A member of London Anarchist Communist Group conducted an interview with a
striking postal worker who works in central London. ---- Describe your situation:---- I work in one of the central London sorting and delivery offices, as awalking postie. Management is looking to suppress 75% of the walking posties inour office. There have been constant revisions and a downward spiral of cut aftercut. This new management led by Simon Thompson is particularly nasty. I don'tthink they want to negotiate at all. After many years on the job, I still am lowdown on the seniority ladder, which gives priority of jobs to those there thelongest. Many have seniority of from between 25 to 40 years. Royal Mail used tooffer EVR (Early Voluntary Redundancy) but new management have stopped this, somany are staying in the job. The problem for me is that next year I don't knowwhether I'll be able to stay in my office or not, or be moved to another officeor other duties.Management are already talking about scanning in and scanning out machines, whichclock your starting and finishing times. With this you would have to stay in jobeven if you had finished posting. One of the perks of the job has been being ableto go home early after having delivered all the mail, which has always been thecarrot with the job. Central London offices have been hit very hard, because it's mainly offices,with much less residential addresses. People prefer now to work from home, as aresult of the Covid pandemic, with the knock on effect on us. It seems to havebecome a permanent fixture. As a result a lot of cafes and sandwich shops haveclosed down.The union has told us to work slow and take all of our breaks, but because postalworkers are used to going fast in order to finish early, they are not obeyingunion instructions.Management are pushing for all postal workers on delivery to be drivers. I wouldconsider this if they paid for driving lessons, but this is not guaranteed, andthen you have the aggravation of driving in traffic in central London, with allthe stress and delays.It almost feels that we'll become gig economy workers.How solid is the strike?As I said, I'm in a big office in central London, with 100 postal workers workingon the day shifts, with just a couple always scabbing. These scabs would havegone on the rounds before, but they are now going to other offices to deliver.Management is prioritising parcels and special delivery.Overall there is solid support for the strikes. Some smaller offices in thecountryside have seen one or two on the picket line with the rest walking in towork. Those workers who are not in the CWU union do not consider themselves scabsor blacklegs. Those scabbing tend to be those always working overtime, greedyfor the money.The union at my sorting office has not been good at persuading people to go onthe picket line. In other areas, like Whitechapel, there have been large numbersout on the picket line, with barbecues and all that. But at my office, at leasthalf of the workers live a long way away, because they can't afford to live incentral London. This causes problems with attendance on picket lines.We don't get strike pay, so we lose a day's pay when we go out on strike. You canmake this up by working on rest days, because management have cut so many jobs sothey need replacements.What is morale like?No one expects the union to get everything they demand.Might a lot of people leave after the strikes if demands are not met?If EVR was offered, half the workforce would take it (the average age at myoffice is 55)The scenario could be that the work is increasingly casualised with machinestracking workers. They have GPS on them, so they can see where you are exactly onthe map. Redelivery would mean attempting to deliver 3 or 4 times, if recipientof post is not there, will have to continue to attempt to deliver, as there iscurrently no limit on this.You can now book to have posties to pick up parcels at the door. This has createda lot of extra work as part of my round. If the person who booked doesn't answerthe door or hasn't wrapped the parcel, then you have to cancel. This is a freeservice. Management could use this to cut staff at Crown offices.Management would like to move more workers on to same shift so that they do bothdeliveries and collections from Crown offices and post boxes.Will the strikes be successful?According to Dave Ward (CWU leader) management are starting to talk but we aremiles away from decisions. Management wanted to call in ACAS (the governmentmediating body Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) but this wouldhave meant the strikes stopping whilst they mediated. The CWU called their bluffon this and refused. Management is now threatening the sacking of ten thousandworkers in response to the strikes.The forthcoming strike days have been coordinated for the maximum effect, forBlack Friday and Cyber Monday (November 25th and 28th). There is a total of 19days of strike action in November, with December dates as yet unannounced. Iexpect similar action then.I think there might be some kind of stitch up with the union agreeing to Sundaywork. The CWU likes to talk militant and radical, but if you look at its historyit is one of sell-out after sell-out.The strike action is now being staggered, which should have been done earlier.This means workers on trucks and trailers out on one day, workers in processingout on another day, etc. So when one section is out on strike, other sectionscannot work but will be paid!Some large companies like John Lewis and Marks and Spencer have threatened towithdraw from their business and go to private companies.Some managers in the offices have been given a £1500 bonus during the strikes.They are in the Unite union. I'm pretty disgusted that Sharon Graham hasn't saidanything about Unite members crossing picket lines. So much for her militantposturing. Dave Ward has just now said he will be approaching Unite about this.Previously management came to some sort of agreement with the union, but not withthe new management. I haven't heard what the strategy of the union is going to beafter the November and December strikes. The CWU leadership is as usual appealingto the Labour Party, to a Labour victory at an election two years away. Starmerof course has not addressed himself to the postal strikes.Update from interviewed postal worker: some offices in the North Londonpostcodes are struggling with backlogs at the moment (plus sick level i guess) soyesterday they forced people in Mount Pleasant delivery to go there to help out(postcodes where they don't know the streets ,sorting etc) about 8 people intotal. Come next year with potential massive job cuts in central London officesthere is a risk of lots of us being eternal casuals within the industry, beingpushed around London to cover etc. so not looking good.https://www.anarchistcommunism.org/2022/10/23/going-postal/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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