Another year has passed since last March 8th. On today's Feminist Day of Struggle
around the world, women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people(short: FLINTA) are taking to the streets together with their allies againstpatriarchy. ---- Last year we wrote that March 8th is once again taking placeunder special circumstances due to the pandemic. Today we have to realize thatthis pandemic is still raging in deadly ways, even if it is no longer in thedaily news. ---- This is because of the next global crisis that has just started:the war in Ukraine. Again imperialism, militarism and nationalism have led toopen conflict in Europe. Again innocent people of our class are dying every day.And of course, as always, it is the FLINTAs of the working class who sufferparticularly from the violence of war. Because war always means an aggravation ofthe reactionary social conditions and an attack on the diverse struggles forsocial improvements for our class. FLINTAs fleeing war are exposed to specialdangers, in war they are repeatedly the target of enemy "retaliatory measures".And how is the fight against patriarchy to be waged when war is raging around you?At the same time, the war - just like the pandemic - also strengthens the genderrole assignments that we want to overcome. Cis men and trans women are forced tofight, to take the blame for the "defense of the nation" and their "honor". Thewar strengthens the reactionary tendencies in the societies, this applies tonationalism and militarism as well as to the patriarchy, which is closely linkedto them. The prospects are not exactly rosy at the beginning of this year.But feminist movements from below have also been able to achieve achievements inthe past year that we shouldn't forget: In Colombia, the right to terminatepregnancy was enforced. In Germany, the reactionary §219a was abolished, even ifthis measure is a rather half-hearted gesture by the neoliberal traffic lightgovernment. At the same time, however, cruel patriarchal laws are beingintroduced worldwide: In Texas, the parents of trans adolescents and children arebeing criminalized and further measures have been decided in line with thepatriarchal, anti-trans agenda of the conservative, right-wing rollback. InAfghanistan, after a chaotic withdrawal of NATO troops, the Islamist Taliban wereable to take over the country and, within a short period of time, threw awaylarge parts of the achievements of feminist and destroy women's organizations.Rojava, as a beacon of hope for feminist and generally emancipatory forms ofsociety, is increasingly being attacked by the Turkish state. Inside the Turkishstate, the fascist AKP regime's repression against the strong, militant feministmovement continues.Here in Germany, too, the situation for the FLINTAs of the working class isgetting worse with the ongoing pandemic. The burden on sectors of society mostlyborne by FLINTAs, particularly migrant FLINTAs, continues to grow. More and moreunpaid care work at home, poorly and above all less paid carework inkindergartens, hospitals and nursing homes. A high amount of overtime and massivestress, all due to the profit-driven bust austerity policies in the health andcare sector. None of this makes up for a "care bonus", which in the end probablydoesn't even really help financially . Because the problem cannot be solved bysmall reforms, but by a radical transformation of working conditions and an equaldivision of social care work.At the same time, patriarchal violence continues to rage. Femicide remains areality, as does sexualised violence. And the perpetrators don't have to fear anyfurther consequences. Despite public debates about "DeutschrapMeToo" and otherinitiatives against sexualized violence or allegations of "cancelling" againstprominent machos like Luke Mockridge, nothing has changed. The feminist movementstill lacks the social power to assert the interests of FLINTAs and to holdperpetrators accountable.It is our concern as an anarcho-feminist organization to contribute to thebuilding of a class-struggle feminist movement that develops real social powerand puts a stop to the advance of patriarchy. Which demands a place at the tablein every area or topic. This movement needs organised, militant feministstructures of our class that can deploy effective actions and strikes, but whichcan also provide ongoing mutual aid. Whether in unions or neighborhoods, whetherin school, training or university, whether in a retirement home or in jail,whether as a soup kitchen, as a shelter for FLINTAs or as a reading group.Inclusive instead of queer people from all parts of our class, neglecting migrantand non-white perspectives. As a platform, we want to promote this organizationin the feminist movement.And of course it can't just be FLINTAs driving this development forward. It isthe duty of cis men to deal with patriarchy, to question their own reactionaryways of thinking and to actively participate in the feminist struggle. Men'sunions and the protection of criminals must have no place in our movement, let'sfight them and break them up.For a feminist struggle and organizing against patriarchy, capitalism, racism andthe state! For a class-struggle, anarchist feminism!For a fighting March 8th!Fight the patriarchy everywhere! - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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