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zondag 31 juli 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #329 - Libertarian Imaginaries, Editions La Volte: When the imaginary questions politics (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 What place for the imaginary, literature and in particular the literature of the

imaginary in the political debate ? What do the authors tell us about the worldand its possible extensions ? SF/Fantasy has always been a privileged field ofexploration for future societies, but for the past few years the independentpublishing house La Volte has taken the exercise a little further by offeringauthors the opportunity to project themselves on a theme. These calls for papersresulted in two stimulating books, both politically and literary. ---- Anindependent and committed publishing house, La Volte specializes in imaginaryliterature: science fiction, fantasy, transfiction, anticipation, etc., andnotably publishes the works of Alain Damasio.Undoubtedly convinced that we are stronger together, La Volte is committed to thepublication of collective and political works: Those who wish us well in 2010 orTurn back as soon as possible , a collection of fictions rooted in differentterritories, in 2014.In 2017, La Volte " continues its exploration of our current events restructuredthrough the prism of science fiction ". In the midst of a period of effervescencefollowing the movement against the Work Law and the Nuits Debout, it launched acall for manuscripts on the theme of work. The authors are thus invited "  in aworld of changes both hoped for and feared,[to]anticipate and[to]project thepossible future of Work ". The objective: not to leave it up to politicians aloneto say what tomorrow will bring. Politics is a public thing and fiction must takepart in the debates. Result, the publication of At the ball of the assets.tomorrow work    , twelve short stories, rather dark, which challenge us to askourselves in turn about the future of work.Resolutely rooted in contemporary issues, and building on the success of thefirst opus, La Volte launched in 2019, a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic,a call for papers on the theme of health. Success guaranteed ! Several hundredtexts are sent. Published during the year 2020, this work as the first fitsperfectly into our contemporaneity. Interestingly, many short stories dealspecifically with the notion of care, while the science-fiction prism could haveled us to believe in a competition of futuristic delusions around automated,computerized health.Take care of ourselves and othersGoing against what some consider to be a bad inclination of imaginary literature:science fiction, dystopia, etc., to describe only cold, frightening, repulsivefutures, several of the short stories gathered here explore quite the contraryour ability to take care of ourselves, others and especially the most fragileamong us. With Save who can. Demain la santé , La Volte brilliantly pursues itspolitico-editorial enterprise and sows these precious little pebbles whichtomorrow we will make cobblestones to throw in the face of the Old World.Literature is political, the imagination is political and it is vital that thosewho know how to put their thoughts into words participate in the public debate,in the same way as scientists, to solicit our critical thinking as to the choiceswe want, and must impose, for brighter tomorrows.David (UCL Chambery)Collective, Those who wish us well. Seventeen bad news from a well-managed future, La Volte, October 2010, 348 pages, 18 euros.Collective, turn around as soon as possible. Territories of the imaginary , LaVolte, October 2014, 464 pages, 18 euros.Collective, At the asset ball. Demain le travail , La Volte, February 2017, 624pages, 20 euros.Collective, Save who can. Tomorrow health , La Volte, September 2020, 416 pages,20 euros.THE LITTLE WORLD OF ALESSANDRO PIGNOCCHIWe had considered a full-page interview, but absorbed in the preparation of a newbook, he finally had no time to answer us...However, we cannot fail to mention it in a dossier on libertarian imaginations:Alessandro Pignocchi is a cognitive science researcher and designer, and hiscomics are the result of a very original approach !It all starts with Anent , who humorously recounts his journey to meet theJivaros Indians, in the heart of the Amazon jungle, in the footsteps of PhilippeDescola. We learn to what extent the Nature/Culture distinction is Western, andtherefore constructed. Because yes, it is possible to conceive of the world quitedifferently. This is what Pignocchi enjoys putting into practice in his LittleTreatise on Wild Ecology, three volumes that plunge us into a world that could beclose to ours...Except that the Jivaro animist perception has become the dominant thought there.Animals, plants, have the status that we grant to humans. Therefore, it isdifficult to enter into logics of exploitation, domination or overproduction.This demonstration by the absurd makes you smile a lot and turns out to be veryeffective!Also to be read, of course, La Recomposition des mondes is an account of his stayon the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where our amateur and militantanthropologist shows how in France, today, people are already working to createrelations to the living totally free from capitalist logic...Mélanie (UCL Grand Paris-south)Ethnographies of the worlds to come (with Philippe Descola), Seuil, September2022, 176 pages, 19.50 euros.Anent, Steinkis, January 2016, 151 pages, 16 euros.Small Treatise on Wild Ecology (3 volumes), Steinkis, March 2017-January 2020,150 pages, 16 euros each.The Recomposition of Worlds, Steinkis, April 2019, 102 pages, 15 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Editions-La-Volte-Quand-l-imaginaire-interroge-le-politique_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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