Our text is by no means a strict summary! So many things have happened in the
last year that it's hard to include them in any text other than short points. Weare not interested in this. ---- We are witnessing a certain historical andpolitical process. It is much more important to become aware of these processesand try to discuss what actions can bring real benefits and changes. Workingblindly within the framework of the scheme will only lead to further burnouts anddisappointments. ---- Let us not get caught up in the narrative that the peopleon the move are the problem and let us not be opportunistic enough to believethat "safe returns" to their countries will solve the situation. We don't meannot to see suffering in our backyard!We should be grateful and grateful that we have them before our eyes. The worstpart is that when people are suffering far away, it's easier for us to forget itand pretend we didn't know ...We encourage you to read------------------- The border in the political gameA year has passed since the whole of Poland began to live the topic of migrationagain. A year in which so many important events took place as many, untilrecently, we had not had the opportunity to experience in a decade. Along withthe anniversary, we can also follow the rash of summaries of all organizationsand entities, to some extent related to the situation on the border or simplyusing a high-profile topic for the sole purpose of being public.They summarize services, large foundations, NGOs, government and opposition mediaas well as those that declare themselves independent. Based on this, can youcompile a picture of what happened last year? You can probably. Can you betterunderstand what is happening in the world and why? Unfortunately, this is much worse.The border, like any other aspect of our reality, is appropriated, digested andspewed out in the form of propaganda by the two dominant narratives that haveruled the political discourse for several years. Both of these visions are infact two sides of the same coin, and they both lead us into the abyss.On the one hand, a government that pushes society the most disgusting, racistbeliefs through primitive social engineering tools. On the other hand, theopposition, cultivating the cult of the European Union and stubbornly pressing usstale neoliberal recipes by Sachs and Balcerowcz, which Poles know from the 1990sand which marked the first two decades of the Third Polish Republic - theprivatization of all resources, the liquidation of the social program, the cultof capitalism and the complete deconstruction of social ties .Both these narratives have completely dominated the politics of recent years,leaving no room for any radical perspective.Until we go beyond this self-propelling wheel, we will not be able to answer thequestion of what is happening now and what our future will look like. War against people on the wayAs for the government side, we are not going to discuss here whether theirapproach is correct or not. It is doubtful that anyone reading this text wouldbelieve any word spoken by Anna Michalska. In the further part of the text, wewill follow how the government has responded to the changing situation and how ithas shaped it over the last year.Law and Justice's policy on migration has been roughly similar since 2015, whenthe first campaign against people on the way was unleashed. We remember well theracist attacks by the government media, which replicated the racist clichés alivefrom the history of the Third Reich, so we did not expect the authorities toreact differently this time.The situation in Usnarz Górny, despite its terror, showed, however, what decisionparalysis prevailed due to a group of a dozen weakened people on the brink oflife and death. Dozens of days in mud and rain, without the possibility ofdelivering food or drink. No people who could make a decision and takeresponsibility for it. Asking the ministry to ask if a bottle of water can begiven to a thirsty person. On the one hand, soldiers jittery during their inhumanwork, and on the other, soldiers pouring out water in front of those who have nothad a drink for several hours. A full fan. But we were aware that this was justthe beginning. When you face such suffering for the first time, you cannot passby it indifferently, it must make an impression on you. It was time for humanreflexes. Then comes something else - normalization of suffering, death,segregation of people. What many and many of us have seen before, on theGreek-Macedonian, Serbo-Hungarian or Calais border. After that, no one asks thequestion "how is this possible?", The services kill and look at death withoutemotion. Indifference is a normal reaction of our body. And if we add to itpower, the possibility of using violence and impunity, we get the perfect wetboyfrom the perspective of power. No one who was at the border will think about howthe extermination camps were created and how genocide could have happened in thepast. After that, no one asks the question "how is this possible?", The serviceskill and look at death without emotion. Indifference is a normal reaction of ourbody. And if we add to