At our last General Assembly held in Can Tonal on October 1st, we carried out a
situational analysis exercise, in order to better understand where we arelocated. The points are intended to link the factor of the Ukraine War and thefactors of the global supply crisis or the energy and climate crisis. You can seehow the "doctrine of the shock" that we suffer continuously favors theconsolidation of authoritarian and eco-fascist discourses, at the same time thatthe consensus or social advances previously achieved in the matter of humanrights, social rights or women's right to their own bodies are cracking . -DEVELOPMENT ---- 1. The war has meant a breakdown in relations between theWestern bloc (Euro-Atlantic) and the Russian bloc (composed of Russia, Belarus,Central Asia and its allied countries such as Syria or Iran).2. This is not only a breakdown of political relations but also of economic ones.It is possible that the sanctions on the Russian oligarchic elites pose someinternal problem to the Russian state. But what is decisive for everyone is theend of globalization. From now on, a multipolar world is born. It remains to beseen what China does.3. The breakdown of international order resulting from a full-scale militaryinvasion is also a very strong blow against the credibility of globalinstitutions (UN) as arbiters of conflicts. It proves that what really matters ismilitary strength. This message is what the Asian or African countries that arein full expansion of their armies have understood. Therefore, the (false) liberalhumanist morality prevailing in international relations is very much in question.4. At the same time, the war and sanctions cause us to suspend imports ofresources and goods from the Russian bloc (or break the supply chain). This isleading to inflation and serious economic problems within the Western bloc. Wewill see protests arising from the crisis that has just arrived. This crisisfeeds back on the pandemic crisis and the post-pandemic crisis related to thebottleneck in the global transport of goods.5. The previous points are combined with the bellicose and threatening tone takenby the Western bloc (represented by NATO and the EU, among other institutions).There has come to be veiled talk, without any shame, of nuclear war.6. The current context indicates that there is no will to make a reduction forthe good. Wars for resources will be a constant and will lead us to authoritarianregimes that rule by decree. There is also no interest in delaying or reversingclimate change, since cutting off relations with Russia means assuming astructural lack of fuel. What they have come up with to deal with it is not toact in a decrementist way but to use more coal and more nuclear power plants, nowconsidered in the EU as green energies.In short, the world has chosen the worst of the possible alternatives to faceresource, climate or social emergency crises. Not only that, but it gives thefeeling that the dominant discourse is that of the extreme right at all levels,so the tendency towards mutual support is greatly underestimated. They even seemto have the possibility of governing states (Italy), which will activate realeco-fascism policies.[Embat Note: This was done before the Italian general election]At the same time, as a consequence and feeding back the reaction of the far-rightdiscourse, we are faced with the retreat of rights and freedoms achieved untilnow. Examples include the tightening of migration policies and the loss of rightsregarding one's own body, such as abortion among others.-Don't see this analysis as a call to spread fear and do nothing about it.Precisely from here we derive our strategies and tactics for the period. Eachcollective and organization will have to draw their own and we encourage you todo so, as we need a society prepared for what is to come.Entry navigation - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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