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zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #330 - International, Middle East: With #NATO, it smells of gas for the #PKK (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Russia's war against Ukraine has reshuffled the cards within NATO and puts Turkey

in a strong position to intensify its war against the Autonomous Administrationof North and East Syria, Rojava and the Kurdish movement. ---- The peoples ofnorthern and eastern Syria who have celebrated the 10th anniversary of theirrevolution are paying the price for imperialist wars. In four years, the peoplesof northern and eastern Syria have suffered two Turkish invasions. They now facea low-intensity war and have been preparing for a third invasion for some months,with Erdogan saying he wants to invade the Shehba and Manbij regions. ---- Whilewaiting for a hypothetical green light from international powers, the Turkisharmy and its Syrian militias are increasing their attacks: as of August 19, therehave been more than 70 drone strikes that have killed civilians, militants andcombatants, with particular targeting of women and their organizations as well asan increase in artillery bombardments.More than 62 people have been killed and 80 injured over the past month. Thislow-intensity warfare strategy allows the Turkish state to pursue its objectiveof destroying the revolution and its capacity for self-defense, as well asmaintaining a climate of permanent tension, while offering the possibility of aostrich policy in Western states.A decisive tool of Erdogan's policyWhile NATO has been going through an apathetic crisis in recent years, the war inUkraine has brought renewed vitality to the alliance. Thus, a new strategicconcept was adopted in July at the Madrid summit.He defines Russia as "the most important threat" and acts on a set of measures:the creation of four new multinational battle groups positioned on the easternflank, the passage of the Rapid Response Force from 40,000 to 300,000 soldiers,the creation of a common research fund of one billion euros. This is, accordingto NATO itself, "the largest overhaul of the posture of deterrence and collectivedefense since the Cold War.»The application for membership by Finland and Sweden has allowed Turkey to deepenits policy of weakening the Kurdish movement. She thus used her right of veto toforce the two candidates to sign an agreement which ratifies the termination ofrelations with the AANES, the repression of the PKK, the extradition of Kurdishrefugees to Turkey and the implementation establishment of an interstatemechanism of repression against the Kurdish movement and its supporters, whichlays the basis for broader collaboration against other revolutionary movements.Since the war in Ukraine, the European Union, supported by NATO, has sought to dowithout Russian energy by 2030. However, Russia supplies it with 40% of its gasconsumption and ranks third oil-producing countries. For an alternative supply,the European countries of NATO must sign agreements with producing countries butalso secure transport routes.Turkey and the energy questionThree routes made it possible to transport energy from the Middle East, butfollowing the cancellation of the EastMed project (Mediterranean) and the war inUkraine (north of the Black Sea), Turkey became the obligatory crossing point formany trades.The war waged against Rojava and the guerrillas in northern Iraq is becoming anissue of securing energy transport routes within the more global framework of asearch for diversification of supplies.D.R. HERVÉ JAKUBOWICZIraq (including Iraqi Kurdistan) has rich gas deposits and ranks fourth among oilproducing countries.The country already routes some of its oil via Turkey and plans to build a newgas pipeline and is also on the route by which Qatari gas could be transported toEurope. There remains a major problem for Turkey: part of the mountainousnorthern Iraqi territory is controlled by the PKK guerrillas.Thus, the war waged against Rojava and the guerrillas in northern Iraq becomes anissue of securing energy transport routes within the more global framework of asearch for diversification of supplies.It is in this context that the Claw-Lock operation against the guerrillasintervenes with the support of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, of whichTurkey is the first client. An article in the Turkish press unambiguously titles:"The PKK ends, the gas returns to Turkey".Maria (Serhildan Network), Gaby (UCL Amiens) and Simon (UCL Rennes)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Moyen-Orient-Avec-l-Otan-ca-sent-le-gaz-pour-le-PKK_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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