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zaterdag 6 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #RUSSIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Russia, avtonom: Powder in the Gears of the System: Trends in Order and Chaos Episode 64 (July 24) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Hello! Today is Sunday, July 24 and we continue our podcast "Trends of Order and

Chaos". This is episode 64. Here are the highlights of the past week's agenda.---- Listen on SoundCloud ---- 1. Proper war ---- For several months now, theArmed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian Army have been mutually accusing eachother of "covering with civilian objects." Either Russia claims that some kind ofUkrainian military meetings were held in civilian buildings in the city ofVinnitsa. Therefore, they demolished residential buildings with cruise missiles,and that at the same time ordinary peaceful children and adults died - it's likeUkraine itself is to blame, there was no need to place military facilities in thecity center. On the contrary, Ukrainian intelligence reports that Russia isdelivering military supplies to occupied Kherson on convoys with "humanitarianaid." Accordingly, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine strike at these trucks, theKremlin is also to blame.Of course, this argument is pointless. In a war against each other, statesinevitably trap civilians, and inevitably use them for camouflage - if onlybecause it is effective. Especially for Ukraine: it is still seriously losing tothe Russian Federation in the quantity and quality of weapons, and therefore itcertainly cannot simply withdraw all military units from the cities into an openfield to be bombed there and rolled into dust. That is, the parties simply dowhat helps them win the war.What is interesting here is that everyone is appealing to some "correct way" towage war, without "war crimes" and without harm to civilians. As if in itself theinvasion of the Russian army into Ukraine without an invitation was no longer a"war crime." Of course, it was, like any imperial aggression. The Ukrainians aretrying to repel this aggression with military force, and they can be understood.But for us, as anarchists, it is strange to say that some kind of "correct","civilized" war is possible at all. Any war of states is a battle for dominancebetween the ruling classes. It always brings ordinary people only death,suffering and filtration camps. In the best case (if it is a defensive war), itcan only not worsen the situation of people, but this is also unlikely.The only war that improves the lives of civilians is a class war, which is also asocial revolution. It reformats the social and economic structures of society,making them more fair and more appropriate to the current level of development ofsociety. The current Russian aggression, of course, has nothing to do with this.Although it must be said that some social changes are taking place under theinfluence of this aggression in Ukraine itself, and they are rather positive:grassroots self-organization, general armament, distancing from the imperialKremlin propaganda.2. Reaction in RussiaIn Russia, as it should be for an aggressor country, economic degradation andpolitical reaction are taking place. Since the beginning of the war, we alreadyhave 200 suspects and defendants in criminal cases related to anti-war speechesand 3,303 administrative protocols on discrediting the army. These are not "massrepressions" yet, but significant ones, and their degree will undoubtedly onlyincrease.Under these conditions, what the anarchists have been talking about in recentyears becomes even clearer. Now in Russia there is no point in participating inconventional politics such as elections (even municipal ones). Even if by somemiracle you are allowed to be elected, then you will face a choice: eitherzigzag, draw a Z on your forehead and support the war, or go to jail (likeGorinov, Yashin, etc.). It is impossible to change the regime by puppet"elections" in the Russian Federation. Politics should be street and radical.You don't have to go to jail like Yashin. Be active, but also smart: try yourbest not to sit down. Each of you listening to this podcast is needed to make theso-called "Russian Federation" more free. Fight propaganda, boycott "elections"and any support for the war. Organize outside of the systemic parties, officialunions and the like. Organize first of all where you work and live. The statesystem in Russia is rusty and creaking - any powder in its gears stops them for along time. This is real anti-fascism today.3. Antifund projectVery opportunely, our comrades from Antijob and other good initiatives createdthe Antifund project to support strikes and protect labor rights during layoffsand downtime."Antifund" helps:People who experience pressure at work because of their political views;People who are forced by their superiors in various forms to