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maandag 3 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, FdCA: ACCESSION TO THE #CLIMATE STRIKE OF 23 SEPTEMBER 2022 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Friday 23 September 2022 the climate strikes called by Fridays will resume

---- For Future: it seems years have passed since students began to take to thestreets to demand concrete and immediate actions to strongly limit the damagethat society based on capitalism is inflicting on the planet. In general,institutional politics has responded to these requests with empty promises thathave not led to anything concrete to date. ---- Sunday 25 September in Italythere will be political elections and the strike of the FFF also serves to try togive yet another wake up call to a ruling class that, despite importantproclamations, has not the slightest intention of giving up the large slices ofprofit that fossil sources still guarantee.The so-called green economy was conceived and put in place precisely to allow thefossil giants and large industry to continue to extract and produce usingresources that have weakened the planet's immune defenses, but doing it with lesspolluting means, at best; a fig leaf that fails to cover the havoc that thethirst for profit of a few has caused.The various conferences on climate that have taken place over the years, in anattempt to limit climate change of anthropogenic origin (or rather, of capitalistorigin), also set ambitious objectives, but to be achieved in an inadequatelylong period of time; considering then that the political classes that follow thenational governments have not so far had the will to impose drastic choices tolimit the ecological damage that weighs more and more especially on the lessaffluent population groups, the carbon neutrality objectives by 2050 willcertainly be exceeded and the problem will be downloaded in an amplified manneron the next generations.As Alternative Libertaria / FdCA we adhere to the Fridays For Future climatestrike, convinced that without a change of social paradigm there will be noenvironmental salvation, that capitalist society is by its very nature voraciousin plundering the environment and territories, that the thirst for profit itgenerates exploitation of the planet and of people and that unfortunately thegood and necessary individual ecological practices are of little use within sucha social paradigm.The pandemic has put us in front of slogans such as "everything will be fine" or"everything will be as before", but it is precisely the status quo and theunwillingness to change that have led millions of young people to the streets.And what a change instead it is, an ecological and social revolution is nownecessary because time is running out and climate change is already producing itseffects, significantly worsening our lives, fiercely hitting the most fragilegroups, exacerbating environmental and social criticalities on a global scale. .Against the voracity of capitalismFor a fairer and more equitable societyNow, why don't we have a spare planetLibertarian / FdCA alternativehttps://fdca-cr.tracciabi.li/adesione-allo-sciopero-per-il-clima-del-23-settembre-2022/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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