Our speech at the demo "10 years of Rojava - the fight goes on": ---- Dear
comrades, hello passers-by, we are standing here today and celebrating 10 yearsof Rojava. 10 years of autonomy! And 4 years ago the Islamic State was alsopushed underground. ---- We want to show solidarity with the fight in Rojava andwant to support this fight. In the fight against IS, solidarity was greatworldwide. And today we want to celebrate 10 years of autonomy! ----Unfortunately, despite all its successes, the revolution in Rojava is stillthreatened and must be further defended. ---- A few weeks ago, the NATO memberTurkey opened a new war of aggression, an invasion is expected by the localcomrades. This warlike policy was accepted and waved through by NATO, as wasRussia. What is more, Turkey only withdrew its veto against Sweden and Finlandjoining NATO after they had pledged to criminalize the Kurds in their countriesand extradite Kurdish comrades. Two of the few EU countries where the repressionagainst the Kurds was not that strong before.It is obvious from these manoeuvres, that all human rights declarations are hotair. In other words, sanctions against Erdogan because of his illegal war shouldnot be expected. Turkey has a free pass for its war of aggression against theKurds. On the one hand, it keeps the refugees off the back of the EU, and on theother hand, as a NATO member, it ensures influence in the Middle East.But as an anti-capitalist, grassroots democratic project, Rojava is a thorn inthe side of the EU, NATO and ultimately Russia, even without Turkey.In contrast to the time of the fight against the IS and in comparison to otherwars in violation of international law that are taking place not so far away,worldwide attention and solidarity has largely disappeared. Kurds are also beingpersecuted, imprisoned and deported in Germany. Here, too, the Kurdish Workers'Party PKK is still banned. Turkish fascists like the Gray Wolves are spying onand attacking Kurds for Turkey. They don't have much to fear from the Germanauthorities.But we still want to celebrate today. We want to celebrate the achievements ofRojava. And show them all!In the midst of Islamism, authoritarian and fascist states and a colonial past,Rojava has existed for 10 years. For 10 years it has been possible in thisenvironment to fight for and expand a democratic, confederal way of life. Butwhat do we actually mean by that?Society is organized in a grassroots-democratic manner through a councilstructure. Everyone should have a say in this. Regardless of whether it is awomen's council, a municipal council or an ecological council, people should beinvolved in politics. They should help shape politics and make decisions. InGermany one could not imagine that a referendum like the one in Berlin would beimplemented at all. This is the case in Rojava.Rojava is also going in the right direction when it comes to climate and theenvironment. Fundamental is the understanding that the exploitation of nature isdirectly related to the exploitation of humans. Both forms of this exploitationmust be fought! For this exploitation has brought humanity and our planet towhere we are today. However, the aim is not to protect nature or to protect whatis left. No, a different relationship between man and nature should beestablished. A relationship in which life is possible for people, animals andplants, without exploitation and destruction.Fundamental is the liberation of women. A basic requirement in Rojava. All postsin public life are occupied by both women and men. We can only dream of that inGermany. But not only that.Women's councils, in which women decide for themselves about their interests. Aresearch center actively gathering knowledge that has been and is beingsuppressed by patriarchy. Islamists fear women who organize for self-defense.Women are active in all areas of social life, whether in defense units,administration, science or culture.Biji Berxwedana YPJ!All of these successes, which were and are being fought for and implemented in 10years of revolution in Rojava, shouldn't really be an issue that most peopleignore. We wonder where are the Greens, especially Baerbock with their feministforeign policy? Where the Liberals and where the SPD? Who always babble about"our democratic values", perhaps over tea with the Turkish foreign minister? Whenthose demands become a reality, as they did in Rojava, they don't seem to care.You can't expect anything from the parties, but we have to get through to theirsupporters. We must make them feel like us:Solidarity with Rojava. Against fascism, against the destruction of theenvironment, against human exploitation and misery, for the liberation of women.All topics discussed here. Let's take the achievements in Rojava as an example.As an example that the dreams we have can become reality. As a lived utopia. ForRojava! For Kurdistan!Biji Berxwedana YPJ, Biji Berxwedana YPG Biji Berxwedana Rojava - Unban PKKhttps://likos.noblogs.org/2022/07/26/10-jahre-rojava-redebeitrag/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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