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zondag 6 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL AL #331 - Ecology, Olympic Games 2024: Paris obtains the gold medal for the rampage in the 93 (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In Seine-Saint-Denis, as work for the 2024 Olympics progresses, several

collectives are campaigning against the invasion of their territory, theevictions of squats, the destruction of places of biodiversity and the securityand racist gentrification of 93. - --- The atmosphere is heavy in a period whereon the one hand the extreme right is gaining ground and on the other, the averageearth temperature is constantly climbing. However, we are preparing for the"Olympic Fascisation" which will take place in 2024 in Paris. ---- In the name ofthe Olympic order, the public authorities ransacked several green lungs ofSeine-Saint-Denis (93) to implement the model of a city colonized by a religion :sport. We say religion because the modern Olympic Games defended by theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC), from the staging of Nazi aesthetics duringthe Berlin Games of 1936 to the present day, have always been thought of as such.In a speech broadcast in 1935, Pierre de Coubertin (founder of the IOC) affirmedthat modern Olympism was a religion and that the athlete exalts his fatherland,his race and his flag.After the Second World War, the famous ceremony of passing the torch conveyed thepolitical and moral ideals of the myth of Prometheus. However, Hegel had alreadyshown that there were neither morals nor ideals in Prometheus, who only taughtmen cunning and the mastery of nature. Long before Coubertin's elitist vision ofsport, in La Cité Antique (1864), the historian Fustel de Coulanges insisted onthe importance of the symbolism of the sacred fire in Indo-European religions [1].Rampage 2024: Not very green OlympicsPerverted sporting idealsToday, this symbol of sacred fire becomes a weapon of massive control that weunderestimate: the digital. Through the massive deployment of surveillancecameras and the predictive use of urban data to model future Olympic Games, itensures total control.The (Olympic) greenwashing continues, in the 93 as everywhere in the world,claiming that its strategy is liberal and ecological while it is draconian andecocidal, reinforced by the appearance of new strategies of digital control andsurveillance [2]. While simple and low-consumption technologies should befavored, no serious limits are imposed on the accumulation of new technologies:drones, facial recognition, algorithmic video surveillance, etc. The omnipresenceof the Olympic spectacle via new technologies aims to dominate the consciences ofindividuals. This domination will leave the field open to the repression ofmigrants and Muslims in the territory of 93, the first victims of securitygreenwashing always being racialized people.Thus, on the Olympic sites, companies resort to the concealed work ofundocumented migrants, a form of modern slavery that can go as far as death.Recently, yet another scandal revealed the exploitation of dozens of undocumentedmigrants by a multitude of subcontractors with mafia overtones [3].The year of Olympism at schoolFor schoolchildren, "the year of Olympism, from school to university" is firmlyrooted in the minds of young people. The program is changed in order to"discover" the modern disciplines of the Olympic Games. Dedicated educationalcontent such as the tools of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee(CNOSF) and the IOC aim to radically sportivize youth as part of a national planto promote Olympic values [4].Some associations or collectives engaged in the fight against the 2024 OlympicsThe Olympic ideology has already begun to recruit young people until 2024. Aworkforce that will be used to promote new neighborhoods acceleratinggentrification through the Games. The renovation of several sports facilities,the construction of new housing and new transport lines constitute the major partof the worksites that ransack the 93. There is no doubt that the ransacking, aswell as the potential impacts on our environment, can be serious. . The Saccage2024 collective uses this term because it is indeed a vast operation of deepmutilation of the popular 93, allowed by the Olympic Games while ignoring thehistory and the values of this territory. The imposed projects are in the logicof before the health crisis, the one that leads to the privatization ofeverything, to an irremediable climatic and social catastrophe [5].Most of the unions have aligned themselves with the point of view of the Olympicideology. It is to be regretted that only Solidaires and the CNT refused to signthe Olympic charter. Thanks to the collectives of 93, we had several victories tocelebrate against the Olympics. The first is the struggle of the Jardinsd'Aubervilliers collective regarding the training pool. More recently, thevictory of the collective Our Park is not for sale (NPPNAV) and the NationalMovement for the Fight for the Environment in Seine-Saint-Denis (MNE93) againstthe construction of a bowling alley planned at Parc Georges-Valbon (only Natura2000 reserve in IDF). And finally, the massive mobilization in Spain againstCatalonia's candidacy for the 2030 Winter Games. These victories show that thefight is paying off!But the list of battles still to be waged is long : the motorway interchange inthe Pleyel district, the Olympic village in Île-Saint-Denis, the ZAC PlaineSaulnier and the Olympic aquatic center, the hospital-university campusGrand-Paris- North to Saint-Ouen, the Grand Paris express and its stations [6].Seine-Saint-Denis becomes an Olympic territory but the struggles continueunabated despite the massive evictions from the squats occupied by the mostprecarious: undocumented immigrants, artists, male and female students...For now, the fight is far from over. The chances of a strike occurring in August2024 during the Games are slim. But let's dream of a spark that ignites thesocial movement ! Let's mobilize massively against the ecocide Olympics and theirracist and security abuses. And "this will only be the beginning ! as our Kurdishcomrades say.Muhsin (UCL Paris north-east)To validate[1]"Fukushima, the Nazis and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics", Satoshi Ukai, Monday.am,January 3, 2019.[2]"Collective complaint against the technopolice", laquadrature.net, May 24, 2022.[3]"Shovelless fraud on the Olympics sites", L'Humanité, July 4, 2022.[4]2024, the Olympic Games did not take place, Marc Pérélman, Éditions du Détour,2021.[5]"What are the Olympic Games and why are we against it", Collectif Saccage2024, online at saccage2024.noblogs.org.[6]"2024 Olympics, rampage accelerator", Youth For Climate, 2021.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?JO-2024-Paris-obtient-la-medaille-d-or-du-saccage-dans-le-93_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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