it power, the possibility of using violence and impunity,we get the perfect wetboy from the perspective of power. No one who was at theborder will think about how the extermination camps were created and how genocidecould have happened in the past. After that, no one asks the question "how isthis possible?", The services kill and look at death without emotion.Indifference is a normal reaction of our body. And if we add to it power, thepossibility of using violence and impunity, we get the perfect wetboy from theperspective of power. No one who was at the border will think about how theextermination camps were created and how genocide could have happened in the past.The introduction of the state of emergency was a reaction to Usnarz's mediacoverage. Women and children lying in the mud, guarded by soldiers with longweapons. Such images do not favor the popularity of the authorities. A zone hasbeen introduced. The maximum period provided for in Polish law is three months.It lasted for ten months, during which the people in the forest had to rely onlyon themselves.They were hunted - soldiers, fascists from the territorial defense forces, dogs,drones, thermal imaging devices. The Hunger Games, safe war game for boys andgirls in uniform. Dogs barking from the police loudspeakers to scare the childrenin the dark woods even more. In between, people from the surrounding villages andthose who came from very far, trying to reach those in the forest before theworst happens.All the big organizations, turning in the millions and aiming to protect humanrights, turned out to be just shells. It is enough to draw a line on the map andhuman life ceases to count.There are grassroots actions. We were there together and together we experiencedthe next pushbacks of our new friends whom we met in the forest. We were togetherwhen we got information about the next found deceased people. We were there withterrified children, raped women, tortured men and people who, in order to makethis journey, were sometimes forced to sell their own organs. We were togetherwhen the government decided to simply put a wall along the entire border -because what else could such a government think of? When it turned out how muchthis wall will cost and that companies related to the authorities will earn fromit. We were together in Krosno Odrzanskie, protesting against the imprisonment ofpeople in overcrowded cells, just because of their passport. That's where thepower hating and afraid of any sign of solidarity, she used violence against us -several people were hospitalized. Did any of the officers suffer theconsequences? Of course not. Instead, ten of us have accusations of assaulting apoliceman - standard procedure in the Third Republic of Poland 1.We were together in all these situations, sharing this great responsibility andgetting closer to each other, because such experiences make us get to know eachother from a completely different angle. Great site.That is why we want to thank you wholeheartedly to all of you with whom we haveworked and worked over the past year. Whether in the woods or in detention camps,looking for missing people or fighting this bloody system in the courts.Grassroots organization and independence were our strength and we managed inpractice what for many seemed unattainable until recently.The zone has been abolished, the wall built. The number of people crossing theborder goes up at times, and at other times it goes down. The media has forgottenthe topic, there is war in Ukraine, there is inflation, finally there arecelebrities and their problems. Meanwhile, it is worth knowing that the easterncorridor will always be open. By bringing people from the Middle East and Africa,Lukashenka was certainly implementing Putin's plan to destabilize Poland in thecontext of the invasion of Ukraine to some extent. However, this is not the onlyreason for his actions. Being a direct neighbor of the European Union, he wishedto have other safeguards for his absolute power than just Russian guarantees,which were uncertain in the perspective of war. Like other dictatorships at thegates of the Union, he used the same trick - he showed that if he wished he couldunseal his border,The same policy is pursued by other dictatorships on the fringes of the Union.Turkey under Erdogan, NATO's second-largest army, can perpetrate the genocide ofKurds and torture oppositionists while remaining a respected partner for Europeanleaders. All this because the Union needs to control its borders. Morocco'sdictatorship may pursue a policy of purges and discrimination of the occupiedpopulation of Western Sahara with impunity on the same grounds.By supporting regimes that violate human rights, the European Union shifts alarge part of the burden of maintaining a European fortress to other countries.And these can be much more effective in stopping people on the way because theyare not bound by the "limits" that EU members have.TurkeyIn 2014, millions of people requiring immediate humanitarian aid appeared inTurkey as a result of the military operations in Syria. A system was adoptedthere on the basis of a special act, i.e. similar to the