The escalation of warfare that erupted after Putin's invasion of Ukraine paints a
bleak picture, wars, spurred on by imperialist aspirations, are big business forthe arms industry but great harm to the people. ---- The scandalous rise incommodity prices is fueled by speculation in markets that take advantage of humandrama to increase the profits of large multinationals. Here is the case of theelectricity oligopoly that has been artificially increasing energy costs formonths, without governments doing anything to prevent it. ---- The currentsituation exacerbates the impoverishment of workers, who are forced to bear thebrunt of successive economic crises, while the fortunes of the richest continueto rise.The CGT of Galicia has been denouncing this situation of abuse and plunder of thepopular classes for months, demanding a fair distribution of wealth through wageincreases that regain the purchasing power lost during all these years, as wellas the division of labor. On the contrary, the Government of the Spanish State islooking for an "income pact" between the employer and the majority unions, CCOOand UGT, which if carried out, will mean a cut in wages, which will cause moresuffering for the majority social.There is an urgent need to end speculation in the prices of energy, commoditiesor housing. This union rejects the increase in defense spending, which is onlyfor private interests, and will inevitably lead to a deterioration of publicservices such as education and health, encouraging further deterioration of thematerial conditions of the working class.The CGT of Galicia highlights the need to advance in the conquest of socialrights, ending job insecurity, as well as the devaluation of wages that onlybenefits employers. In these difficult times, greater collective awareness isneeded to encourage mobilizations in the streets to demand an end to all wars andthe defense of human rights.Permanent SecretariatCGT of Galicia. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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