Kia ora and welcome to the hundredth Auckland activist fortnightly newsletter!
Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed to our newsletter, we hope tosee you all at the two hundredth issue of this newsletter! You can get the latestupdates on COVID-19 in Aotearoa here: ---- The biggestcampaign in Auckland happening right now is Protect Putiki: on Waiheke Island, where kaitiaki are protectingPutiki Bay from a colonial and environmentally harmful marina development byKennedy Point Marina Development Limited through peaceful direct action. Thekaitiaki have suffered massive amounts of violence from private security guardsand police, but their peaceful direct action is resisting the development every day.If you can go to Waiheke Island, then the kaitiaki need more people who can bearwitness. If you can't go to Waiheke Island, then you can help through donatingmoney and supplies, sharing the campaign's content on social media, signingpetitions and open letters, attending solidarity rallies, attending courthearings of kaitiaki who have been arrested by police, popping a manu, recordingit on video and tagging Protect Putiki and talking to your friends and whanauabout the campaign.A range of other events will be happening throughout the rest of September andOctober, including Know Your Rights Online Workshop on Tuesday 11 October from6.30pm online via Zoom and Facing Change Together: Work That Reconnects on Monday31 October from 7.15pm online.While the Government has nearly removed all COVID-19 protections and COVID-19cases are slowly declining, we're still in a pandemic, so do what you need to doto protect yourself and your communities as you get involved in activism!We are an explicitly anarchist group in Auckland, about a year old, strugglingfor a better, fair and equal world. We are always open to new members. To findout more, come along to a public meeting, or you can find us - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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