Hello! Today is Sunday, July 31 and we continue our podcast "Trends of Order and
Chaos". This is episode 65. ---- Here's what we've been thinking about this pastweek. ---- From heaven to earth ---- With the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainianwar, many began to look for a hobby: something to distract themselves from thehorror, which has been in the news for more than five months, for several hours aweek. Getting carried away with the sciences of space is a great option. Againstthe backdrop of the grandeur of the universe, all the ambitions of earthlyassholes who call themselves "world leaders" are multiplied by zero. Our planetis a grain of sand in a huge creation, which we still do not even see in itsentirety, and do not closely imagine its design.One of the questions that occupies space explorers is whether there is lifesomewhere else in the universe, besides the Earth? Or is our civilization anaccident, and the rest of the cosmos is icy expanses with temperatures below -200or millions of square kilometers of boiling lava heated to +3000 degrees and above?According to modern ideas of scientists about space, the Earth is not the onlyplace in the universe where life is possible. Not to mention the planets next toother stars, even in the solar system it is possible that once there was life onMars, and right now, in some hardly highly developed forms, but there are on themoons of Jupiter and Saturn, for example, on Titan.Based on the data of modern science, the Earth is a young planet. There are manyothers that existed billions of years ago. The so-called Fermi paradox is basedon this: why has not a single clear trace of a highly developed extraterrestrialcivilization been found yet? Mankind appeared less than three million years ago,if you count from Homo Habilis, "handy man." If a species similar to us existed,for example, for half a billion years, the fruits of its activity would surely bevisible in telescopes? Scientists are asking these questions.One of the hypotheses why traces of extraterrestrial civilizations have not yetbeen found is that intelligent civilizations sooner or later self-destruct. Thishypothesis is currently being tested by practice on Earth.Now a person with a clearly not the most adequate psyche has the opportunity tosingle-handedly make a decision to launch so many atomic missiles, after whichhuman civilization will be eliminated. Moreover, as we already noted in ourpodcast, Putin has already stated that he considers his under-empire a worthyreason to destroy all of humanity: "Why do we need a world without Russia?"In the second half of the 20th century, there was a powerful movement to banatomic weapons. People were very afraid of the mutual threats of the USSR and theUSA. But then the protests faded away: people were convinced that atomic weaponswere allegedly a guarantee against major wars. Who dares to attack a nuclear power?As we can see, this does not work. Wars are constantly going on in differentregions of the Earth, including with the participation of nuclear powers. Thepresence of nuclear weapons did not stop Argentina from attacking Great Britainin 1982: however, Argentina lost the war for the Falkland Islands ingloriously.Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the border territories of Russia havebeen regularly shelled, there are dead civilians, many houses have beendestroyed. The inhabitants of the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod villages were nothelped by Putin's nuclear arsenal.Nuclear weapons by no means stop wars, but give some psycho the opportunity todestroy humanity. The gun that hangs on the wall may someday fire. So far, onlythe authorities of Kazakhstan have proposed to the whole world to abandon nuclearweapons, their call had no resonance.The topic of renunciation of nuclear weapons should be returned to the agenda ofthe anarchists. The very process of a worldwide ban on this type of weapon wouldfundamentally change all the world's political systems.Is the universal renunciation of nuclear weapons a utopia, are anarchistsdreamers as always? Ok, if humanity is not able to act together, defending itsvery existence... Then yes, we can all die together for the glory of Putin's kingdom. From shops and squares to changing RussiaAnarchists are opponents of participation in government bodies. A year ago, inAutonomous Action, there was a consensus about the uselessness of participationin the election campaign to the State Duma, in general, a good person, MikhailLobanov.This September in Moscow - elections of municipal deputies, and here the questionis more complicated. In the previous two podcasts, our comrades said that goingto the mundeps is completely pointless. I cannot agree with this.An important detail is that, based on the letter of Russian legislation,municipal councils are not bodies of state power. These are official publicstructures. Perhaps the entity closest to the mundeps in terms of meaning is thepublic monitoring commissions for places of detention (POC).Mundeps do not receive a salary, only the post of chairman of the districtcouncil is paid. The city vertical of power - in Moscow it is the mayor's office,councils, and so on - it is beneficial for municipal councils to includedirectors of kindergartens and water utilities, as well as businessmen whosebusiness is localized in this area. They approve everything that the mayor'soffice will let them down.But in the last municipal elections to the district councils, many civilactivists passed. And, despite the seemingly meager powers of the mundeps, thisturned out to be painful for the Moscow mayor's office. Because the council ofany Moscow district approves - or may reject - projects worth billions of rubles.That is why now many active people are being removed from municipal elections, oradministrative cases are being opened that prevent nomination at all.The work of a municipal deputy is hard work. If the mundep deals with theproblems of his district, he spends several hours a day on it, for which no one pays.The Mundeps cannot influence the Kremlin's policy in any way. The powers of theMundeps are to keep the shops where they need to be, so that the neighboringsquare is not cut down. So that tragedies do not happen, as happened this week inthe south of Moscow: a cheap hostel burned down, in which, presumably, workers ofthe Sadovod market lived. There were bars on the windows that did not allowpeople to get out, eight people were burned alive. Shortly before the fire, thehostel was allegedly checked by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and noviolations were found.But from the shops, the square and the normal work of regional institutions, theinterest of the townspeople in managing their lives begins. This can provide abaseline from which to build a grassroots movement with larger demands andself-management skills. Murray Bookchin was talking about something similar.After February 24, at first it was even ridiculous to talk about protecting somesquare from cutting down. But the Kremlin system of power has not yet fallen. Forthe sake of allegedly "supporting business", restrictions have now beenadditionally lifted, for example, preventing development contrary to theinterests of local residents. There are already many protests on local issues,and they will become more and more interesting.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" theparticipants of "Autonomous Action" give anarchist assessments of current events.Listen to us on Youtube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our websiteavtonom.org!Issue No. 65 prepared by Leaveshttps://avtonom.org/news/sposobno-li-chelovechestvo-na-samozashchitu-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-65-31-iyulya_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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