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zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ARGENTINA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Argentina, #Rosario, FAR: -September Position- No truce in the face of the needs of the people (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The scenario this September does not differ much from what we anticipated at the

beginning of the year, when the adjustment and the policies promoted by the IMFbegan to deepen. We find ourselves in the last third of the year with more thanhalf the population below the poverty line, rising inflation, growing socialfragmentation, persistent inequality and constant and devastating degradation ofthe environment as well as social violence shot in all directions. To this mustbe added the advance of speeches and proposals from the right, in a general shiftof institutional politics to more ultra-liberal and anti-popular positions. ----This critical economic and social context, where the above does not promote anyrelief measure, has its counterpart at the political level. There we find ascenario of "regulated polarization" -always speaking in electoral terms- wherethere is no bet on an "extreme polarization" between Milei or Gómez Centurión andthe electoral Trotskyist left, but of the hardest sectors within the two majoritypolitical blocs. of the country, such as Kirchnerism in the Frente de Todos andthe sector of Macri, Patricia Bullrich and López Murphy in Together for Change.In this sense, the attack against CFK stressed this implicit agreement ofregulated polarization, for which the political class responded in the expectedway to restore it.For the sectors organized around Kirchnerism, the legal case against Cristinarepresented and represents a unifying axis for the 2023 elections, a "politicalcause" that allows them to differentiate themselves from the evident adjustmentthat Massa has been implementing, from his own coalition of government. Even thesame political sector of Kirchnerism that discursively opposed the agreement withthe IMF -expressed in Máximo Kirchner's bombastic resignation as head of thebloc- is the same one that celebrates and tries to justify Massa's trip to meetwith the Secretary of the Treasury. of the USA and with the same director of the IMF.The basic idea is to leave behind the electoral debacle of 2021, to reconfigurethe armed front itself, despite the failure of the Government and its economicpolicies. The objective may be a CFK candidacy, beating Massa's aspirationsinternally, or preparing himself as an opposition option for 2027, after theexhaustion of a possible JxC government.On the opposite side, in fear of "Cristina's return", the scenario repositionsthe hard sectors of the PRO and JxC, who try to expose the "lukewarm" of"measured" positions such as those of Larreta, Vidal or Carrió or radicalismitself. In addition, JxC is more concerned with debating the viability of a PASOin 2023 to resolve their dispute, than with the dramatic social condition of thecountry.The curious thing about this situation is that the adjustment that Massa hasalready faced and his evident genuflection to the US and the IMF, leaves JxCwithout a clear policy to differentiate itself in the face of 2023. The samesituation happens on Massa's side. The commitment to a project that stops thedynamics of adjustment - ​​more typical of macrismo - loses its reason for beingwith the exercise of power by Massa. Therefore, if the economic is not going toexpress ample differences, the political issue is the one that becomes morerelevant. In this terrain, the Kirchnerist sectors of the FdT and the "hawks" ofJxC gain positions.In this framework, the agenda of resistance to adjustment tries to be replaced byslogans that only matter to the political and institutional apparatus. In thecase of Rosario, this situation puts a stop to the immense union and socialmobilization prior to the closure of some paritarias, where thousands of workersand unions, with different imprints, joined in a mobilization against theadjustment in the province. In this context, the Perotti government decided tomove forward with the adjustment and discipline of public sector workers andteachers by applying discounts for days of unemployment. The provincial leadersof the public sector unions (ATE and UPCN), took advantage of the latter, andclosed an unfavorable agreement for all the workers, even demonstrating thecloseness they have with the provincial government.In this way, it is to be expected that the political class will try to channeldiscontent through mobilizations with a clear adherence of a politicized andcitizen-oriented middle-class militancy, behind axes of a more ideologicalpartisan nature. In this sense, it is also possible that some union and socialleaders, identified with Kirchnerism, try to prolong this "social truce" with thenational government and with the same price markers for which they mobilized amonth ago.  For example, the brake on the bloodletting that constituted theannounced departures from the FdT of sectors concerts criticism of thegovernment's actions. This in the midst of a resounding loss of purchasing powerby the popular sectors, with year-on-year inflation projected above 95%.The slogan of "defense of democracy and institutions" expressed today by sectorsof the FdT and JxC are not really representative of the feelings of the majorityof popular sectors. Not only because this representative democracy has beenguaranteeing little or nothing of the basics to live for the oppressed classes,but also because constitutional guarantees are not really at stake, somethingthat was noticed during the times of the carapintadas uprisings or during theState of Site of De la Rua. These guarantees are also very distant from thereality of the popular neighborhoods. Here we highlight what happens in the cityof Rosario, where on average so far this year there is more than one death perday. That said, we believe that it is time to build unity from below, in thesectors in struggle as a fundamental tool to stop the progress of the adjustmentand in order to improve the situation in future times. It is a context thatdeserves a will for collective construction and unity for the struggle. We musthighlight the true agenda of those from below, propose an alternative struggleregardless of partisan interests. It is a primary task to transcend and go beyondsocial protest, around putting limits on the brutal adjustment of those above,not only to put a stop to cuts in essential public services but also to demandthe reopening of imperative parity so as not to continue losing purchasing power.of wages in this inflationary escalation.For the construction of a strong people!Up those who fight!Anarchist Federation of Rosario  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063547308480_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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