"This character came out of my camp life, a typical kid of those days; barefoot,
destitute and deprived. ---- created this character so that I would never forgetwhere I come from" Naji al-Ali[1]. ---- If we squint our eyes we can glimpse acommon thread in the vertiginous present that we live. Previous issues of thenewspaper Organización Obrera have realized that the socio-environmental problemis something more than the claims of a group of lyrical people who demand healthyterritories in the face of "more urgent" problems or "that correspond to theworking class" (issues January/February , May/June 2022, to name a few). Whathappens with the indigenous communities of Abya Yala[2]It is not an isolatedevent: the war for water resources is silent but highly effective; not only inthe displacement of communities but also in the lack of discussion about newmodes of production that are not annihilating for the beings that inhabit thiscelestial body that we call earth.Thus, geopolitical borders are blurred in the face of extractivist models thatseek to increase their production, mask the products they sell ( greenwashing[3]) or carry out operations to exploit common goods in territories wherelegislation, needs or ignorance of politics vernacular give free rein and bulgetheir already full pockets. From the sugar mills like Ledesma, through themega-mining companies, the landowners who promote monoculture to murderousfactories like Porta (Córdoba, Argentina), the "environmental problem" transcendsnot only interprovincial lines: it is a fundamental debate where the workingclass must be a participant if there is that desire or longing for transformation.But this journey does not start in Abya Yala but in the Middle East. That placethat we sometimes look at with some curiosity and that we think of as remote andincomprehensible has problems in common with those of us who inhabit the pampas.Mekorot: Water Murders in the West BankMekorot (Hebrew: ??????) is Israel's national water company. It was founded in1937. It supplies 80% of Israel's drinking water. It is worth asking ourselves,to whom does it provide it? The Palestinian authorities have denounced that thecompany not only performs selective water cuts, but also that its provision isinfinitely less for Palestinians than for Israelis. An example of this is thatthe water consumption of Palestinians in the West Bank is between 20 and 73liters per person per day, below the 100 liters recommended by the World HealthOrganization. Mekorot is the only water supply company in the region, a fact thatshows the importance of water analysis as a geopolitical factor that not onlygenerates regional war conflicts but also marks the new apartheids of the 21stcentury (Méndez & Montañez, 2018).The Israeli settlers who live in the West Bank[4]use six times more water thanthe 2.6 million Palestinians who live there, a fact that clearly shows theappropriation of water resources, their illegal exploitation and the need on thepart of the Palestinian authorities to "buy" water from Mekorot for survival(Pérez, 2014).According to Amnesty International , the legacy of 50 years of Israeli occupationhas left in the territories inhabited by Palestinian families has beencolonialist, violative and intentional because the absence of safe water causesforced displacement of social groups dedicated to agricultural practices. Anexample of this is the military order number 158 of the Israeli government (1967)that referred to the impossibility of the Palestinian population in theconstruction of water supplies that did not have the permission of Israel. Itwould be redundant to clarify that obtaining such permission is impossible."The Palestinian population living under Israeli military occupation hascontinued to suffer the devastating consequences of this order to this day. Itcannot drill new wells, install pumps or deepen existing wells, and it is deniedaccess to the Jordan River and freshwater springs. Israel even controls theaccumulation of rainwater in most of the West Bank, and the Israeli armyfrequently destroys the cisterns owned by Palestinian communities for thispurpose. As a result, some 180 Palestinian communities in rural areas of theoccupied West Bank have no access to running water, according to the UN Officefor the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Even in cities and townsconnected to the water supply network, the pipes are often dry" (AmnestyInternational , 2017) .Israel's control of water resources is absolutely arbitrary. An example of thiswas the cutting carried out in 2016 at the beginning of Ramadan[5]in some 30villages in Jenin and Nablus. Cutting off the water during that month isextremely violent since it is a space for family gatherings (Iftar[6]) where themembers share food and wait for the Sahur to go to bed. It should be noted thattemperatures are around 50 degrees Celsius during the season, a fact that makesit impossible for all the beings that inhabit the territory to survive without asupply of water.The wells where Mekorot operates (42 in the West Bank) used to depend on thevillages, being in the hands of the communities."The Israeli project has been a colonialist project since 1947, that is how thatState was founded, which was a catastrophe for Palestinian society, when around700,000 Palestinians were displaced. This colonial project does not end to thisday, it continues to expand by leaps and bounds through appropriation of land andresources. It is an occupation that implements apartheid» ( Verónica Raffaelli ,2022).The situation is especially critical in refugee camps where the absence of watercan last for days, making it impossible for people not only to clean themselvesbut also to carry out basic tasks necessary for survival ( Fight for water inPalestine | EL PAÍS (elpais.com) ) ). The water used by Palestinians is not safe:it has high levels of nitrate and chloride causing damage to health (Nassar, 2014)."Gaza has long suffered from severe water problems, with its aquifer polluted bysewage, chemicals and seawater and the territory's three desalination plantsunable to meet demand. To drink, most citizens depend on imported, bottled water»(UNCTAD, 2014: 6).Surely, curious readers, at this point you are wondering, what do the workers ofthe humid pampas have to do with the lack of water in the West Bank? The answeris simple: after the international tour of Wado de Pedro (Minister of theInterior), the provinces of Mendoza and San Juan signed a state agreement withMekorot for water management. Something is rotting in Denmark and it has nothingto do with Hamlet.During the month of May (2022), in a meeting attended by the director of CFIPrograms, Teresa Oyhamburu; Israel's ambassador to Argentina, Eyal Sela; thedeputy head of the mission of the Embassy of Israel in Argentina, Adam Levene;the honorary consul of Mendoza, Andrés Ostropolsky; the coordinator ofInternational Special Projects of Mekorot, Diego