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maandag 28 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GREECE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Greece, APO, Land & Freedom:[#Athens] Text of the Athens Anarchist Students' Initiative (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 To make the student movement dangerous, unguarded and subversive and not a means

to enforce party wills - rebelliousness --- After a year of kineticdemoralization by part of the student movement in Athens, the appearance of theuniversity police at the gates of the EKPA - protected by all sort of cops - aswell as the events that followed the 3rd libertarian festival of occupied spacesand collectives with the murderous intervention of the police, created a seriesof movements and a new cycle of struggle has begun with a tipping point in theresistance against state repression. ---- After the great defeat of the studentelections themselves - and not of the DAP - as the abstention exceeded anyprecedent, the left student current defines itself as the main expression of thestudents. Nevertheless, the trade union perception of the left and itsinstitutional reading on the issue of asylum, the only thing it offers to thestudent movement is the demarcation of the struggle and the imposition of apolitical organization vertical in complete opposition to the original purpose ofthe general assemblies, that of interaction of students on the basis ofco-configuration. The so-called direct democratic function of the generalassemblies highlights the contradiction of the existence of the board ofdirectors which can bypass the collective decision-making process, although thisis theoretically impossible to happen, essentially being an authoritarian bodythat considers the people it represents to be inferior and easily manipulable.Following this policy, the general assemblies lose their horizontality and aretransformed into a means of representing the party factions. Leading to thedepoliticization of the ordinary student, the discrediting of the associationitself as well as the blocking of radical decisions that will escalate andcontinue the struggle.The big bet for us is whether the libertarian/autonomous trend will stop spinningaround itself and be able to transform into a pole. To be more clear, by pole Imean the creation of a more coherent structure, open, but with clear and certainpolitical characteristics that will be promoted and characterized by the speechand action of the subjects within it. So within the movement a specific anddistinct political proposal will be defined that will have its own independencewhen expressed on the street. The tendency is understood as the set of thosepolitical characteristics that arise distinctly through the intra-movementcompetition, and being a minority part it gathers around them forming open andopportunistic structures, trying to defend them and re-promote them to themovement as proposals. The trend ultimately remains marginalized with the othermore coherent parts of the movement and through constant discounting loses itsindependence and its ideological sign."Unionism is reformist by nature. What we can increasingly expect from him is:the reforms he seeks and succeeds to be such and to be conquered in such a way asto help education and revolutionary preparation and pave the way for ever greaterdemands." Errico MalatestaFor us, the main political issue is the defense of the social character of theuniversity asylum. Precisely because the asylum and the anarchist movement aredirectly connected to each other and have as a common starting point therebellion of the polytechnic. Asylum is inextricably linked to the struggles forfreedom, equality and dignity from the period of dictatorship andpost-colonialism, to the Uprising of 2008. To this day when the strugglingstudents are fighting and facing the auras, chemicals and attacks of uniformedkillers assault battalions of democracy in the streets and in the universities,the asylum continues to be a living point of reference for the insurgents, thefighters/women, the anarchists, the whole movement. It constitutes theideological link between generations and does not cease to give meaning to thedisputes of social and class struggles. It housed a multitude of radicalpolitical processes and transformed political discourse into action.As Anarchists we reject without a second thought the notion that our identity isdetermined in each different social field and we cease to be the totality of ourproperties but a part of it. We do not reveal our political identity preciselybecause we consider that all aspects of us define our socio-political dimensionand we refuse to hide our political-ideological identity simply for tactical reasons.We are students, workers, anarchist subjects whose conscience clearly tells usthat the path to individual and collective emancipation will come only throughsocial insurgency and the unstoppable revolutionary process that will make usexperience the world we dream of. We don't play it as experts in fighting andfighting for a better tomorrow, we rely on the principle of self-organization andwe believe that only those from below by collectiveizing their wishes fortomorrow can bring about change. We seek to connect the struggle againsteducational restructuring with the wider social and class struggles by refusingto limit it to the narrow contexts of individual claims, we do not wish to passinto reformist logics of compromise but we strive for a university of commonownership that will operate in the standards of libertarian education and allpeople will have equal access to it. Inspired by the students of the Sorbonne inMay 1968 where they started a revolution of conscience and tried to connect therevolted student subject with the wider class, the anarchists who started theoccupation of the polytechnic in 1973, proposing a complete break with thestate-capitalist system and not simply the transition to bourgeois democracy andall the fighters who gave their freedom or even their lives for a revolutionaryperspective. If the student movement in Athens wants to mass, clash and winrather than be led to reformism, a direct break with the system and its values isthe only way. The defense of the university asylum and its social character, thestruggle against the educational process and its restructuring cannot but be partof the struggle for social liberation.Initiative of Anarchist Students of Athenshttps://landandfreedom.gr/el/apopseis/analyseis/1009-protovoulia-anarxikon-foititon-trion-athinas_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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