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maandag 29 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Czech, oafed: #Russia - #Ukraine: More and more people do not want war (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We are reprinting an article from the Resistance Chronicle website that shows

that antimilitarism is stronger than some anarchists admit. Let's not choose the"lesser evil", war of war! ---- The inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine and Donbass donot have a burning desire to fight for "their" bourgeois elites and thecapitalist oligarchs who rule them. In Russia, despite the suppression ofdemonstrations and numerous criminal sentences, protests in various formscontinue. In Luhansk and Donetsk, women ask the rulers why and for what they senttheir men and children to the front; businesses that are left without workers areshutting down. And in Ukraine itself, draft evasion has become so widespread andpersistent that authorities are conducting raids on those who are due to receiveconscription orders. Criminal proceedings have been initiated against those whoevade the levies.UKRAINEAccording to the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, as of May 2022 more than 2,500people have been charged, including 851 for desertion, 711 for leaving a militaryunit or place of operation, 397 for draft evasion, 256 for illegal assistance inborder crossing, 56 for draft evasion physical harm, 55 for evasion of militaryservice by officers, and 9 for evasion of registration or training. In addition,between February and May, more than 3,300 men were detained trying to leave thecountry to avoid mobilization (https://de.connection-ev.org/article-3585;https://de.connection-ev .org/article-3594).According to the German network Connection, which provides assistance toconscientious objectors and deserters from all countries, in May and June atleast two conscientious objectors were sentenced to long suspended prison termsin Ukraine. This fact came to light thanks to the publication of judgments in thestate register of court judgments in Ukraine. Both openly declared at themilitary commissariat that they refused military service. One of them wassentenced to three years of imprisonment suspended for one year, the other tofour years suspended for three years. Since both can be recalled, they will facethe actual execution of the sentences already imposed and the new sentences.The network's Rudi Friedrich strongly condemned the persecution of conscientiousobjectors in Ukraine, even in cases where they should have a limited right torefuse military service. He demanded that the Ukrainian government guaranteecompliance with its own laws. "Reservation of conscience is a human right andshould apply even in times of war," said a German pacifist(https://de.connection-ev.org/article-3594).Meanwhile, the forced delivery of court summons takes on the character of a massraid. Reports come from various cities and villages in the east, south and westof Ukraine.According to the independent Kharkiv website "assembly", in this city, thehandouts are most often distributed in the same places. Forced subpoenas arecarried out by military police, armed soldiers, "territorial defense" fightersand police officers - in cars and on patrol.According to an eyewitness, those who handed out summonses in Odessa at theentrance to Klas were very loudly indignant that they could not catch anyone.Judging by the feedback from users on the Telegram channel, these actions arecausing growing public indignation.Recruitment takes place at gas stations, garage associations, streets andintersections, shops, places where humanitarian aid is distributed... Some peopletry not to accept the call, for example, by sitting in the car and not openingthe windows. Some try to defend themselves. In response, the wives of theconscripted men had their hands broken and were threatened(https://assembly.org.ua/kak-vruchayut-povestki-na-uliczah-kharkova-i-chto-ob-etom-govoryat-yuristy/).Another channel participant shared a personal experience: "I went to the CentralMarket today. I got out of the car and saw that there were "postmen" withpolicemen standing on both sides. I go to the side of the store and those demonsslow me down. I immediately tell them: I don't need the services of a privatecompany called "state police" at the moment! I said to the "greens" (ie thesoldiers): I don't need your leaflets. I told the policeman: I can show you thedocuments if you need them, but if you give my details to third parties, these"greens", you will be criminally responsible. They were angry and said, "Goahead!" (https://t.me/kharkovgde/1088)Kharkiv lawyer Andriy Sitnikov said:"I know a lot of different cases (not from the Internet) where people were takenaway from their cars immediately during the inspection. I know how they came tobusinesses and immediately took away those who were not strong enough to escape.I know where at Easter they came to the cemetery and handed out summonses. I knowhow they distributed in shops, went from house to house - that's for sure. Whenthey were taken from cars or factories, no one looked at whether they served ornot, they took everyone. Of course, in 99% of cases, the diagnosis at the medicalboard was "healthy". Once we even called the Security Service of Ukraine toinform them that they took a person who did not serve in the army and took himaway without a summons, but they told us that they did not have time to deal withit now. Now, however, it is not about legality, but about the principle ofselection in municipalities.    