Berger; the director ofInternational Business at Mekorot, Barak Graber; and the president of theArgentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce, Mario Montoto; de Pedro said: "The futureis linked to responsible and intelligent management of natural resources, and themost essential is water (...) this type of agreement is that they are the basisfor going province by province, generating awareness that water management mustbecome a state policy".Mekorot rubs his hands together."With climate change, we can see that we have more and more periods of drought,along with periods of rain that produce floods. Argentina has such a largegeography that we have two thirds of arid territory, but many regions haveproductive potential, while others have excess water» ( De Pedro , 2022).For the Minister of the Interior, a solution to climate change is to sell waterresources to private companies with dark interests. It should be noted thatcharacters such as Malena Galmarini (owner of Aysa) think of water as a "primaryby-product, and it is beginning to be valued as a commodity. We have theresponsibility to transport this resource from one area of Argentina to anotherso that everyone has access to water, and also to be able to take it to othercountries of the Southern Cone". From the unification and control of domestic and industrial water consumption,"priorities" are set . Priorities that will be established by those who place thegold spools just as they do in the West Bank. 6 initial stages of implementationwere designed for the agreement:Study of the current state of the sector and water balance.Potential and projections of water resources (groundwater and surface water)2030-2050.Water demand projections 2030-2050.Concepts and regulations of the water economy.Water balance and alternative water supply systems.Economic analysis of the approved water supply scheme.The secretary general of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), Ignacio Lamothe ,regarding the agreement mentioned: "Israel's most important exploitation is theuse of heads to see how to occupy the water resource, and this is what we want toconvey" . It is not necessary to be an academic experienced in content analysisto understand what is behind the agreement that will "save" Argentina from"climate change".Will we be able to organize ourselves to fight these companies that extractivistcolonialism comes from the hand of their promises or will it happen to us likeHandala and we will be left small, thirsty and without land to cultivate?Looking at the Middle East is looking at ourselves with our own eyes: after all,the configuration of the territories has not been arranged by those who inhabit them.Calling for the workers' organization also means calling for a good life for usand others. Without water, without air, without earth, without fire there is nopossible existence. Organizing is, then, having the ability to prepare the groundto sow again. Sow values of hospitality (Vilca, 2020) to envision new horizons ofliving.BibliographyReport on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Evolution of the Economyof the Occupied Palestinian Territory (2017). TD/B/64/4. Geneva: United Nations.Retrieved from: https://unctad.org/meetings/es/SessionalDocuments/tdb64d4_es.pdfMendez, MA, & Montanez, JR (2018). Palestinian-Israeli conflict in light ofhydropolitics and the violation of the right to water. International Studies, 50(190), 107-124. Retrieved from:https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6547914Nassar, W.(2014). The water crisis in Gaza worsens. Al-Jazeera chain. Retrievedfrom:https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2014/03/pictures-gaza-water-crisis-wors-201432673053211982.htmlPerez, I. (2014). Water apartheid in Palestine (eldiario.es)Vilca, Mario (2020). Pachacuti or "boltearse the earth". Ancient ways ofinhabiting the world. R. Kusch Institute. National University of Jujuy.[1]Naji al Ali was born in the village of al-Shajara, in Galilee, in 1937. In1948, after the declaration of the State of Israel, he was forced into exile withhis family in Lebanon, in the refugee camp of Ain al-Helwa. The characterportrayed in the note, Handala, is a ten-year-old Palestinian boy who does notgrow up. Naji explained that the ten-year-old boy was his age when he was forcedto leave Palestine and that he will not grow up until he can return to hishomeland. On January 22, 1987, Naji al-Ali was on his way to the headquarters ofal-Qabas newspaper in London when he was shot outside his office. He was taken tothe hospital and remained in a coma until he died later that year on August 29.Font:In Memoriam: Naji al-Ali, one of the great Palestinian cartoonists,assassinated 32 years ago (palestinalibre.org)[2]Etymologically the word Abya Yala comes from two words: "Abe" which meansblood and "Yala" which means space, territory. So it would mean land of blood.However, it has other meanings such as: land in full maturity, land of vitalblood, land of life, noble land that welcomes everyone. Also saved territory,preferred, loved, and as a land in permanent youth. Source: Alice Dictionary >Entries (uc.pt)[3]Greenwashing is a green marketing practice intended to create an illusoryimage of ecological responsibility. Source: Greenwashing: definition and examples(selectra.com)[4]At the beginning of the 20th century, with the aim of expelling the OttomanEmpire from the Middle East, the British supported an Arab rebellion against theTurks. In 1916, the British and French secretly divided up the territory of theMiddle East. The following year, England, with the aim of persuading the UnitedStates to participate in the war, issued the Balfour Declaration. The documentpromises to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for theJewish people. The Palestinians see in the presence of the Jews an imposition ofBritish colonialism. After the Holocaust, the UN approves the partition ofPalestine into two states, a fact that is not accepted by Palestine. Hostilitiesbreak out and, in May 1948, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion declares theindependence of the State of Israel. Hours later, seven Arab nations declare waron Israel, leaving the latter victorious. The result is the expansion of Israel'sborders and the displacement of 700,000 Palestinians. Font:How did the conflictbetween Palestine and Israel arise? - UDEP Today[5]During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims strengthen their relationship withAllah through fasting, selfless actions, and prayer.[6]Iftar (Arabic: ?????), refers to the nightly meal with which the daily fast isbroken during the Islamic month of Ramadan. It is done in a communal way andtakes place after the maghrib (sunset).https://organizacion-obrera.fora.com.ar/2022/11/07/genocidios-ocultos-la-guerra-por-el-agua/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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