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maandag 3 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, FDCA - Il Cantiere #10-7: The imprint of war on the planet - Luca Felicetti (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The war in Ukraine risks leaving a significant footprint on the planet. ---- Due

to Western policy, especially European, towards Russia, the latter has reacted tothe sanctions by leveraging the price and quantity of gas it has been deliveringto EU countries, including Italy for decades. ---- The Draghi government wantedto run for cover by putting the construction and commissioning of new regasifiersin mind, the reopening of recently decommissioned coal plants and Draghi himself,together with Minister Di Maio and the CEO of ENI Descalzi, went with his hat inhand to various African countries to close contracts for the import of new gas toreplace the Russian one; countries, such as Algeria, Congo and Angola, whichcertainly do not stand out for their respect for human rights,But anyway, we know that Italy is part of the NATO bloc, so the concept of humanrights is not decisive in the choice of political allies and economic partners.All these efforts, these gas races, leave us perplexed for another reason: wewanted to push hard on fossil sources and did not give the same impulse towardsrenewable ones, despite the fact that science has now been warning about therisks of climate change for 50 years. , at least 40 that the associations arecalling for a paradigm shift and, above all, conferences on climate have beenheld for 30 years in which "the world's greats" find themselves discussing how tolimit emissions, keep temperature rises under control, etc. , only to ignoreeverything in the name of pragmatism, with large polluting companies vetoing andat the same time giving themselves a green paint to throw like smoke in the eyesof public opinion.The last of these conferences, the Cop26 in Glasgow, ended on November 13, 2021,with ambitious goals, all related to decarbonization, the important cut of carbondioxide emissions and the transition to renewable sources.Then on February 24, 2022 there was the Russian attack in Ukraine and Italiancapitalism, Draghi in the lead, began a destabilizing campaign aimed atintimidating citizens and businesses on a tightening on energy consumption, anenergy quota that it would have led to a difficult winter and a moderate summer;remember that the energy issue was brought up by Draghi himself when he had tojustify sending weapons to the Ukrainian army, with the famous joke "do youprefer war or air conditioners?".And this is how the fossil hunt began, in order to squeeze the planet to the lastdrop.In addition to the coal plants that are still active, another 7 plants headed byEnel and 2 by A2A are ready to restart or return to 100% productivity. There istalk of the opening of 2 regasification plants in Ravenna and Piombino,structures that are intended to be temporary, but which require huge investments,all in order to be able to process the gas coming mainly from the United Statesand extracted with the destructive practice of fracking. Of the trips to Africawe have mentioned above.In short, an ecologically disastrous situation, the watchwords of which are"temporariness", "emergency", "diversification of sources". Situation stigmatizedby the scientific community, by the environmentalist world, by the girls and boysof Fridays for Future, whose accusations were immediately returned to themessenger, both by the rulers and in the main newspapers of Italian capitalism(especially the corriere della sera and il sole 24 hours), accusing the draftersof these accusations of being bailed environmentalists, when no one had everaccused Italian capitalism of being ragged and incapable when it is tied hand andfoot to Russia for energy supplies.The accusations made against climate scientists, who are passed off as gurus withno sense of reality and whose invocations to common sense remain a dead letter,frankly make us smile; it seems years have passed since the pandemic and theelevation of science as the only fetish for salvation, two weights and twomeasures that are intolerable and that show the embarrassing paucity of theruling class.The current situation also shows the inconsistency of the multi-year policy ofgas storage, billions and billions of cubic meters of gas pumped underground,contested by ecologists as the storage plants were not subject to the Sevesodirective. Well, Snam has always maintained that storages were indispensable inthe event of an energy crisis, and now, at the first signs of a crisis, it turnsout that they are minimally so, making them in fact a potential completelysuperfluous danger in an emergency.We have all never believed in the fable of green capitalism and the greeneconomy, believing that capital is always rapacious and predatory, that the moneygiven to the most polluting companies to guarantee lower emissions will be usedby those same companies to squeeze even more of the latest. drops of fossilfuels, we believe that it is not the color of the system that has to change, butthe system itself. Instead, all the international policies put into practice upto now by absurdity do nothing but strengthen the system. The criticisms, even ofcommon sense, leveled at the system from within, with the desire to improve it,do nothing but strengthen it. We are sure that a zero-emission car is preferableto an old turbo diesel engine, but even this only strengthens the system,Therefore we do not want to give advice on individual lifestyles, oftenstigmatized and seen as the main causes of pollution. We believe and hope thatthe reader knows how to adjust to their lifestyles, is aware of the choices hemakes when he travels, when he works, when he buys, when he eats, when heproduces waste.This does not mean that a person should be completely free to do what he wantswithout taking an interest in the environmental footprint he leaves, but it is asimple call to the conscience of each of us, a sort of individual gymnasticspreparatory to a change of social system without the which the inhabitants of theplanet are destined to a very slow and barbaric extinction--To request a copy of the magazine, send an article or a comment you can write toilcantiere@autistici.orgIl Cantiere n. 10 Settembre 2022Alternativa Libertaria/Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchiciilcantiere@autistici.org_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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