one we now have inPoland after the start of the war in Ukraine. However, after the fall of Aleppoin 2016, the situation changed dramatically, with many new people in Turkey whodid not want to stay there. In this way, the so-called A "bloody deal",euphemistically called the agreement between Turkey and the European Union tostop boats coming by sea to the Greek islands. There have already been numerousreports, books and publications on what is happening on the Turkish side. Whenboats carrying people with a refugee experience sink in the Mediterranean, no onereacts. This is starting to resemble a premeditated political murder. The tragedyof people is the result of the actions of smugglers, corrupt police, EuropeanUnion politicians, lawyers and courts. How many people never reach the Greekshores? Nobody keeps a missing list. Grassroots investigations indicate thatthere are many unanswered questions. Who identifies the victims? Where do thebodies go? Who decides where they are buried? How do relatives find out about thedeath of their relatives and are they able to find their graves later? Peoplewho, however, managed to reach by sea, were granted a stay in the largestopen-air prison in Europe, i.e. the so-called Moria hot spot, and after it burnedcompletely in September 2021 - Moria 2.0. lawyers and courts. How many peoplenever reach the Greek shores? Nobody keeps a missing list. Grassrootsinvestigations indicate that there are many unanswered questions. Who identifiesthe victims? Where do the bodies go? Who decides where they are buried? How dorelatives find out about the death of their relatives and are they able to findtheir graves later? People who, however, managed to reach by sea, were granted astay in the largest open-air prison in Europe, i.e. the so-called Moria hot spot,and after it burned completely in September 2021 - Moria 2.0. lawyers and courts.How many people never reach the Greek shores? Nobody keeps a missing list.Grassroots investigations indicate that there are many unanswered questions. Whoidentifies the victims? Where do the bodies go? Who decides where they areburied? How do relatives find out about the death of their relatives and are theyable to find their graves later? People who, however, managed to reach by sea,were granted a stay in the largest open-air prison in Europe, i.e. the so-calledMoria hot spot, and after it burned completely in September 2021 - Moria 2.0.where are they buried? How do relatives find out about the death of theirrelatives and are they able to find their graves later? People who, however,managed to reach by sea, were granted a stay in the largest open-air prison inEurope, i.e. the so-called Moria hot spot, and after it burned completely inSeptember 2021 - Moria 2.0. where are they buried? How do relatives find outabout the death of their relatives and are they able to find their graves later?People who, however, managed to reach by sea, were granted a stay in the largestopen-air prison in Europe, i.e. the so-called Moria hot spot, and after it burnedcompletely in September 2021 - Moria 2.0.Border outsscoring has done unimaginable harm to thousands of people on the waywho, after a war trauma or experiencing other forms of PTSD, were forced, andstill are, to live in conditions that offend human dignity, and certainly do notcomply with any convention on human rights. Tent camps on the Greek islands are ablack spot on the pages of our modern history and nothing will erase this disgrace.LibyaAnother gloomy example of the regime's migration policy of the European Union isthe so-called reception centers in Libya. It is from there that boats departtowards Italy and Malta, the chances of reaching the mainland are usually one bigquestion mark. The biggest tragedy that happened on the coast of the Italianisland of Lampedusa, which for decades has been called the Door to Europe,claimed 366 victims and became a symbol of helplessness in an instant, and at thesame time forced the European Union to provide aid. The mission was supposed tohelp people, but it became another oppressive system of control and suffering. Inresponse to the regime's migration policy, lifeboats from grassroots initiativessailed out to sea. Activists and activists have been declared a real war, oftenstopping their ships in ports and arresting people there, which ultimatelyprevents them from carrying out rescue operations. The European Union enteredinto another (after that with Turkey) financial agreement with Libya, sendingso-called the Libyan coast guard, at the sight of which some prefer to jump intothe sea and drown. Why? The so-called reception centers in Libya are unimaginableplaces where torture, rape, murder, slavery and any kind of oppression we canimagine take place. Libyan law states that you can become a prisoner of adetention center both when you arrive there and when you want to leave thecountry. These camps are "run" by official authorities as well as humantraffickers, gangs and smugglers of all kinds. Doesn't that remind you of thesituation in which were the people on the way crossing the Belarusian-Polishborder? Arbitrary detention in Guarded Centers