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maandag 29 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SERBIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Serbia, ASI, Direct Action #14 July-August 2022 - Aims and Methods of Anarcho-syndicalism: Anarcho-syndicalism in Puerto Real- (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We bring you an excerpt from the latest edition of the Center for Libertarian

Studies. It is a compilation of two texts by Rudolf Rocker: "Aims ofanarcho-syndicalism" and "Methods of anarcho-syndicalism", taken from the book"Anarcho-syndicalism", as well as "Anarcho-syndicalism in Puerto Real" of theFederation of Solidarity from Great Britain. The selected Roker's texts can beseen as a theoretical basis, while the Solfed texts are a practical demonstrationof the ideas that Roker stood for. ---- "Kropotkin once said that, taking Englandas an example, there are three great movements which in times of revolutionarycrisis would enable the workers to carry out a complete upheaval of the socialeconomy: union work, cooperative organizations and the movement for municipalsocialism; provided they have a firm goal and work together according to aspecific plan. The workers must learn not only that their social liberation mustbe their own work, but that liberation is possible only if they personallyattended the constructive preparations, instead of leaving the task topoliticians who were by no means qualified for it. And above all, the workersmust realize that, however different the immediate conditions for liberation maybe in different countries, the effects of capitalist exploitation are everywherethe same, and therefore it is necessary to give their efforts the necessaryinternational character.First of all, they must not tie these efforts to the interests of nation states,as has unfortunately happened in most countries until now. The world of organizedlabor must pursue its own goals, because it has its own interests to defend, andthey are not identical with the interests of the state or the owning classes. Theoutcome of the cooperation between workers and employers as advocated by theSocialist Party and trade unions in Germany after the World War can only be thatthe workers are condemned to the role of poor Lazarus, who must be content witheating the crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. Cooperation is possibleonly where the goals and, most importantly, the interests are the same.Undoubtedly, small benefits can sometimes spill over to the workers when thebourgeoisie faltersve country achieves some kind of advantage in relation to the bourgeoisie ofanother country; but this always happens at the cost of one's own freedom and theeconomic oppression of other peoples. The laborer in England, France, Holland,and so on, has to some extent a share in the profits which, without any effort,fall into the lap of the bourgeoisie of his country, owing to the unrestrainedexploitation of the people in the colonies; but sooner or later the time comeswhen those people also wake up, and he has to pay more and more dearly for thesmall advantages he enjoyed. Events in Asia will show this even more clearly inthe near future. Small gains arising from increased employment opportunities andhigher wages may accrue to the worker in a prosperous state, from being withdrawnfrom new markets to the detriment of others; but at the same time his brothers onthe other side of the world have to pay for them with unemployment and reducedliving standards. The result is a growing gap in the international labormovement, which even the most beautiful resolutions of international congressescannot remove. With this schism, the liberation of the workers from the yoke ofwage slavery is increasingly delayed. As long as the worker connects hisinterests with the interests of the bourgeoisie of his country, instead of withthe interests of his own class, he must, logically, calmly accept all theconsequences of that relationship. He must be prepared to wage the wars of theruling classes for the retention and extension of their markets, and to standbehind any injustice they may commit to other nations."Rudolf Roker (1873-1958) is considered one of the founders of theanarcho-syndicalist movement. At the end of 1922 in Berlin, on his initiative,the International Association of Working Men and Women Workers (IWA-AIT), ananarcho-syndicalist international, was founded, which is still active today. TheSolidarity Federation from Great Britain (Solidarity Federation, SolFed) and ourAnarcho-Syndicalist initiative also belong to this international today.The book is available at veryat a good price, from only 300dinars, in all better bookstoresor directly from us at:phone: 063/1165551or by email: cls@inicijativa.orghttps://www.facebook.com/borbenisindikat/https://issuu.com/direktna.akcija/docs/br._14_-_nova_serija_-_direktna_akcija_jul-avgust_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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