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donderdag 30 juni 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Czech, AFED: Watch out for anti-imperialism idiots! - Review of the brochure "We told you" about the #Syrian perspective of the war in #Ukraine (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 One of the publications prepared for this year's Anarchist Book Festival (AFK)

was a yellow-blue brochure, published by Salé Distribution , which, even afterthe demise of the Salé info shop, is actively involved in disseminating (notonly) anarchist books and other publications. The brochure called We Told YouThis is a great contribution to the debate on the war in Ukraine. He views itfrom the perspective of one collective, two authors and two authors from theperspective of the Syrian revolution against dictator Bashar al-Assad. It revealsthe bloody fascist nature of Putin's regime, the hypocrisy of the West, which has"looked elsewhere" for years, as well as the idiocy of the part of the left thathas imprisoned itself in the prism of Euro-Atlantic imperialism.The latter criticism is directed at the text "Anti-imperialism 'of idiots" ,which is the only one in the pre-invasion date, for example at the Britishorganization Stop the War, which has deeply authoritarian tendencies, and simplydoes not remain shy Noam Chomsky. The aspirations of imperialist and anti-warorganizations are convicted of manifesting imperial manners themselves, and theirdiscourse is often indistinguishable from the fascist one.Robin Yassin-Kassab (he was a lecturer at AFK in 2018) clearly states in the text"Irrationality": "Everything the West has cared about for years is business.Russia could burn Syria and tear down Georgia and Ukraine, and China coulddestroy the Uighur people, but the trade in killers had to continue becausebusiness mattered. "And suddenly the world is surprised to launch a large-scaleRussian invasion. "We told you, " Marcelle Shehwaro shouts in his "Safety" post.After all, "Syria was a test ground for the Russian army," says in the text "WhyUkraine is with the Irish cause"Yassin Al-Haj Saleh. At the same time, heexpresses hope: "Russia's defeat would be a victory not only for Ukraine, but forthe whole world. The defeat of Putin could also put an end to his political life,which is the best news for the Russian Democrats. in the world."The main text of the collection is a text from an exile group from Paris entitled"War in Ukraine: ten lessons from Syria" . It does not try to compare thesituation in Syria and Ukraine, yet it finds much that can be passed on as cruelknowledge. I feel the need to at least list the individual points: 1) Listen tothe voices in the place; 2) Not to prefer geopolitics to ordinary protagonists ofthe conflict; 3) Do not differentiate between exiles; 4) Beware of the narrativeof corporate media; 5) Not to make the Western countries an axis of good; 6)Fight against all imperialisms; 7) Not attribute the same responsibility toUkraine and Russia; 8) Understand that Ukrainian society is crossed by differentcurrents; 9) Support popular resistance in Ukraine and Russia; 10) Build a newinternationalism from below.The brochure therefore leads us to listen not only to ordinary people who areclose to us in Ukraine, Russia, and therefore to Belarus and Kazakhstan, but alsoto those who have gone through or are going through some similar experience, suchas the Syrians just mentioned. It is certainly better than getting as imperial asthose we hate so much to get stuck in their own bubbles from human livesalienated by ideologies.We told you. Syrian perspective of the war in Ukraine. Salé distribution 2022, 44pages A5, 50 CZK. Available at saledistro.org .https://www.afed.cz/text/7679/bacha-na-antiimperialismus-idiotu_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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