece work. Taking careof each other has no value in today's practice. Rather, it is about the fact thatthe nursing staff contributes to the creation of value. Doctors treat illnesses,the nursing staff ensure that people can live with their limitations and work forwages. The enormous need for workers to ensure that people can work for wagesagain has led to many new professions over the past 30 years. Nursing assistantsare a prime example. Conservatives say that there must also be jobs for secondaryschool students. We say: modern barbarism.So capitalism needs women's work for women's wages in order not to hit a wallcompletely. What else does he need to keep the shop running? In addition to thelousy situation in paid work, women still do the majority of housework at 79%.Whether washing laundry, standing at the changing table, caring for elderlyrelatives, cleaning, absorbing the frustration of the husband - in our societywomen are the ones who also have to organize all this mentally, keyword care work.The Corona crisis in particular shows all the more clearly that the state andcapital can rest easy and rely on women and the work they do underpaid andunpaid. When daycare centers and schools are closed, it can be assumed that womenuse up their vacation time to look after children or work from home, while thisis far less common for men.In addition, women are devalued, often sexually harassed and victims ofmisogynist violence, usually in their own homes or in their immediatesurroundings. Women are particularly exploited and disadvantaged in our society,they are exposed to a double burden of wage and care work and are repeatedlyvictims of violence.This oppression and exploitation is no accident. In capitalism, i.e. the form ofeconomy and society in which everything is ultimately subordinated to the purposeof maximizing profits, workers are needed who can be exploited in order to makethis profit possible in the first place. The prerequisite for this is that theworkers are reasonably healthy, educated to a certain extent and not toofrustrated. After all, workers who are tired or sick are not productive,frustrated workers are less devoted to their employer and workers who were notbrought up as children are much more difficult to exploit.Creating these conditions, i.e. housework and care work, is the task of women incapitalism. Girls are taught from an early age how important it is to be gentleand sensitive, not to be too dominant, to take care of others, to put one's ownneeds and interests aside and to submit to boys and men in all matters.Much of the housework and care work takes place behind closed doors and curtains.As a rule, housework and care work is not remunerated, and work is often not evenmentioned here - after all, women do all this out of love for their families.Conveniently for capital, this much-needed drudgery remains invisible, isolateswomen, chains them to the home, and most importantly, does not need to be remuneratedhttps://likos.noblogs.org/2022/03/11/redebeitrag-auf-der-frauenstreik-demo-2022/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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