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zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #SICILIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy #Sicilia Libertaria: On 25 September no delegation to the parties. Don't vote (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 They ask us once again to go and vote; a voracious political class asks us that

unanimously (with the fake opposition of the Brothers of Italy) measures thathave made the population poorer but have enriched bosses, banks, multinationals,the church. A parliament characterized by right-wing and liberal positions spreadacross all sides, from the PD to the fascists, strongly patronizing andmilitarist, a haunt of turncoats and lackeys of Russian interests in Italy, suchas Lega, Forza Italia, Movimento 5 Stelle and Fd'I , now faithful lackeys ofAmerican interests, it is presented to us as a symbol of democracy and a placewhere the will of the people is manifested. ---- With the pandemic caused bymanipulative and destructive capitalism of the environment, faced with methods ofbarracks, repression, a billionaire binge for the pharmaceutical industries and aclimate of blackmail and fear, without any real action to counter the causes.With rising prices out of control due to speculation in the energy markets, wagesand pensions are getting lower and lower. With a Health andeducation reduced to a minimum and still deprived of the necessary funding tomeet the needs of the population. With the war on our doorstep, Italy in thefront row to produce and sell weapons, and with the military bases of itsterritory fully involved in the conflict in Ukraine, while the next governmenthas already confirmed the increase in military spending to 104. millions of eurosa day. With a South devastated by underdevelopment, degradation, emigration andready to be robbed again by the next launch of the differentiated autonomydesired by fascists and leaguers. With the rights of minorities trampled on everyday while rubble is growing around us, with frequent deaths at work, with youngpeople dying in training courses for job start-up, in a territory battered by theeconomy of entrepreneurial profit and the consequent environmental devastationmore and more causes of disasters that see us more and more powerless. With apicture of this type, which the servants of the bosses who ask us to vote areready to confirm, if not worsen, the disgust and rejection on the part of thevoters must be clear.We also vote in Sicily, a region that symbolizes the voracity of politicians,where the command block is constantly represented by the former ChristianDemocrats and their accomplice right-wing: a godsend for the Mafia, whichcontinues to operate in the territories while maintaining its social controlfunction. Here, small political forces have rediscovered independence, hoping toalso enter the mechanisms of command and trying to replace the current bosses,denoting only an authoritarian mentality.We anarchists and anarchists reject this state of affairs. The ParliamentarySystem has proved to be a scam for the people and a source of privileges for thefew, at the service of national and international strong powers. In addition,what they call Democracy is turning more and more into Democracy. Let us becourageous, let us relaunch a revolutionary discourse; not going to vote can bethe first step; the second is the rediscovery of the pleasure of disobedience anddesertion, the daily opposition to any bureaucratic body that imposes directivesand sanctions and to any government, always subservient to capital and banks.We oppose forms of mutualism and social self-organization from below to theeconomy of exploitation; we build struggles and conflicts as the only means ofobtaining our rights and satisfying our needs. Any prospect of change passesthrough the subversion of the present. Our alternative is revolutionary. DON'TVOTE, FIGHTSicilian Anarchist Federationfas.corrispondenza@inventati.org - 21 September 2022https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/2022/09/23/il-25-settembre-nessuna-delega-ai-partiti-non-votare/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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