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maandag 21 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #DRESDEN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Germany, FAU DRESDEN: Speech contribution to the Ukraine war by the student section (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 On March 4, 2022, as the Black Rose student union, we joined the demonstration of

the Dresden Anarchist Network in solidarity with the people in Ukraine and thosefleeing. You can read our speech below. ---- A few weeks have now passed sincethe Russian armed forces invaded Ukraine. ---- Weeks of people murdering andbeing murdered for Imperial interests. ---- Weeks in which people have beendriven from their homes and are now on the run ---- We as a student union condemnthis war and have nothing but contempt for Putin and his supporters. ---- At theborders to the Ukraine it shows once again what war brings with it, namelysuffering, expulsion and misery.While millions of people are fleeing Ukraine, the stock prices of the armscompanies continue to rise.While Europe is now once again writing huge solidarity on the flag, peoplecontinue to die in the Mediterranean, they have to flee from wars in which Germantanks and weapons are used.This is not solidarity, this is racist border and foreign policy!But it's not just Putin's war of aggression in Ukraine and the situation at theEU's external borders that we condemn, no, it's also the militaristicsaber-rattling in the Bundestag.If Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the federal government provide a special fund of100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr, now want to stick to the 2% target of NATOand even want to go over this 2% year after year to strengthen the Bundeswehr,that's for us not acceptable .When the chairwoman of the defense committee, Streck-Zimmermann, rants againabout the rearmament and modernization of the Bundeswehr in the daily news, we puke!Quote "You are not moved by peace when you let a white dove out of the window,you are moved by peace when you are so capable and capable of defending yourselfthat you are not attacked" So Streck - Zimmermann in the daily topics.We have seen where the build-up and arms races have led in history, militarismwill never create peace but always suffering, death and expulsion.This makes it all the more frightening to see positive portrayals of rearmamentand conscription being circulated in schools right now. Officers are currentlybeing sent to schools to solidify the Bundeswehr's narratives in people's minds.Now a consistent and broad anti-militarist mobilization is required, because wedon't feel like dying in any war for imperial interests, we don't want tocontinue to watch other students around the world being drawn to arms to fightfor some shitty fatherland to die! .Whether at school, at work or on the street!Time to organize against war and millitarimus at our schools!https://dd.fau.org/2022/03/08/redebeitrag-zum-ukraine-krieg-von-schuelerinnensektion/#more-2355_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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