support a "specialoperation" during working hours;People who are illegally fired or laid off because of an anti-war position (forsigning collective letters, for being detained at rallies, for texts on socialnetworks, etc.);People who, upon dismissal, were not paid the due compensation for their views;People who were not hired because of their views;People who are determined to organize a grassroots union or strike in theworkplace but don't know how to do it.You can ask for help, legal and not only in the telegram bot @antifund_bot.4. The destruction of the Runet continuesIn connection with the war, the Kremlin continues to destroy the Russian Internetat full speed.This week, Roskomnadzor announced that it would use so-called "coercive measures"against the free encyclopedia Wikipedia and the Twitch streaming service."Coercive measures" here are "to oblige search engines to inform users about theviolation of Russian legislation by these services." This refers, of course,primarily to information about the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine.These measures apply almost exclusively to Yandex. It is clear that Google didnot care about such demands of Russian bureaucrats, and other search engines havemicroscopic shares in the Russian market. Most likely, Yandex will bend under theorders of Roskomnadzor and its search results will be strewn with dice like"Wikipedia violates Russian law." Well, given how often Yandex has buckled underthe Kremlin lately, that's another reason to stop using it. At this rate, it willsoon become as toxic as Vkontakte - we hope that you left Vkontakte a long timeago. If not, leave as soon as possible, people in Russia are imprisoned mainlybased on materials from VK.By the way, another news related to Internet censorship - Roskomnadzor unblockedthe Tor browser site two months after the court decision. Tor, among otherthings, allows you to open blocked sites by masking the end goal of an Internetrequest from your ISP.This means that now, at least from Russia, you can download TorBrowser itself.Whether it will work is another question. Actually, the nodes of the Tor network(through which traffic is redirected) were blocked by Roskomnadzor without anyofficial warning. But you can try. We have instructions on our website.In addition, this whole story shows how chaotic and unsystematic Internetcensorship in particular and the entire system of government in Russia as a wholework.5. Return of CipollinoThe team of the Moscow Library named after Chipollino announced their return tothe Open Space near the Baumanskaya metro station (Pleteshkovsky pereulok,building 8, building 1). The library catalog has grown considerably. Chipollinoas a character is very much connected with the social revolution that we talkedabout earlier:) So be sure to go to the library if you are in Moscow.6. RepressionBy the way, arrests of two activists in Moscow were extended this week.Dmitry Ivanov, the author of the Protest MGU telegram channel. He is accused of"discrediting the Russian army", and on July 21 the Moscow City Court left Dmitryin a pre-trial detention center until September 2. The meeting was attended byboth Dmitry's support group and employees of the "E" center. Support Dmitry Ivanov.And the next day, on July 22, the arrest of Kirill Ukraintsev, leader of theKurier trade union, was extended until September 25. Kirill is accused ofviolating the rules for holding public events, the main reason for the anger ofthe authorities and capital is the strike of Delivery Club couriers organized byhim. You can write a letter to Cyril, as well as sign a petition in his support.But again, the rusty machine of tightening the regime for the already convictedpolitical prisoners is slipping. The case of the transfer to prison of ananarchist political prisoner Yevgeny Karakashev was never considered on appeal.The materials were sent to the court of first instance to eliminate violations.Therefore, you can write to Zhenya at the old address:361423, KBR, Chegemsky district, pos. Kamenka, st. D. A. Miziev, 1, IK-1, EPKT,Karakashev Evgeny Vitalievich, born in 1978And July 29 will be the birthday of Dmitry Dubovsky, a member of the Belarusianpartisan group "Black Banner", sentenced to 18 years in prison. We join the callof ABC-Belarus: send Dmitry words of support and solidarity!Dmitry Nikolaevich Dubovsky, IK No. 3, Vitebsk region, Vitebsk district, Vitbavillage, 211300, Belarus.Freedom to all political prisoners and let's stop the war!Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" theparticipants of "Autonomous Action" give anarchist assessments of current events.Listen to us on Youtube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our websiteavtonom.org!https://avtonom.org/news/poroshok-v-shestyorenki-sistemy-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-64-24-iyulya_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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