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vrijdag 5 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL - Press release, No to universal national service! (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Within the government that has just been set up, Sarah El Haïry is in charge of

setting up the Universal National Service. This, as Secretary of State to theMinisters of the Armed Forces and National Education. The link thus made betweenthe military institution, education and youth clearly illustrates thegovernment's objectives: to bring the 16-year-olds who are the target of theprojected generalization of the UNS into line. Let us reactivate the slogan ofthe opponents of the first army/school protocol in 1982: "No army at school! ----The member organizations of the Collectif Non au SNU refuse the UniversalNational Service that the government wants to make compulsory for 16-year-olds---- An operation of youth submission: it is a question of inculcating a spiritof obedience to rules, absolute respect for standards... Rules and standardswhich, for the most part, only aim to perpetuate the inequalities and injusticesinherent in the current organization of society. This willingness to submit alsoinvolves increased control, in particular through the filing of all young peopleaged 16 to 25; we know how this kind of file can be used! Willingness to submit,finally, because it only recognizes as "commitment" of young people state devices.The questioning of workers' rights: the young people of the UNS will be used toreplace jobs currently occupied by employees who have a salary, a collectiveagreement or a status, the possibility of organizing union, individual andcollective rights. With the UNS, each year, 800,000 young people will beexploited, without any of these rights, for varying periods of time; they will bevery strongly encouraged to continue their "voluntary commitment" through civicservice, under the same precarious conditions.Considerable expenditure: 6 billion €/year, according to a 2017 Senate report.These billions would be much more useful for the public service of Education,than in the hands of the military!The strengthening of militarization. Military supervision, flag raising, warriorsong, uniform, obstacle course, commando raid, etc. will contribute to theindoctrination of young people. The propaganda will aim to trivialize even morethe role of the army, while it is at the forefront of repression, on Frenchterritory, in the colonies and various regions of the world. Unsurprisingly,there is no question in the program of pacifism, non-violence, or questioning therole of the army. The government tells us: Young people have to get involved. Butit already is! They are committed to fight against racism, to stop thedestruction of the earth, to defend their right to study, for the sharing ofwealth, for the right to housing, for equal rights and against discrimination. ,etc. It is not up to the state to force them to commit! How can we talk aboutlearning citizenship, when we entrust the supervision to the army (which,moreover, was not demanding)?No to UNS! Repeal of the UNS!Unitary campaign against the UNS: Pacifist Union, Solidarity Trade Union,ASSO-Solidaires, Solidarity High School Students in the Paris region, StudentSolidarity Federation, SUD Education Federation, SUNDEP South Private EducationSolidarity, Youth and Sports Solidarity, SUD Community Federation territorialauthorities, Education Federation of the National Confederation of Labour, CNTHealth, Education, Social and Territorial of Lorraine, Unified building tradeunion of the Paris region of the National Confederation of Labour,Education/research federation of the CNT-SO, Inter-union emancipation , TradeUnion Youth, National High School Movement, Independent and Democratic HighSchool Federation, National Federation of Free Thought, Rights Ahead!!, Neitherwars nor state of war, Common causes, Former Conscripts in Algeria and theirFriends Against War, Network of Research, Study and Training Centers forAnimation and Development, Peace Movement , ATTAC-France, Stop Fueling War,Abolition of Nuclear Weapons - Maison de Vigilance, Conscientious ObjectionMovement Nancy, GRATLIB, Queer Education, National Secular Federation of Friendsof Pacifist Monuments, Communist Party of Workers of France, Europe Ecology - TheGreens, Anarchist Federation, Libertarian Communist Union, The Insurgent, TheYoung Ecologists, Union of Young Revolutionaries, Proletarian Union ML, CommunistUnit of Lyon, Jules Durand Libertarian Group, For a Popular and Social Ecology,Resilience Movement, Radio- Libertaire, Revue Silence, Cherries the cooperative,L'Allume-Feu, Rainbow theater cooperative network.  Unitary local collectives Noto the SNU Loire-Atlantique, Lyon, Bordeaux, Angoulême, Nancy, Chambéry, Hérault,Vendée...To join the collective: nonsnu@lists.riseup.nethttps://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Non-au-service-national-universel-9662_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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