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maandag 3 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #330 - Culture, Reading: Federico Tarragoni "Emancipation" (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The word is weak: Emancipation ---- In a time when it is common to denounce

confusionism, it is interesting to note that the excesses of neoliberalideologues are themselves rather subject to omerta. The collection The word isweak at Anamosa, wants to remedy it. ---- Each book analyzes a word so twisted bythe surrounding discourse, that it is wrung out of its originally subversivemeaning. After People by Déborah Cohen, Public by Antoine Vauchez, Revolution byLudivine Bantigny... Federico Tarragoni invites us here to reflect on the wordEmancipation. ---- The term has been misguided by the Macronian neoliberalvulgate, which imagined making it the cornerstone of the construction of an"emancipating, universal, efficient, empowering state" An emancipating state !The big joke.Emancipation, in neoliberal parlance, ends up meaning the opposite of what it isin social reality. At the end of the 20th century, it became synonymous with akind of selfish liberation: the removal of any individually binding rule thatwould prevent personal fulfilment.The break is important; the word has shrunk, being limited to the individual andtherefore subjective sphere. It has lost the collective dimension that itconveyed in the struggles against domination.The author, on the contrary, recalls the crucial importance of the collective.Emancipation, this heroic fragility, is a real leap into the void. It appearswhenever individuals resist relations of domination."By emancipating, the individual connects to new collectives. To refuse his placeof domination and accept the uncertainty of tomorrow, he needs a protective andreassuring collective.»Today, "we stand at a crossroads. The more we trivialize democratic states ofemergency, the more we equate freedom with consumption, the more comfortable wewill find the state of civic lethargy engendered by the government's managementof social risks (health, financial, security, climate, etc.), the moreemancipation fades away.»It is urgent to "make visible, audible and thinkable the many attempts atemancipation that are emerging in social life.»By way of conclusion, a sentence, a simple sentence and a whole programme: "Noindividual emancipation is possible without these social solidarities".Dominique Sureau (UCL Angers)Federico Tarragoni, Emancipation, Anamosa, 2021, 104 pages, 9 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Federico-Tarragoni-Emancipation_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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