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maandag 8 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #POLAND #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Poland, FA Posnan: THE EXMISSION OF DISCUSSION IS NEARBY. SEPTEMBER 10 DEMONSTRATION (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 After years of fighting for the preservation of Rozbrat, the most critical moment

in almost thirty years of history of this place is coming. A hearing will be heldon September 15, at which a final judgment is to be issued, giving the greenlight to the eviction of Rozbrat. ---- In practice, this means throwing out overtwenty inhabitants and women, as well as a number of socio-political, culturaland ecological initiatives gathering hundreds of people. It is also a real threatto a part of the West Greenery Wedge, which is effectively protected againstbuildings by Rozbrat. ---- Although a threat has been hanging over us for manyyears, which will culminate in September, Rozbrat tirelessly continues itsactivities. We do not cease to oppose the neoliberal and anti-social policy ofthe Poznan authorities, which represent the interests of business at the expenseof the needs of the majority of the city's residents.The Polish Workers' Initiative Trade Union originates from Rozbrat, whichcurrently operates in about eighty workplaces. The Wielkopolska Association ofTenants was also born here. Thanks to these initiatives, many professional andtenant groups have been able to count on help for many years. Dozens of familieswere saved from being thrown onto the street, thousands were discharged, obtainedlegal support and overdue wages. During the protests, these organizations areloudly supported by the rhythms played on the drums of the oldest Samba inPoland, the so-called Rhythms of resistance.Rozbrat is also a place where hundreds of concerts and film screenings,festivals, exhibitions, theater performances, discussions, book fairs, lecturesand workshops took place. The city of Poznan has repeatedly boasted about theseevents in its official promotional materials, forgetting that if it were not forRozbrat, many of these cultural events would not have had a chance to be implemented.In addition, there is an archive and a library in Rozbrat, which have uniquecopies in their collections. These places are eagerly visited by students andresearch workers. There is also a publishing house and a bookshop.We also provide concert halls and a rehearsal room, a gallery, places formeetings and discussions, a screen printing workshop, a carpentry shop, a bicycleworkshop, a gym and a sports hall to all interested parties. Experienced trainersand trainers conduct free classes, including Muay Thai, Yoga or Brazilian Samba,as part of the Freedom Fighters sports club.The community around Rozbrat has been protesting for years against thedevelopment of green wedges and the destruction of the natural environment. Weresist the ignorance of planners, for whom the interest of investors is moreimportant than minimizing the impact of climate change on the lives of Poznanresidents and women. We were on St. Anna, in Rospuda and in the BialowiezaPrimeval Forest. We established the Green Wave - a group guided in its activitiesby the idea of post-growth.In November 2020, we defended the area of ROD Bogdanka against the attempts ofdevelopers and created the Bogdanka Free City Garden (WOMB) in its place. It is aspace that gives all interested parties the opportunity to cultivate crops, aswell as organize and participate in events and workshops surrounded by greenery.WOMB has already been appreciated twice by the inhabitants of Poznan, receivingthe Andrzej Bialas in the competition For the Best Poznan Non-GovernmentalInitiative - Initiatives 2020 and the first place in the Gazeta Wyborcza poll forthe most popular green space in Poznan.We operate on the principles of self-organization and direct democracy, withoutany subsidies or sponsors, regardless of the politicians and businesses we lookat and whose anti-social decisions we fight. Therefore, many of them would liketo get rid of us.The liquidation of Rozbrat means the loss of a strong weapon in the fight for thecity without eviction, exploitation and poverty, which puts the welfare of itsinhabitants above the interests of developers. It is an attempt to silence thesociety in its dispute with arrogant officials in the face of progressingcommercialization and privatization of public space. It deprives all of us of aplace which, through its actions, had a significant impact on the development ofPoznan, on countless groups, organizations, initiatives and individuals who cameinto contact with and received support from Rozbrat. Many of them joined ouractivities, making further changes for the better.THERE IS NO KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT DISCUSSION!Therefore, we call for the mobilization of all those who are not indifferent tothe progressive concreting of Poznan and the liquidation of part of the WestGreen Wedge, who appreciate the potential of self-organization and do not wantresidents to be deprived of their influence on their city. Everyone who wants topreserve a place that is unique on a European scale, which is Rozbrat.  Thus, weannounce a fight, if it will be necessary, to keep Rozbrat in its current placeand shape - the attempt to displace it will meet with our resolute resistance!Today we also invite you to the 28th birthday of Rozbrat, taking place onSeptember 9 and 10, and the campaign to defend Rozbrat, which we plan to carryout on September 10.Poznan without eviction, without exploitation, without concrete!Rozbrat stays!https://federacja-anarchistyczna.pl/2022/07/28/zbliza-sie-eksmisja-rozbratu-demonstracja-10-wrzesnia/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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