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zondag 27 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #325 - 1941-2022 Alain Krivine leaves the barricade (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]

 The former spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist League, figure of May 68,

has died. It's a page of history that turns. Beyond the differences that couldseparate us, he largely deserved a fraternal greeting. ---- Tireless pillar ofhis organization, from the fraction in the PCF (1960s) to the current NPA, AlainKrivine was, like the JCR and then the LCR, a non-dogmatic Trotskyist. It thusaccompanied and sometimes fought the oscillations of a heterogeneousorganization, from the leftist militarism of the 1970s to the improbablealliances with reformist currents in the 1990s. But without ever yielding eitherto the ultra-left or to appeasement.The young and sincere activist of the JC, winner of the competition for the bestAvant-garde sellers, converted to Trotskyism by his brother, will never renouncea perspective of anti-capitalist rupture. He will remain faithful to the"generation 68".The former members of the Anarchist Revolutionary Organization (ORA) who arestill active at UCL have anecdotes to tell, when their organization came toreinforce the League's order service in various battles in the early 1970s.For staying on the right side of the barricade, respect to Comrade Krivine.Jean-Yves Lesage (UCL Limousin)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Alain-Krivine-quitte-la-barricade_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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