for Foreigners has an equallystrong negative effect on people imprisoned in Libya. Everyone knows about thesituation of the people in the Libyan camps, but nobody does anything about it.The rescuers at sea know this, literally tearing people from the hands ofLibyans. They themselves are victims of criminalization and many and many of themon missions face allegations and await lawsuits, and their only fault is a strongneed for help and rescue from death. There is no official European coastguard onthis episode, as the European Union has once again bought peace of mind and usedthe border outscoring scheme. Testimonies of survivors from the Libyan campsafter their dangerous journey,SpainIn Spain, in turn, we have two important places of increased migration movements,i.e. the Melilla and Ceuta enclaves located on the northern coast of Africa. Thefence there is 6 meters high and it is regularly forced. In June this year, whilea larger group tried to cross the fence together, the Spanish and Moroccan policeused weapons. It is estimated that up to 45 people could have been killed (thedata is indicative, because it is not known what was the condition of the woundedwho were immediately taken to Morocco by the local services). This border is oneof the places where large-scale migration is brutalized. Spain as a colonizerdoes not feel to settle with the past, thus being a key element of the project,the so-called Fortress Europe. In the Canary Islands, there are also "shadowpeople" among thousands of tourists. These are people on their way who get therefrom West Africa. It happens that local fishermen find empty boats. This is asign that someone has failed. Sometimes there are dead people in the boats. Thisis the price for trying to reach Europe. Why people shadows? Because when theyarrive on the island, they become invisible. For the system, for the world. Theyare trapped and cannot get out. They wait on the islands for months to moveashore to Spain. Freedom not FrontexUnfortunately, we have heard many times from people who are favorable to ouractions, and even from people operating on the Polish-Belarusian border, that thePolish border guard is violating human rights, and that Frontex could stop it.For people from the no border traffic operating in the Mediterranean Sea and theBalkan route, such words would seem like a gloomy joke. Unfortunately, in Poland,still few people are aware of what this organization does.Frontex was established in 2004 with the aim of "helping EU Member States andSchengen associated countries to protect the external borders of the EU's area offree movement of persons". Since 2016, the agency's tasks have included bordermanagement in addition to migration control. As we read on the official website,"Frontex is now recognized as one of the pillars of the EU area of freedom,security and justice". Let's take a closer look at it.In Greece and the Balkans, Frontex is present and works together with borderguards and the police.The European Coast Guard Agency is dealing with serious allegations, includingthe cover-up of illegal returns of boats with migrants in the Mediterranean Sea.As a result of the initiated investigation, it was discovered that several peoplefrom Frontex management were deliberately concealing that the Greek border guardswere turning people back, and this practice, called pushback, is contrary tointernational law. The head of Fabrice Leggeri resigned. Therefore, independentorganizations that monitor events at sea are all the more necessary. This is howAegan Boat Reports was born, which has been issuing detailed reports on illegalpush-offs at sea and on land since 2015. Monitoring the situation is possiblethanks to the fact that they receive direct messages from people setting off bysea or road or upon arrival. In 2021, Aegan Boat Reports recorded 629 cases ofpush-outs in the Aegean Sea involving 15,803 children, women and men who wantedto reach a safe Europe. One-third of them, 5,220 people, have already arrived inthe Greek Islands (Lesvos, Kos, Chios, Leros) arrested by the police, forced toreturn to sea and left drifting on liferafts, illegally deported by the HellenicCoast Guard (HCG) cooperating with Frontex 2.Almost 60% of all boats intercepted by the Turkish Coast Guard in 2021 werepushed back by the Greek authorities. In addition, there is a significant numberof pushbacks on the land border between Turkey and Greece near Evros. There, andon most of the Union's external borders, Frontex officials accompany the borderguards.This is called hotspot and buffer zone where multiple bursts take place.The pushbacks procedure in this area is similar to the one we know from Poland -refusal to accept applications for international protection, confiscation oftelephones, documents, deprivation of food and drink, numerous acts of violenceand beatings. None of the people are registered. Usually they are packed ontrucks and transported to the border, some people are transferred to the beach,others are thrown into the river and forced to swim over it.Detailed reports of violence at the external borders are also carried out by