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woensdag 5 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Czech, AFED: Comment on the demands of the trade union demonstration, which we are going to critically support on October 8 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (CMKOS) called for participation

in the "Against Poverty" demonstration, which it is organizing on Saturday,October 8, in Prague's Wenceslas Square, and which will officially startsymbolically at "five minutes past twelve". The Anarchist Federation, incooperation with Collective 115, wants to join this demonstration critically, andso invites under the slogan "Luxury for all" to the anti-authoritarian block,whose meeting will be on Senovážné námestí at 11.30, from where it will go to"Václavák". ---- Unfortunately, our forces will be somewhat divided on this day,as the Limits are Us initiative is being held from October 3rd to 9th! ClimateCamp 2022, which this year will be held in Ostrava and which some of us are goingto support by participating, just like in previous years.What do the unions demand?On Monday, September 12, CMKOS published on its website the demands that will bepresented at its October demonstration:By procrastinating, the government has allowed the situation to reach a statewhere in our country we have one of the highest inflation rates in the EU,households are losing purchasing power and companies are losing theircompetitiveness. We have repeatedly appealed to the government since itsinauguration to start solving the situation, we present concrete solutions andmeasures on how to proceed, we offer help. The government has been silent formonths, and instead of actually helping people and businesses, its officialssimply ignore the situation.We demand that the government immediately adopt concrete effective solutions,even if it is "five minutes past twelve", and stop overlooking the extremelycomplex situation of families, employees, pensioners, single parents, as well ascompanies and entrepreneurs.So on Saturday, October 8, at 12:05 p.m., we will meet at Wenceslas Square inPrague for the Against Poverty demonstration to send a clear message to thegovernment: it is necessary to act without delay and help people and companiesmanage the current situation. And this is not possible without really effectivesteps by the government. We reject the fall in real incomes, the fall intopoverty, immoral margins and abuse of the situation, cuts without a clearstrategy and senseless reductions in public budget revenues.Therefore, we demand from the state:* immediate introduction of price regulation of basic necessities of life andtightening of price control,* regulation of food, energy, fuel, water and rent prices,* immediate development of an anti-crisis plan, which will include pro-growthmeasures,* preferentially focus state budget expenditures on combating the economic crisis,* to introduce principles into tax laws and other measures, on the basis of whichall citizens of the Czech Republic and companies operating here (not onlyemployees and pensioners) will share fairly in the costs of the crisis,* maintaining the real purchasing power of wages and salaries at least at thelevel of 2022,* increase the minimum wage to CZK 18,200 in 2022.What is the situation?The Czech government has already been forced to respond in some way to theinsanely deepening energy crisis, for several reasons. One of them is the threatof riots. The first swallow, albeit a somewhat brown one, was the demonstrationon Wenceslas Square, which was organized by dubious characters with a fraudulentpast on Saturday, September 3, and where expressions of unabashed racism orsupport for Putin's fascist aggression were heard. But the situation is soserious that even such a gathering was able to attract tens of thousands ofpeople. Another threat, which may not be so loud, but all the more threatening tothe government, is the upcoming union demonstration. Moreover, due to theirinactivity, the governing parties are losing heavily in pre-election polls andcan expect a real electoral fiasco. This probably scares them more than protests,which they can simply ignore or brush off with a single remark. And last but notleast, there is an initiative to alleviate the energy crisis by the EuropeanUnion, which is currently chaired by the Czech Republic, but so far it has seemedmore like sleeping in the back seats when it comes to solutions.A right-wing government that has always sided with the rich, helped to relievethem of the tax burden, and always had a policy of cuts and belt-tightening forthe poor, cannot be expected to break twice for the sake of ordinary people. Justlook at how carefully he treads when it comes to the interests of billionaires.It is extremely evident that Babiš competing with the government parties is nosolution, let alone a brownish parliamentary or non-parliamentary opposition,where the KSCM can already be included.If there have been any dangerous extremists here in the last 30 years who havedone enormous damage, then they have undoubtedly been economic apologists for thefree market, which, however, on a deeper look, has nothing to do with anyfreedom. Neoliberal practice has led to the creation of a narrow group ofeconomic elites who, either directly or through bound and committed politicians,unscrupulously promote their interests, and a broad layer of those who are forcedto sell their work below the price and through the state to cover the losses ofthose elites, whether local or transnational.   