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vrijdag 5 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, Gr. Anarc. Carlo Cafiero Bari: 40 years ago, 10-31 August 1982, Palagiano-Chiatona - Bosco Marinella (Taranto): ANARCHIST ANTINUCLEAR CAMPING (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Anarchist magazine first published the news of the initiative (P.F. Anarchist

magazine - year 12 no. 103 summer 1982) and then an account of the "AnarchistAntinuclear Campsite" (Anarchist magazine - year 12 no. 106 December 1982-January1983) which was held in Chiatona, near Taranto, in August '82, organized tocounter the decision of the regional government to impose an energy plan thatprovided for the construction of a coal-fired power plant in S. Pietro Vernoticoand a nuclear power plant in Carovigno or Avetrana. ---- The report highlightedthe difficulties that the camp participants found in trying to establish contactwith the local population, to make them understand their refusal to nuclearpower, but also the positive aspects identified in the self-management experiencethat the members of the camping went on for twenty days.The campaign against the establishment of nuclear power plants in Puglia,conducted in those years by the anti-nuclear movement and of which the Apuliananarchist movement was a part, and, above all, the 'Chernobyl disaster' of 1986,contributed to the success of the 1987 abrogative referendum. (it contained threenorms concerning nuclear power) promoted by the Radical Party."Report of the" Anarchist Antinuclear Campsite "(Anarchist magazine - year 12 nr.106 December 1982-January 1983)An anti-nuclear campgroundby AA. VV.At the end of the Anarchist Antinuclear Campsite, which was held in Chiatona,near Palagiano (Taranto), last August, two documents were approved: one of ageneral nature on the nuclear issue, with references to the Apulian situation,which is it was published in the weekly Umanità Nova (N. 33 of 14.11.1982); andanother that we publish on these pages. This is the report of the camp, fromwhich emerge the "successes" and difficulties that the comrades who gave life tothe initiative went through. This document illustrates other paintings by Jad,the anarchist committed against nuclear tests in Polynesia, which is mentioned inthe previous pages.The decision to organize the camp was taken following various meetings betweenthe Apulian comrades on the theme of the fight against nuclear power and coal,also considering the decisions of the regional government to impose an energyplan that provides for the construction of a coal plant, whose land has alreadybeen fenced and expropriated, in S. Pietro Vernotico (BR), in the locality ofCerano, and of a nuclear power plant in Carovigno or Avetrana (more likely), andthe speed with which this project is attempted to pass. From the meetings withthe comrades the Apulian Anarchist Antinuclear Coordination arose, whichorganized an Anarchist Antinuclear Campsite in Chiatona (TA), in the MarinellaWood for the period 10-30 / 8/1982.The purpose of the camp was to become a meeting point for libertarian comradesscattered throughout the various Apulian centers, without contact between them;to discuss the problem of energy choices in Puglia, in particular, and nationalones; to begin a discussion on the intervention in the territory on these problems. From a technical point of view, there were considerable difficulties, due bothto the short time in which the camp was organized, and to economic problems; muchof the difficulty was also due to the lack of experience that most of thecomrades had in this regard. There were also difficulties in obtaining thevarious authorizations, some of which were granted only following ourmobilization. In any case, we had set ourselves up with a view to camping even ifwe had not obtained them, and without taking into account any restrictions of anykind; so it was done, since we were not allowed the possibility of pitching tentsin the woods, which, on the other hand, were quietly set up, wherever we wanted.A big problem was the supply of water, which had been provided to us, followingour pressing requests, by the municipality of Palagiano. But every time our watersupply ran out, we were forced to go to the mayor as a delegation, and to leaveonly with the full tank truck.It was decided in the assembly to provide the campsite with electricity andwater, for the most basic needs, and to move in the most complete self-managementperspective, in the sense of deciding with the participants in the campsite thetype of organization to be given, both for the kitchen and maintenance, which forpolitical management. As for the economic problem, it was partly resolved withfree contributions from the comrades who organized the camp.Part of the money needed was advanced by many comrades and later recovered boththrough the contributions of the comrades who attended the campsite, and with thesale of stickers, prints, balloons designed by us, again on the energy issue, andposters. In practice, about 1,800,000 lire have been advanced, of which 600,000not to be recovered, as a contribution from the Apulian companions, and the restrecovered during the campsite.Once the camp had begun and an initial moment of stasis had been overcome, thetechnical and political management of the camp was discussed collectively, withall the participants present. The assembly has always been the onlydecision-making moment. It was therefore decided to organize volunteer dailyshifts for cooking and maintenance, each of three companions. The kitchen shifttook care of collecting contributions for shopping - every morning - of shoppingand cooking; the maintenance shift to provide mainly water and to clean up thecampsite as much as possible. It was also decided to hold a technical assemblyevery day, which however was not always held; to organize assemblies on the thememost strictly pertinent to the campsite and to organize a series of externalinterventions in the surrounding villages.Of course, there were difficulties, due both to