theBorder Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN). So far, thanks to the help ofgrassroots or formalized workers, at the external borders of the European Union,Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and Slovenia; since 2016,they have recorded 1,558 testimonies of victims of brutal treatment by borderguards3. Some reports contain such drastic moments that it is hard to believe howdepraved the uniformed services are.Another area of Frontex's operation is the Libyan coast, which we wrote aboutabove, where the Agency cooperates with the coast guard, the effects of which areoften fatal. If you are interested, we refer to Sea-Watch reports, for examplethe one from May 2021 4.In addition to the borders themselves, Frontex is also a key coordinator ofdeportations across the Union. In addition, it "acts as an EU" return agency ",coordinating joint deportation flights from EU countries, initiatingdeportations, helping with so-called "Voluntary" returns and putting pressure oncountries outside the EU to re-accept deported refugees "5.The belief that Frontex and the European Union can be the guarantor of humanrights is without any foundation. The above examples, when tens of thousands ofpeople are condemned to death, should be a sufficient warning against anyborder-related activities of these institutions. Human rights are granted only tocitizens of the Union and the countries of the Global North.At the border, we watched the change that was taking place in people. Confidencein the services, initially high, melted with each person found in the forest,subsequent pushbacks threatening with death and inhuman treatment of people onthe way. No words would produce such an effect, many people have had to see itwith their own eyes. Frontex works on the same principle - it builds its image asan organization that protects us against the threat of uncontrolled migration andcombats trafficking in human beings, when it interacts with those who make moneyon it outside the EU. Poland - eastern border of Fortress EuropeThe situation at the EU's external borders is not the result of Lukashenka'spolitical plan. He only cynically exploited the situations of millions of peopleseeking refuge in Europe. If it were not for the eastern corridor, many of themwould have tried to reach Europe via other routes. In this situation, Lukashenkais not very different from the authorities of Turkey and other countries, who usehuman tragedies for their political gain. What he is doing is also no moreblameworthy than the actions of EU decision-makers who finance anti-democraticregimes in exchange for guarding their borders.The assumption that the Polish state does not implement EU policy is alsocompletely wrong. There are many areas in which the Polish government actuallyopposed the Brussels guidelines - for example cutting down primeval forests orthe fight against homophobia and transphobia. It is a veil thanks to which therulers can present themselves as defenders of the tradition and independence ofthe country. Especially on the right-wing electorate such tricks work verystrongly. However, when it comes to military and border policy, the PiSgovernment is obedient, although it still tries to present itself as a partyimposing conditions. Theatrical statements about not allowing Frontex to enterPoland are one of such smoke screens. Frontex is responsible for the entire EUborder and the fact that we did not meet any lower level officers at the borderdoes not mean that he did not participate in the coordination of the activitiesof the Polish border guard. The repertoire of measures against people en route issimilar to that at other borders - pushbacks, refusal to initiate asylumprocedures, physical violence and intimidation.Artificially induced The "migration crisis" therefore served all parties.Lukashenka managed to intimidate Poland and the EU so much that he gained anothersecurity and negotiating position. Poland mobilized a huge number of soldiers andvolunteers from the Territorial Defense Forces, built 180 km of a wall in themost valuable primeval forest. Nobody is able to estimate how much last year costus all, it is much easier to guess where this money went (you can find a reporton the companies building the wall and their connections with the authorities onour blog). 6. More millions flowed from Brussels.The Union has sealed its eastern border. All at the expense of people who arelooking for a better life in Europe, because they believed that their rights willnot be violated here.For the sake of clarity, we do not believe that the European Union is anorganization unique among world powers. We realize that the quality of life inEurope is the highest in the world, much better than in the USA, Russia or China.However, this does not change the fact that it is not available to everyone wholives here, and that this comfort comes with daily sacrifices. EpilogueDuring a recent conversation with an activist who deals with the protection oftrees against logging, he said that he is not involved in saving nature, butsaving people. The destroyed ecosystem will consume us first, and then be rebornjust as quickly, but without