The repressive action against Italian grassroots trade unionists could set a
precedent. The right to strike is also being shaken in this country. ---- "Throwaway the fear" was the title of an impressive film by Johanna Schellhagen, withwhich the cycle of labor disputes, primarily among migrant workers in thenorthern Italian logistics industry, became known in this country. ---- The filmshows that the precarious and mostly migrant workers in the logistics industrymanage to fight their way out of their isolation and their degrading workingconditions through solidarity and effective organization. "We threw away thefear," explained one worker who gave the film its title. At dawn on July 19, thepolice entered the union houses of the grassroots unions supporting the logisticsworkers' struggle. It's S.I. Cobas and USB. By order of the Piacenza PublicProsecutor's Office, the national coordinator of the S.I. Cobas, Aldo Milani, andthree leaders of the Piacenza union under house arrest: Mohamed Arafat, CarloPallavicini and Bruno Scagnelli.EXTORTION METHODS ... TO ACHIEVE BETTER CONDITIONS FOR WORKERSFormation of a criminal organization for private violence, resistance against apublic official, sabotage and disruption of a public service - these are thecharges. This allegation stems from strikes in the Piacenza logistics warehousesbetween 2014 and 2021: according to the public prosecutor, these strikes werecarried out under cover and with "extortionate" intentions, in order to obtainbetter conditions for the workers than those offered by the national one Contractprovides for ... The same accusations apply to the base union USB, whose fourleading union members have also been placed under house arrest.Now the accusation of wanting to use blackmail to improve the working conditionsof wage earners could serve as a weapon against any form of militantrepresentation of employees' interests. This is exactly what business-relatedlobbyists and politicians have been dreaming of for a long time, not only in Italy.ATTACKS ON COMBATIVE WORKFORCE ALSO IN GERMANYDock workers in Germany who are involved in industrial action are currently beingsubjected to increased attacks. After their first warning strike, EmployersPresident Dulger called for a national emergency to break the right to strike.The Hamburg labor court later ruled that the work stoppages were effectivelyprohibited, ordering three more rounds of negotiations before further strikescould occur. This intervention in the labor dispute, which the ver.di servicesunion agreed to in a settlement, is of course intended to break the dynamic of alabor dispute: Photos had previously circulated on digital networks showingclashes between strikers and the police.RESISTING TO ATTACKS ON THE RIGHT TO STRIKEActive trade unionists have meanwhile launched a petition against anyrestrictions on the right to strike. "Especially in times of high inflation, itis necessary for unions to be able to strike to maintain workers' livingstandards. We therefore oppose any restrictions on the right to strike, be itthrough legal or police measures," the text of the petition reads.In Italy, the base unions are fighting the repression with nationwide workstoppages. Solidarity actions are planned in Germany in front of Italianconsulates next Tuesday, including by the Solidarity district initiative inGröpelingen. This could be a sign of cross-border solidarity with trade unionistsaffected by repression, which is sorely needed right now. The looming energycrisis, rising inflation and the associated deterioration in the livelihoods oflarge parts of the population, coupled with a simultaneous increase in armsbuild-up, could lead to social protests. The repression is directed against it.More information on the repression against the Italian base unions and solidarityactions in different countries can be found here.Cover photo: https://sicobas.org - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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