In recent months, the attention of the Western world has been entirely directed
to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences of death and destruction,and has diverted attention from what is happening in the rest of the world. Newregional powers are taking advantage of this to broaden their spheres ofdomination or hit hard the social opposition in their own country. Since April2022, as has happened at other times in the last thirty years, the militaryforces of the Turkish state have entered northern Iraq, with the support of theKurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and political parties that are part of theregional government, and have launched a military attack on the politicalorganizations of opposition and radical social movements. Military attacks,usually by land, since April have seen the intensification of the use of aircraftand drones that have hit bases, depots, killed people and devastated villages.Meanwhile, from April to today, the resistance of the oppressed and the oppressedand libertarians against these military attacks by the Turkish government hascontinued. The resistance took many forms, including popular marches for peaceand against war, protests and attacks on military bases of Turkish forces withinKurdistan, boycott campaigns of Turkish goods, blocking of production sites andattacks on Turkish companies. The resistance represents a clear class oppositionto the imperialist aims of the Turkish state, to the will to annihilate advancedsocial forms that present themselves as a threat to the Islamist clericalism ofthe Erdogan government and to the patriarchal logic that has always been presentin the area. The Turkish army is the second largest military power in NATO, thehistorical arm of the United States in the area. He supported ISIS against therevolutionary forces of Rojava and for decades has waged a bloody struggleagainst Kurdish and Armenian cultural minorities, against political dissidentsand leftist forces. Now it is placing itself as a mediator of the war in Ukraineand as a necessary interlocutor for Western governments. It won the support ofSweden and Finland for repressive policies against the Kurdish minority, barteredfor the entry of the two states into NATO. Draghi obsequiously went to Turkey nolater than two weeks ago to coordinate the police forces for the detention andforced repatriation of migrants, for the procurement of energy resources and thesupport of the Turkish government on the Ukrainian scene.Wars are fought for the interests and privileges of the oppressors andexploiters, whether in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria or northern Iraq. Dozens of wars arecurrently being fought around the world, with their load of deaths, destruction,rape, looting and mass exodus. In the last fifteen years, the crisis of thesystem of world hegemony based on globalization has produced a worldwide trendtowards authoritarianism and militarization. Social anarchism breaks the currentimperial, capitalist logic,nationalist and authoritarian, it rejects the divisions imposed by borders, andthe concept of the integrity or territorial "defense" of a state or any entitythat aspires to be, against all nationalist or micro-nationalist policies.Whatever the word "nation" means, it hides the division between exploiters andexploiters, between oppressors and oppressors. We reiterate our irrevocable andunambiguous condemnation of the Erdogan regime and its criminal invasion ofRojava and now northern Iraq, as well as its ferocious repression of internaldissent.For an internationalist and revolutionary anti-militarism, concretely rootedin social struggles, in solidarity networks, to create collective ways out andlibertarians to the vortex of war in which states and world capitalism throw us.newsletter of the Reggiana Anarchist Federation - FAIvia don Minzoni 1 / d - Reggio EmiliaFB: FAI Reggiana Library Archive_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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