us. By caring for our ecosystem, we extend ourexistence on Earth. It is hard not to find an analogy to migration here. We arenot trying to save migrants, we want to save ourselves.Global warming and the changes that are taking place across the planet will leadto an increase in the number of people migrating. What we can experience now isjust a fraction of what lies ahead. It is not possible to maintain the currentpace of production. We will have to seriously change our attitude towards thefuture, and maintaining our current standard of living will be unrealistic. Themigrations of millions will change this world forever. Perhaps tomorrow weourselves will be refugees chased by border guards.The only hope of avoiding a catastrophe is to initiate processes that will allowus to coexist side by side, initiate a fairer distribution of goods and end thecolonization robbery policy. It is related to deeper political and socialchanges. This clearly shows the need for intersectionality, that is, to combinedifferent struggles.In the long run, it is impossible to separate helping people on their way fromthe situation in the world and the capitalist system. Many places are alreadyunsuitable for life due to drought, soil depletion, poisoning 7. There are stillmillions of people living in these areas. We have no right to require them tostay "at home" with no prospects for themselves and their children. "Safe homereturn" very often means condemning people to hunger, poverty, violence, disease,political repression and sometimes simply to death directly.It seems unrealistic to end the current system, based on the unlimitedexploitation of people and raw materials (for capitalists, people can be the sameraw material as anyone else). It will certainly not be a smooth transition into anew era where we will all live in peace. It is a painful process, especially forthose born in the countries of the Global North who have never been short of foodand who did not have to worry about their lives every day. We will lose many ofthis comfort and privileges that we have long considered due to us and which wehardly notice anymore.However, we are in a situation where we have no other choice - the alternative iswar, the development of totalitarianisms, the enslavement of society and thestruggle for survival.So yes - departing from this system seems unrealistic, but this is our onlychance. Any activities carried out in isolation from the overall problem cannotbring any long-term results. Therefore, unlike many other people andorganizations, we are not afraid to say it, although it is not a message thatgenerates reach in social media. We often hear that society is not ready forchange, it is not even ready to discuss it. In this way, the action is narroweddown to just responding to symptoms, and thus the system is further strengthened.People are treated like fools in this way. This is what charity and charity arein their essence. Leaving aside the moral issues involved, such actions willnever bring real results. This is not their goal.We do not propose simple solutions to anyone, because these are not simpleproblems. The post-capitalist world has accustomed us to think that alladversities can be overcome if we do our best. To the fact that everything can besolved in a simple way.We don't have prescriptions ready. We have to work out these together, but it isonly possible if we do not close ourselves to the broader perspective and actionsthat perhaps seem unimaginable to a large part of society. However, this is not areason not to talk about it. We don't treat people as someone who needs to beprotected from the truth and kept in a bubble of ignorance, because peopledeserve something more.Our text is by no means a strict summary. So many things have happened in thelast year that it is difficult to include them in any text other than in the formof short points. We are not interested in this. We are witnessing a certainhistorical and political process. It is much more important to become aware ofthese processes and try to discuss what actions can bring real benefits andchanges. Working blindly within the framework of the scheme will only lead tofurther burnouts and disappointments.Let us not get caught up in the narrative that the people on the move are theproblem and let us not be opportunistic enough to believe that "safe returns" totheir countries will solve the situation. We don't mean not to see suffering inour backyard. We should be grateful and grateful that we have them before oureyes. The worst part is that when people are suffering far away, it's easier forus to forget it and pretend we didn't know.1 https://nobordersteam.noblogs.org/.../against.../2 https://aegeanboatreport.com/monthly-reports/3https://www.borderviolence.eu/4https://sea-watch.org/frontex_crimes/5https://abolishfrontex.org/frontex/6 https://nobordersteam.noblogs.org/.../kto-buduje-mur-na.../7 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00585-7/https://federacja-anarchistyczna.pl/2022/09/23/rok-na-granicy-antysprawozdanie-nbt/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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