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vrijdag 4 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWORLD #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CNT-AITAnarchosyndicalisme! n°178: HELP THE #UKRAINIAN ANARCHIST RESISTANCE! (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The war started by Putin and his clique has been going on for more than 6 months.

In the chaos, some dissenting voices try to make themselves heard to reject thewar and its nationalist rage. The Olga Taratuta Solidarity Initiative was createdfrom the very first days to make the voice of all those who - in Ukraine, Russiaor Belarus - with admirable courage oppose the war heard, without necessarilydoing the game of the nationalists of their respective countries. ---- In Russia,the anti-wars and the anarchists (including our companions of the Russian sectionof the AIT) are obliged to act discreetly, even clandestinely, because therepression is increasingly strong. Dozens of people are imprisoned, sometimes forhaving simply demonstrated with a simple sheet of white paper! It is essential tosupport the morale of the prisoners by writing to them. You will find a list ofaddresses on our website http://nowar.solidarite.online/blog. The announcement ofthe mobilization led to spontaneous popular reactions against war, particularlyin the peripheral republics of the Caucasus and Siberia, the poor regions fromwhich most of the soldiers sent to the butchery in Ukraine come.In Ukraine, Russian aggressors have destroyed the east of the country and inparticular the Kharkov region. In this city, the companions of the Assembleiagroup show extreme courage and a political lucidity that commands respect. Underthe bombs of the Russian Federation, they participate in grassroots solidarityactions and civil resistance, without sinking into support for the Ukrainiangovernment. They loudly uphold anarchist, anti-statist and anti-militaristprinciples, while most "anarchist" groups in Ukraine threw all principlesoverboard as soon as the invasion began by joining the ranks of the Ukrainian army.Due to the destruction of essential infrastructure by the Russian army, theheating will certainly be lacking for the companions, while the winter is usuallyparticularly harsh in this region of the world. The energy problem, which alreadyaffects many of us, will arise there in an even more dramatic way.This is why we are launching an urgent call for solidarity with the companions ofAssembleia to help them as winter approaches:you can make donations online on their platform:https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/mutual-aid-alert-for-east-ukraine/you can also send solidarity checks to the order of CNT-AIT (mention "SolidaritéUkraine" on the back) to CNT-AIT, 7 rue ST Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSEyou can make a bank transfer to the following account (send an email tocontact@solidarite.online to inform us of the transfer):IBAN: FR81 2004 1010 1603 1175 7H03 7 45 / BIC: PSSTFRPPTOU / Holder: CNT-AIT /Banque La PosteFinally, if you wish to support the Initiative, do not hesitate to contact us toreceive our newsletter and distribute it around you, to your friends, family andcolleagues.Companions and companions of the "Olga Taratuta" Solidarity Initiativehttp://cntaittoulouse.lautre.net/spip.php?article1273_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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