I spoke to the military commissars in somedistricts of the region and they explained to me that there was a plan to send200 men there a week. Their job is to send them there and let them decide if theyneed them or not. In villages, people of draft age hardly go to work andgenerally prefer not to leave their homes. But when I was in these villages, Isaw that conscripts of draft age drive nice foreign cars and are not afraid ofanything. I talked to ordinary people and everything was clear to me. Theyexplained to me that these were the children of farmers, merchants and localofficials. This means that they were paid for so that their occupations would nottouch them. It is clear that the caste of untouchables has not disappeared."(https://assembly.org.ua/kak-vruchayut-povestki-na-uliczah-kharkova-i-chto-ob-etom-govoryat-yuristy/)In Odessa, it is said that summonses were handed out to vacationers right on thebeach (by the way, the authorities prohibited swimming in the sea). A videoposted on a local Telegram channel shows a man on the beach jumping into the seato escape the military recruiting office! (https://t.me/xydessa/21611)In Zaporozhye, the young men were taken out of public transport, their documentswere checked and they were given a summons against confirmation. In other cases,people managed to talk themselves out and were not prosecuted.In the Chernivtsi region, the army launched drones on the river, watched thecrowds, and then went there with subpoenas. Warnings have been sent out in theTelegram channel for people to be careful and not get caught.In the Zakarpattia region, police and soldiers attacked people gathered in aclearing near a waterfall while trying to serve a summons. Many had to run awaynaked! (https://t.me/stranaua/51118)A video posted on the "Politics of the Country" Telegram channel shows how womenin Zakarpattia region do not allow soldiers to enter their village to hand overconscription orders to men (https://t.me/stranaua/50963).RUSSIAAccording to the ОВД-Инфо website (which Russian authorities declared a "foreignagent" last year and a Moscow court banned in July), at least 1,309 anti-warprotestors have been detained by June 23, 2022. Detentions were recorded in 207locations across the country. A total of 183 criminal proceedings were initiated.In addition, 2,457 cases were initiated under the article "discrediting" the armyand 1,781 persons were brought to administrative responsibility. The averageamount of the fine was 35562 rubles(https://data.ovdinfo.org/svodka-antivoennyh-sobytiy-iyun-2022).The last interesting episode was the sentence handed down by the Moscow court onJuly 8, 2022, against city deputy Alexei Gorinov. He was sentenced to seven yearsin prison for spreading "false information about the use of armed forces"(https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5457028). During the reading of the verdict, thecourt accused him of calling the events a "war" and mentioning that children werekilled during it, which they said "did not appear" in the official reports of themilitary leadership.Meanwhile, anti-war inscriptions and drawings continue to appear on the walls ofhouses and buildings in Russian cities. There are reports of new arson attacks onmilitary recruitment centers. According to local news websites, since May 13,cases of arson or attempted arson have been recorded at military registration andconscription offices in Omsk, Gukov (Rostov Region), Volgograd, Shchelkov,Zeleznogorsk-Ilimsk, Igra (Udmurtsk), Simferopol, Yasnogorsk, Vladivostok,Belgorod, Perm... It is believed to be the work of people trying to avoidconscription (https://news1-ru.turbopages.org/news1.ru/s/archives/82015). Otheradministrative and repressive bodies were also attacked.Ukrainian sources provide piecemeal information about cases of mass desertionsfrom Russian units in Ukraine - near Izjum, near Melitopol and near Kherson(https://libcom.org/article/direct-action-stops-invasion-russian-advancement-comes-stand-part-10). The Russian side did not comment or deny it.At the beginning of June, an interesting episode took place when a Ukrainianvillager in Shestakov, Kharkiv region, hid a nineteen-year-old Russiansoldier-deserter in his house, who then posed as his son. He hid it from bothRussian and Ukrainian forces, but both were eventually caught and are beinginvestigated by Ukrainian authorities(https://opentv.media/na-dnepropetrovshhine-v-pole-nashli-fragment-rossijskoj-rakety).As can be seen, simple and natural human feelings are hostile to all states of war!Again, there are reports of protests by women whose male relatives have been sentto fight. For example, the wives of soldiers from Buryatsk demand that theirhusbands be brought home from the front. (https://t.me/bnkbel/89585)..Adapted from the article Россия - Украина: Все больше людей не чуть воевать(editorial shortened)https://www.aitrus.info/node/5987https://oafed.noblogs.org/post/2022/08/14/rusko-ukrajina-stale-vice-lidi-nechce-valku/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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