The normalization of socialinequality has led to the practice of inviolability of the interests of those atthe top, while those at the bottom are sold a fairy tale of honest work and, inworse cases, that of alleged parasites. But those who exploit our work and livein luxury are not meant, but those who find themselves on the social fringes -the unemployed, recipients of various benefits, Roma, refugees (often completelyimaginary), etc.What do anarchists want?That much is clear: The elimination of capitalism and the state, imposedauthorities, discrimination, inequality, exploitation and oppression. And incontrast, they want a free and self-governing society operating on the principlesof solidarity, reciprocity, freedom and equality. Ok, nice vision, but ordinaryworkers and other underprivileged people, including us, currently want to survivethe winter in a way that does not plunge them into poverty and existentialdistress if they are not already in that state. This is also the reason why weare joining the CMKOS protest action.However, our basic criticism of the existing trade unions is still the same - itis a reformist force that ultimately works for social peace, i.e. thepreservation of the existing capitalist order, with the only difference that theworkers who bake the imaginary cake of social wealth will be treated to slightlylarger crumbs so that they don't need to be dissatisfied and threaten theexisting order. Of course, we would prefer revolutionary unions that would demandnot only the whole pie for those who baked it, but the whole bakery.What are we missing in the requirements?It must be acknowledged that the demands of the trade unions are not only focusedon the energy crisis, as this is only one (albeit the most prominent) problem inthe current situation. All basic needs must be taken into account, and especiallythe issue of affordable housing. The entire antisocial housing market, which isno longer about satisfying a basic human need, but about investmentopportunities, should be challenged.Although it is not written directly in the demands, the first steps should be therejection of tax havens and the removal of wealth from the country, whileordinary people are fined for every little thing. So far, billionaires have beenportrayed to us as untouchable demigods. But we all know that wealth has come onthe shoulders of those who are forced to turn every crown twice before giving itout. We simply require the tools to move wealth from places of excess to placesof scarcity.Instead of "minimum wage" we should talk about "minimum living wage" - this is anamount that provides enough means for a person not to live in economicuncertainty. According to calculations from this April, it should amount to over30,000 CZK.Employers should be forced to increase the wages of their employees by inflation,which of course they vehemently oppose in the interests of their own profits.We could also imagine pressure to mitigate the climate crisis in the demands ofthe trade unions. Because our future and the future of our children is stillbeing blatantly sacrificed on the altar of the profits of a narrow group ofindividuals. Rejecting the fossil industry is not only a great opportunity fordevelopment and technological modernization, but also for deepening energydecentralization and eliminating energy dependence. At the same time, thepressure for a socially just transformation must be related to this.We would also like to start talking about supporting the takeover of operationsby employees where they are supposed to be disrupted, as owners and investorshave decided that they are not producing an interesting level of profit for them.And what else?The above-mentioned invitation to the trade union demonstration also lacks a hintof what will happen next if the government does not act sufficiently.We have already supported several large trade union demonstrations in the past,although it was always predictable how it would turn out. As if it was always notso much about showing strength as about doing something about the dissatisfactionof the union membership, letting people roar in the square and then getting themback to work.Unfortunately, even now, there is no sense that the scenario has changed in anyway. We will see how it will be in the workplaces themselves, when employersstart terminating collective agreements due to the fact that they do not want tocompensate employees for the purchasing power of their wages for inflation.Last but not least, there are great doubts about the demonstration being hijackedby the current chairman of CMKOS, Josef Stredula, who will run for president.https://www.afed.cz/text/7752/pozadavky-odboru_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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