the lack of practice of thecompanions - for example, cooking for an average of 50 people - and to thedifficulty of each of us in putting into practice our ideas about a certainlydifferent coexistence, and better, than what we live every day, and onself-management.There were also some moments of tension, caused by the mutual incomprehensionbetween the companions and a group of young people from neighboring countries whoattended the camp. Deliberately, the relationship was resolved not through theexpulsion of these from the campsite, but by trying to establish a clear andcorrect relationship, which effectively allowed to resolve both this situationand other similar ones that occurred within the campsite.One of the most important experiences was made following the decision to go tomake interventions outside the campsite, in neighboring villages. There has beenmuch discussion on the methods to be used to communicate correctly with people,always keeping in mind the desire not to bully anyone, but trying to directlyinvolve others, and make them express freely. We brought an anti-nuclear exhibitwith us, and we talked with the people about what they read, making lots oflittle groups with quite lively discussions; we made drawings on the ground inthe squares, also giving free rein to our creativity; we drew colored balloonsillustrating what nuclear or coal meant to us, and sometimes we involved thelocal children who drew the balloons and explained to them to us and to otherswhy they did not want nuclear power. However, everything has not always gonewell, because in some countries we have experienced a climate of total lack ofcommunication, which however has prompted us to question our ways of interveningand to look for others. However, it was very useful, as for many it was also thefirst time they faced certain situations and the debate was very rich.The Apulian comrades have decided to define this anti-nuclear camp as anarchistfor several reasons:- out of a need to identify and resume the initiative as anarchists, in order toalso be a point of reference for all those comrades who did not know us, and whodid not know us, in order to be able to coordinate and organize a qualitativelybetter intervention;- so as not to be confused with the already existing "cauldron" anti-nuclearcommittees, where everyone is present, from the autonomous to the ChristianDemocrats. or worse missini, passing through the radicals, in which noclarification of any kind is possible on the reasons for the no to nuclear poweror coal.We knew, however, that perhaps we would involve fewer people, but we had chosen,for this time, the need to clarify each other and get to know each other. Inshort, we wanted to know if there were, in Puglia, other anarchist comrades whowanted to see each other and work.At the end of the camp the balance seemed very positive. Many of us are evenstill euphoric to have discovered how many Apulian comrades there are, some ofthem scattered in villages, which we would never have been able to contact otherwise.During the camp there was a lot of discussion on coal and nuclear power,clarifying ideas and reaching a fairly high level of debate, demonstrated by adocument that came out of these assemblies, which is intended to be a startingpoint for a discussion and an anarchist intervention. on the energy issue.For most of the comrades, the camping experience was more than positive, both forthe deepening of the more strictly anti-nuclear and coal-fired issue, but alsofor everything else. that is, for the spontaneous and continuous mini-assembliesthat arose in the campsite, and in which very different topics were discussed,interpersonal relationships, trade unionism, repression, struggles of '77 / '78and so on, and which gave to many companions the starting point to meet againafter camping and start specific interventions; for the large number ofcompanions that each of us has known, including foreigners (French, Swiss,Austrians, Germans) and with whom - with some language difficulties - we have hadexchanges of important experiences on very different realities; for the differentrelationships that inevitably arise between comrades and which have giveneveryone a considerable charge; and, last but not least, for the experience ofself-management that for twenty days, between ups and downs, we managed to carryon, all together, with so many contradictions, but also with a great desire toovercome them.A negative note was the absence of other comrades from the north, from thecenter, from the editorial offices, who we thought would come. On the one hand weare convinced that many did not know in time to organize a visit, but thisexplanation is not enough. We discussed it with the few comrades from the northpresent and the answer was the non-involvement in problems that, from our pointof view, do not deserve to be underestimated, both because the national energyplan continues to move forward almost without obstacles, although it does notforesee only coal and nuclear power plants in Puglia, but also in the north andin the center, both because it seems to us that engaging against nuclear poweralso means making an anti-militarist choice and, more generally and overall,against everything that is attempted to impose on us - and in many, too manycases, we manage to impose ourselves - to continue to maintain a situation ofexploitation by the ruling classes. Also for this reason a camping site seemeduseful to us to discuss and involve also and above all the other anarchist comrades.It is for these reasons that we would like to open the debate on the documentthat came out of the campsite, which we consider only a starting point, withoutanything definitive or dogmatic. "-We are Anarchists because we want Freedom.We are Communists because we want Solidarity and Equality.https://carlocafierobari.noblogs.org/post/2022/07/20/40-anni-fa-10-30-agosto-1982-chiatona-bosco-marinella-taranto-campeggio-antinucleare-anarchico/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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